19147656? ago

I have given up on getting excited about any dates being of any significance.....and that includes the Fourth of July for me.

19145355? ago

So here's my datefag 2c. Q started posting Oct/Nov 2017 with Podesta and Hillary being arrested. I don't believe the plan was to reveal in chronological order. I think they started at the end and with current events peppered in, they rolled backwards, outlining the 3-4 year plan of revealing the pyramid of cases they have to get to the top of that cabal.

Bundled with the rumor Mueller was done last April/May but stayed open either for the Hatch Act or to delay the clock a year, but there's events that occurred (moves and counter moves) that delay executing certain phases. They've arrested something like 15k people relating to human trafficking since taking office, they should have more than enough on how it ties their cabal operation together.

But 1700 arrested April/May means they spent months preparing to catch them in a group and now they've got months to years to prosecute them all. Some will flip, some will suicide or be murdered, some will go to jail.

But it's going to take months to get enough information from the new informants to build the case they present when charging the top of the chain. Months from now means November and could be right in line for how Q started.

19146309? ago

Yes, the Q posts are interlaced. Who with the oldest being the END game.

That said, look up 11/6 and 11/3 on the Q clock. Any dates stand out?

19145174? ago


What's the better way to to insure an untimely demise?

A) Drink from a mini-bar at a Dominican Republic hotel.

B) Point a weapon at a cop and scream threats.

C) Announce that you have info that will result in the arrest of Hillary Clinton.

19143316? ago

To add to your theory, there is also a woman on YouTube saying that a source energy wave is hitting the planet by the 13th... Many people are feeling the new energies. This is one of the meanings of "Dark to Light".

19143409? ago


I actually discovered something Q was saying along those lines, was gonna post later on it!

19145873? ago

Aluna Ash is talking about it. Other people are also having powerful dreams about the rapture or harvest happening by July (or July 27th). Personally, my angels seemed to confirm to me that something is happening before the end of July...

Another interesting thing: many years ago, famous Brazilian medium Chico Xavier said that extraterrestrials would be expressly authorized to present themselves publicly after July 20th, 2019, if man did not create a third world war.

One more interesting thing: Isaac Kappy's final words (unlocked by 4chan anon):

July 4th 2019

THE Return of the King

Return to THE LIGHT

(556)   (223)   (556)   (223)
7       7       7       7

What's all this jazz about return to the light, and return of the king? 4chan anon also said "The Light is on it's way"... Q has said "Dark to Light" and ALSO "Those who are blind will soon see the light"... What's all this jazz about the LIGHT?!

It's speaking of "The Event" or "great solar flash" which is a flash of light sent by source which cleanses the earth of evil. This part of the solar system is currently quarantined, and negative entities wish to escape from Earth soon, otherwise they will be cleansed by the bright spiritual light.

So my guess on what to expect in the future is a possible financial crash, possible faked alien invasion and also an invasion of actual negative entities (AKA demons, or negatively polarized spirits) who will try to scare us as a last ditch attempt, before they try to retreat from the Earth so they don't get erased by the flash of light which is coming... I also think there will be a rapture type event where certain people will be leaving the Earth to ascend to their home planets as their soul contracts are complete... Some people on Earth will be shifting into a new dimension and we will be gaining new abilities like telepathy and healing... Extraterrestrial disclosure may be coming in July, or this year...

I don't know anything for sure, these are just some ideas...

19153777? ago

That sounds like Book of Mormon stuff. Definitely not biblical.

19154321? ago

It's New Age California Ascenssionist Cult crap. The ones claiming things Q never said, like;

  • Planet X/Nibiru is approaching Earth soon.
  • NESARA/GESARA/RV Financial Reset coming soon. (They've been claiming those 2 since 1991)
  • Trump will inact Nationwide Marshal law (Which would be an impeachible offense)
  • JFK Jr is; Alive/"Q"/"R"/Vincent Fusca or Obama.
  • The Earth really is Flat.
  • God is Gaia.
  • Their Angel/Spirit Guides told them; "________".
  • Ramptha says; "________".
  • God spoke to them personally and told them "_________".
  • And every other far-fetched fantasy one of them can think of.
  • They are preparing to Ascend and Translate to a higher vibration/dimension.

19147565? ago

Excellent post. I am tending to agree with what you said.

I was pretty firm on a Biblical view called partial preterism, though lately, I am starting to think that that was an early mirror of a massive event to take place at the end...

And here is my most recent post, I think youll enjoy it!


19142175? ago

The last Q post is to remind us of " those that they attack the most"...

Why do they comment to discredit something, without even researching?

I think we all know the answer to that. I have many more friends now that are following and researching all the crumbs. They see clearly.

19143443? ago

Badge if honor

19141763? ago

And if it's not this weekend it has to be next weekend, or the one after that, or maybe the next one. Mark my words, I totally called it.

19142333? ago


19143933? ago

Nice try shill, classic shill tactic calling other people shills. THE SHILLS ARE PANICKING!!!! WWG1WGA!!!!!

19141075? ago

Gonna post some tranny pics who’s interested?

19141402? ago

C'mon man pictures of your dad again? The whole of the internet has seen him in his ill fitting wig, and shitty make up. Just let him get on with his life. I'm sure he still loves you, but no more dad pics m'kay.

19141312? ago

Or you could do something more upright and kill yourself.

19140826? ago

I wouldn't doubt this considering the increase in chemtrails I've seen over the last few days. I'm sure they are prepping another "storm" to take over the news in a few days.

19143347? ago

Wrong Paul Wrong Paul Wrong Paul straw poll winner!

19140820? ago

Another date another disappointment Honk Honk!

19140805? ago

How could anyone predict a year in advance when people are going to commit suicide? How can someone predict at all when people are going to commit suicide, unless they are killing them themselves. Is Q killing these people?

19157327? ago

You're a fucking retarded shill aint ya? Intel release at certain times that's damaging as fuck, planned in advanced, has a great calculation of plotting out when someone involved would off themselves due to it, dipshit.

19157673? ago

You're a retard! None of these people are killing themselves. You are a shill and you act like((())). These people are being killed because they've become liabilities. If they are arrested they can rat on the higher-ups like Allison Mack is doing , you dumb fuck. Allison Mack deserved a death sentence she's getting a slap on the wrist. Some of these people would have loved to be in her position. And you're still a dumb fuck. Why didn't Allison Mack kill herself? No one as greedy as these people are kills themselves. They might not be taken alive but that's far from killing themselves. And you're still a dumb fuck.

19141327? ago


19141446? ago

Yep everyone who asks any kind of question must be a shill. So how would Q know a year in advance about suicide weekend? Are you trying to say Q's team is killing these people rather than arresting them?

19144654? ago

Q may have them kill themselves bc of what is brought to light through Q? Or have them kill eachother under the name of 'suicide', bc they start talking to white hats, throw eachother under the bus etc. But other than that, Q knows only what that really means. We'll have to wait and see

19143963? ago


19144490? ago

Dang ! man, control yr caps

19144516? ago


19141155? ago

Time machines, duh!!

19141859? ago

Actually, they use the Looking Glass technology to see outcomes.

Follow the Majestic 12 on Twitter. @TS_SCI_MAJIC12

19141238? ago

In case that wasn't sarcastic? If a time machine existed and worked the game would be over already. If it was sarcastic then, hahaha I was thinking a crystal ball.

19141365? ago

Yes it was sarcastic 😁.

Theoretically it wouldn't be over, because maybe both sides could have a time machine.

Boy wouldn't that be quite challenging.

19141830? ago

battles in higher dimensions

19141006? ago

They are trying to escape judgement and ridicule and a live living in fear.

Q says they can't escape God though...

19140945? ago

It's easy really. All you have to do is give them enough rope and they will do it themselves. When they think that the game is finally up they have a personal choice to make. Maybe we will start to see a few people "doing the right thing and admitting what they did" But it has to be the truth and the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Some people will be unable to face that and will prefer to live in denial or take the quick way out.

19140784? ago

YAY!! It’s HABBENING (again) despite Q being AWOL (parents kicked him out the basement and told to get a paper round perhaps?)

19141821? ago

a paper round? perhaps a round tuit?

19140706? ago

I used to be skeptical of the idea of suicide weekend, but with all the recent suicides I am starting to think its getting close.

19144434? ago

One day the Streets will not be safe for any of (((them))). They know their crimes, they know what Q knows, how the law works. It's GAME OVER for them. They will lose EVERYTHING. And on top of that there is Justice, Prison. Slavery for them. Suicide is a real option at that point, imo.

19141013? ago


19140259? ago

Big shift in uk msm news yesterday. Many mentions of charity sex abuse in Haiti, MI5 in serious breach of the law regarding intelligence gathering, allegations of serious abuse by UN. This is highly unusual reporting. Looks like msm news is scrambling to get ahead of some serious news about to come out. Think you're right OP. Looks like BIGGEST week is fairly close. Panic is in the air.

19144235? ago

Woohoooooooo !

19142524? ago

UK websites seem to pick up a LOT of shit ignored by US mainstream media, it's pretty obvious that our news outlets are censored to some degree. They get those "4am memos" and they simply repeat the official narrative, often times word for word. There are no reporters anymore, just repeaters...true journalism in America, for the most part, is dead.

Trump is entirely correct when he says the MSM is the enemy of the people. NEVER has a president dared speak the truth about them, and that's a big part of the reason they hate him so much. The Dems had a very cozy relationship with the US media, they were essentially their propaganda machine, and they worked free of charge. Trump has exposed them to be the lying maggots that they truly are, and they don't like it one bit.

They still have a hold on a large percentage of Americans though, they were able to brainwash tens of millions of people during Obama's 8 year reign of power, and the result is what we are witnessing now...an America split in two. Obama and the media empowered every malcontent demographic in this country and turned them against all traditional conservative values, Christianity, and white males in general.


19145773? ago

If it involves UK news, we are kept in the dark just as much as you are in the US, if not more. The BBC dominates most of our news and they are on a par with CNN - misinformation, biased, ignoring the real news, cover-ups etc If you search for 'BBC Fake News' on Google, you will see only stories created by the BBC i.e. them reporting on other peoples fake news and not their own.

19140278? ago

Thanks for the UK update!

Enjoy the show patriot!

19140247? ago

And when nothing happens this weekend, you'll move the goalpost again. Because heaven forbid you admit you've been rooked by an internet troll.

19153787? ago

Are you afraid?

19141334? ago

Why are you even here then?

19142324? ago

EVERY DAY, ALL DAY he’s here! You know, because he thinks Q is stupid.

19142812? ago

Nah, I stop by about once a week to see what you idiots are up to. Still just sitting around trusting the plan while the world goes to shit.

19143273? ago

heh once a week

Just like someone who doesn’t care would do lol

19145650? ago

I never said I don't care. I don't believe Q is real. But I believe you followers of Q represent a serious threat to society. It is only a matter of time before one of you truly snaps and causes real harm to someone. Of course, you'll brush is off as a false flag or a plant or something. But the day is coming.

19153826? ago

"you followers of Q represent a serious threat to society."

That is rich.

19146975? ago

Lol. Quite the narrative you are building there.

Of course, leftism or Islam, both of which demonstrably lead to violence, are of no concern to you. You don’t hang out in leftist or Islamic forums warning them of the potential for violence in their midst. Just Q.


19147184? ago

you don't even know my screen name, much less where I hang out.

19157853? ago

I would've guessed your screen name is DrPizza, but is there internet in prison?

19140284? ago

Daniel 12:10

19140204? ago

Sound like a broken record.

19140167? ago

After Father's Day we have the 17th, Q's number and a full moon. Just sayin'.

19140262? ago

Itll be "finished in 10" which will be the 20th, or sooner.

See: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3269201

Lots of posts reference this, here a few:

1788, 931, 722, 370, 364

19144839? ago

I think you're misrepresenting the "finished in 10" drops. Q means "less than 10", which refers to the less than 10 people who are fully aware of the depths of the corruption and just how bad things are... aka 40k feet view.

19147600? ago

Yes, I actually know that as well. I think its dual meaning, just like this post:


19140327? ago

ThanQ and I hope so Anon. Faith in Q is at a breaking point for many and we need the numbers.

19140131? ago

This is actually a good thread, but the shills come ASAP to discredit and demoralize as usual - I wonder why?

19140144? ago

40k ft, perhaps.


19139913? ago

This shit never works.

19141349? ago

Things your father said when your mother tried to abort you via coathanger. And now you're here.

Why though? Why are you even here on this board, you complete waste of life?

19153853? ago

Exhaling poisonous carbon dioxide also.

19150168? ago

You're just a regular fool. Get lost.

19139860? ago

No datefagging. None of last weeks datefagging worked. This datefagging will fail. Just don't do it. Q doesn't figure out dates in advance and drop clues meant for us to discover so we can predict events.

19143318? ago

I'm getting tired of the "datefagging scolders". Some of us love mysteries. We love to look at clues and put them together and look for patterns. And isn't that what an investigator should do? That is what Q tells us to do. These criticizers argue that we set ourselves up for disappointment when things don't happen. I disagree. First of all, most the posts that get criticized for this are not definitively predicting anything. They are just presenting their hypotheses. Secondly, the scolders believe that those of us who like to look at date related patterns sit in our basement and mope when things don't happen like we conjectured they might. Well they are wrong. We autists just start looking at the next set of clues. Or we look at clues as to what was happening behind the scenes that just may not have been in the news. It keeps us engaged and it keeps us investigating. So leave us alone please.

19157581? ago

These criticizers argue that we set ourselves up for disappointment when things don't happen. I disagree.

Datefagging is harmful because it fails every single time and makes us look like idiots.

Q does drop hints in order to later claim that the future proves the past, thus gaining credibility. Those hints are never meant to be 'decoded' by anons ahead of time. This is because if you can decode them, then (they) can also.

Letting Q prove the past is helpful. Anons trying to predict the future is harmful. Why not put your autistic skills towards uncovering actual corruption or something that Q encourages?

19158585? ago

Datefagging is harmful because it fails every single time and makes us look like idiots.

If you are worried about looking like an idiot, datefagging is the last thing you should be concerned about. The entire basis for your movement is an anonymous dude on 8chan...

19176593? ago

And yet, here you are. Why would you be here in this subverse, reading a post by a datefaggot, and then reading comments and writing replies?

19147708? ago

Great comment. They're trying to stop us thinking for ourselves. We're NOT going to let that happen.

19145634? ago

^ exactly this.

19140003? ago

The blind will continue to be blind:

Daniel 12:10

19140870? ago

Uhh ... yeah, that's what we are trying to tell you

19141020? ago

Hello Alice

19141026? ago

What's faggot

19139817? ago

1st link doesnt work

19140019? ago

Thanks, I just linked the image. Works for me?

Ill add the link you provided to OP.