19099121? ago

it was a jewish tranny kid.

19098072? ago

Is that a real picture?

19099477? ago

No idea. Maybe @zyklon_b killed the kid and raped it. He's a real fucked up piece of shit.

19104953? ago

I will

19097274? ago

Guess what, QRVs massive support for Voat is complicit in keeping it up and hosting this shit. Just fyi

19098846? ago

Yeah right, I like your mental gymnastics there trying to twist it all around and make it QRV's fault.

19096829? ago

That guy is the biggest niggerkike on this website.

19096812? ago

Underwater basket weaving

In weaving willow baskets, a trough of water is needed in which to soak the dried willow rods. They are then left to stand until pliable and ready to be used in weaving. The weaving is always done while standing on one's head underwater An issue of The Douche bag Gazette from 1956 refers to an Alaskan village where "Underwater basket weaving is the principal industry of the employables among the 94 Douche bags here. By way of explanation – the native reeds used in this form of basketry are soaked in water and the Douche bags create their handiwork with their heads deeply entrenched in their ass and raw materials completely submerged in water throughout the process of manufacture".

19096748? ago

Did you report this to the FBI??

19104965? ago

I did and they replied back not illegal.

19096493? ago


19096450? ago

How can we be sure that zyklon_b didn't kill that child? Someone should report this!

19096419? ago

Why is that allowed to remain up? If she's a moderator can't she just delete it?

19096417? ago

These people are sick and twisted


19096433? ago

And one of them brags about spreading it around QRV.

19096405? ago

You are brave. I guarantee when @Srayzie grandbaby or kids tortured then kilt that she wished she had stopped....

19096413? ago

You sound like a window licker.

19096389? ago

Her husband is an evil man and knows your address

19096399? ago

Yes he's evil, but he doesn't know my address.

In fact. I know his. It's 4183 hwy 21 Clarksville Arkansas. It's been posted on voat many times over the last few days.

19096418? ago

I bet he is very very concerned and has made a difference....whats funny is next

19096487? ago

Yeah, ok.