19104417? ago

Her work is done. God keep her soul and may she Rest In Peace.

19102482? ago

If we're taking asylum seekers from anywhere, it should be from here.

Then let SA go the way it will go..then don't bail them out with aid.

19095045? ago

Fuck hammers, get a fun!

19090682? ago

South African Whites - Come to the US. We need your work ethic, your common sense, your intelligence.

19101729? ago

Fuck that. They need to fight for their rights.

19092839? ago

Follow the money....The irony here is how British supported Niger Bantu Congo inavders against their European Brothers and put the White South African into concentration camps during the second Boer War?

19090974? ago

NO MORE POOR AFRICANS. The inn is full. Most white South Africans live in ghettos

19091245? ago

Equality and communism is great

19090607? ago

If i was a billionaire, Id hire a personal extermination squad and privately send them down there to "clean" up. The fucking african government is a joke, I see a 100% success chance

19090409? ago

Sorry no room at the Inn in the US. We’re full of poor Africans already. Try killing yourselves to get it over with or go learn Spanish and move to South America

19090361? ago

No race should do this to another. This is sick. People need to pay.

19093038? ago

The Cabal Behind Race Mixing Commercials https://voat.co/v/AnonBoard/3207721

19096255? ago


19090545? ago

That will go over well with the morons here on Voat that try to get Voat shut down by the “gas all Jews” bullshit.

they absolutely have the American right of free speech. And partly because of the warriors that invaded Normandy 75 years ago and put an end to the Nazis and their genocide.

19095060? ago

...or so you were taught. Patton said we defeated the wrong enemy in WWII.

19095536? ago

This is a good read. https://rense.com/general92/patton.htm

He was originally referring to communism, but later expanded to include the Bolshevik Jews and eventually evolved to American liberals, the Bolsheviks, and the global alliance forming to promote socialism. I agree with many of his points regarding the displaced persons, such as questioning why Catholics and other persecuted groups under Hitler weren’t considered displaced..., but regarding the average Jew he is referring to was a group that was highly traumatized and therefore the culture has completely broken down and humanity stripped. No wonder they had no hygiene and other basic aspects of civilization. No arguments from me there are evil Jews. There are evil Catholics like the pope, and evil capitalists like Bill Gates. It’s the linking of evil aspects of all of them with the common goal of socialist domination/globalism that is the root of the evil. Not all the Chinese are evil. Their government and leadership is, though.

19095560? ago

All Jews need to be gassed and baked in the oven.

19090000? ago

No info on the circumstances, only thing to go by is past occurrences from which I say they need to be less relaxed around blacks, too often they were quite lax.

19089903? ago

Should have gotten the fuck out, had plenty of warning.

19089966? ago

It's not that easy to just get out. Think about having to move your life family and stuff out of America. Where do you even go? Russian is the only country that will accept white South Africans unless they are wealthy. No western countries are willing to help. No western media is willing to report it.

19090098? ago

Move or die

19090186? ago

Fuck man. Most Americans won't move to Wyoming for a good job. Rather be poor in California. Where the fuck do you expect them to go?

19092326? ago

What are these good Wyoming jobs you speak of?

19092363? ago

Personal experience. I've done some oilfield work. Done some work out of Casper. Most of the companies could use help at the time. Very good paying jobs. But they always seems to struggle finding good workers. Clean, responsible. People like that. Granted Casper is not exotic. But I work hard and expect payouts.

19089932? ago

They have nowhere to go. None of the western countries larping as the "good guys" will take them. Including america. We've taken a million shitskins this year already though.

19090388? ago

Who wants some more shitty poor Africans in their country