19096409? ago

Four fifths.

19094247? ago

8ch list 20+ hours ago


19093295? ago

What are the odds that these hits were intercepted by white hats; now these witnesses are “safe” and ready to testify?

19092534? ago

Slim to none. Coordinated attack on both. No doubt either forced execution designed to look like a suicide, Mark Wahlberg Shooter style, or coerced suicide from operatives. Either way, they were probably involved, or had some evidence they either knew or didn't know about.

The real question is how much we should care. The risk of being corrupt and doing corrupt things is that, unless you're the head honcho, there's always a risk that someone who needs to make sure things stay contained wipes out the lower tier of the operation with the most swift and brutal tactics possible.

19092492? ago

Id guess about 1 in 600 gorillon give or a jew.

19109696? ago

Jew ever think about what you say before Jew say it? If Jew did, Jew might not sound so ignorant. Jew should think about that before Jew mouth off.

19091471? ago

Ex-“State” senators have little power

19091417? ago

Pizzagate deaths - linked by their investigation of crime and Pedos.

19090930? ago

Everybody's doing it man, you want to be cool don't you?

19090817? ago

Shit happens.

19090490? ago

About the same odds as two senior NYPD officers committing suicide within a day of each other.

Just a coincidence I guess...

And the best NYPD can do is suggest that officers struggling with depression should reach out for help.

I think they might recommend that officers who knew what was on Weiner's laptop should be very careful.


19093768? ago

April 5, 1991: US Senator Tower was killed in an airliner crash.

April 6, 1991: US Senator Heinz was killed in an airliner crash.

19093952? ago

Probably not a coincidence. Q says that most airliner crashes are to take out someone important for a reason.

19090457? ago

Zero coincidences, clean ups are running on schedule.

19090336? ago

That's why someone took out Hillary's brother as retribution.

19090399? ago

Keep on larping bro

19090731? ago

keep shillin bro, im sure the checks good.

19090474? ago

Why is it a larp?

We all know about Hillary's body count.

19090184? ago


19091671? ago

She only has one other brother

19093961? ago

If he's not involved in gold mining in Haiti, he's probably ok.

19090506? ago


19089776? ago

Keeping this simple, and not accounting for things like population etc ...

164 [living former senators] x 2 [deaths] x 2256 [48 states with a neighbor x 47 other states... ] x 132,860 [365 days in a year x 364 days besides original day) x 99 [We'll just call it 99 ways to die ...] ............ =

9,732,902,699,520 to 1 Odds

19091801? ago

Not even close to an accurate way to calculate the odds.

The # of living former senators would be a divisor, not a multiplier...

48x47 is laughable...each state does not have 47 other border states...

365x364 is also laughable...the first death starts the probability, only the second is 'anomalous'...

'99' is cute, but not anywhere close to scientific...better to find out 'what are the odds of being shot to death?'...

I am not a statistician, but the correct calculation goes something like this...

'Odds of someone being shot to death' (1 in 300) x 'Odds of dying on a particular day' (1 in ~25K) x 'Odds of being a former state senator in a state which borders the first death' (avg is 1 in ~4....then that is divided by the number of living former state senators from bordering states) (because as the number of living former senators goes up, the odds drop, as there is a better chance of hitting one randomly)

It's still a ridiculously slim probability, but far closer to the correct probability. Somewhere in the neighborhood of 1 in 300,000.

19093987? ago

You sound like a fag from how you wrote this comment.

19093367? ago

You must be a hoot at cocktail parties.😝

19093666? ago

I try desperately to avoid cocktail parties. But if I'm ever at one, I certainly wouldn't be discussing the probability that two former state senators from neighboring states were killed with a firearm within a day of each other.

But I might bring up the NYPD police 'suicides'....

I mean, what are the odds?

19090026? ago

Is that a permutation or a combination?

19092477? ago

Neither; it's a probability, and a poorly calculated one as that, which the comment below explains.

19089967? ago

ah someone else took Probability and Statistics in college

19089566? ago

there are no coincidences, certainly with the impending DECLAS it is even more suspect.

19089557? ago

This is not coincidence. Not even worth contemplating.

19089534? ago

Both killed on a suicide weekend too.

19090739? ago

Don't click on this, it's a picture of a little girl hanging from a noose. Whoever posted this, you are beyond sick...I can't even imagine where you found something like this, but the fact that you would publish it on here is truly disturbing. You are undoubtedly the same psychopath who's been posting the CP shit, and I can only imagine what else is on your computer. I have forwarded your image to the FBI tip-line along with information as to where I found it (no, not kidding)...I hope and pray you get a visit. The picture itself may not be illegal, but it may prompt the Feds to take a closer look at you and whatever else is on your hard drive.

Oh, and don't think you're anonymous in here...they can get your IP in a heartbeat.

19090944? ago

Hello, FBI. I saw a pic of a dead kid on a forum i use. It’s called QRV and we fantasize about executing public officials as retribution. We mainly fantasize about them raping and eating children. Please HALP us!

19090874? ago

Sorry but I value free speech. Gonna be posting some pics from v/shemales soon. Are you interested?

19089491? ago

https://snew.notabug.io/r/conspiracy/comments/by9qrr/what_are_the_odds_that_two_former_senators_in/ :

What are the odds that two former senators in neighboring states are found shot to death within a day of each other? : conspiracy

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