19015816? ago

Dude, I just finished binge watching the entire series. It was fucking amazing. I was gripped and involved from start to finish. Man, that shit was fucked up. People looked like they were frying up like they had been locked in a microwave.

Basically, the Soviet Union's lies and policies to keep secrets ended up costing them more than they ever bargained for. I wish the answer was more satisfying than that, but it's really what the whole story comes down to. I think this show is even better after the Lefty director declared that the show was more of an examination of the "human" part of the disaster, and not the incompetence of the Soviet Union policies that put every single person's life in detriment to maintain the illusion that they were a superior world power.

Speaking of which, have you noticed the trend these fucking Hollyrapecapital people are putting into their shows and films? The Neil Armstrong movie, which was about the national American achievement of landing on the moon; the director says he wanted to show a movie about the individual rather than the feat of the American ingenuity. This series, Chernobyl, about the individual people who led to the disaster's conditions taking place. There's a really big fucking push and it's become more and more obvious that they want to remove the national identity associated with the historical events, and instead focus on how these events impacted individual people. Not how shit in real life works. We see through it plain as day. Thanks at least for fucking up and making this a great fucking show.

19014807? ago

Having lived through it, I don't even bother watching,but yea, whatever you still need to convince people that communism=bad.

19008287? ago

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19005544? ago

idk, maybe we should be praising him on merit. We get enough crap that comes out of Hollywood, no need to categorize it beyond, "Good show". Let everyone else ask the tough questions.

19005539? ago

Interesting because RT ran a story the other day saying it was not authentic.


19001614? ago

Yup, spoke with a Polish friend who grew up less than 4 hrs from Pripyat and was 2 the core exploded.Said it was scary accurate.

19001488? ago

Communism/ socialism is created by jewish.

You should use the word jewish supremacy and stop being a cunt.

19001316? ago

Hbo huh? How many rape scenes in this one?

19004355? ago

valid question

19001308? ago

Is there a link or a way to watch this show for someone who doesn't have HBO?

19005087? ago

Pirate it? Torrents are a thing.

19005367? ago

Just did. Couldn't find it on The Pirate Bay. Found it on RARBG.

19005625? ago

Good choice, RAR is my go to these days. Sometimes to find niche things I use pirate bay (through proxybay).

19001170? ago

I found this extremely hard to watch ... there were no good fight scenes or nudity at all.

19001443? ago

Durr Durr dur durr durrrrrr

19001145? ago

I think this shows just how much these progressives have drank their own kool-aid when this can be produced by a lefty and he still thinks it shows the failure of people and not the failure of communism. they really only see 3 lights.

19000923? ago

I have trouble watching this show. I have a degree in history, and I studied a lot about the third Reich and the holocaust. I would have to put books down at times because the accounts were so disturbing yet gripping. I feel these things very deeply on a human level. This show made my heart race and made me sad. I feel a sort of duty to face it and finish the show.

19000654? ago

My husband and I are hooked. As we watch it, it keeps driving home the horrors of communism. He's not quite fully red pilled yet, but this series drives home the point of what Democrats and the NWO are trying to do to the USA.

19015784? ago

They already did it.

We're in the beginning stage of un-doing it.

19000563? ago

I started watching this show, because I've always been curious about Chernobyl, and fascinated by nuclear technology in general. I'm currently reading "Midnight in Chernobyl" by Adam Higgenbothen. Can't recommend the book enough. Fascinating, and sad, story of what actually went down during the accident. As another said below, soviet era politics, as well as incompetent apparatchiks, were mostly to blame for the reactor design, and subsequent handling of the initial response to the accident. There were many heroes who gave their lives to save others and clean this mess up.

19003685? ago

You might find “Command and Control” by Eric Schlosser a good read. Somewhat related: “Soldiers of Reason”... not nuclear technology specific, but dovetails in very well.

18999953? ago

This is really dumb. You think the creator was unaware of what he was doing? Unaware of what he was writing? Unaware of the theme that animated just about every scene in the movie? Have you watched any of it?

Or is it more likely you simply prejudged the writer/producers intentions and then failed to adjust your own preconception.

19000712? ago

The creator of the film blasted Bongino for promoting it as a socialist/communist film. Wanting Bongino to focus on the " human error" NOT the Soviet style . OP is right.

19051236? ago

I think this is pretty silly. Have you actually seen the movie?

I work for a profit seeking company in the capitalist US of A and I want my boss to watch Chernobyl, because I recognized some of the same issues. Issues of top down decision making, issues of wanting to report only good news up the chain. One of key point of the last episode is the fact they didn't want to move the date of a project helped contribute to the catastrophe. Issues of the bigshot wanting to make decisions with fully listening to those closest to the issue. These can and do pop up in any economic or governmental system. The issue with the Soviet system is their system tended to maximize these issues.

So yes, the filmmakers DEFINITELY intended the movie as a critique of the Soviet political system, but if you limit it to that, saying IT COULD ONLY happen there, you are missing a giant point of the film. This is a point made by the nuclear worker in this thread?

Have you watched it? I think it's pretty silly to take the word of a political commenter on a work of art's intentions over the person who researched, wrote and produced the the work of art.

19056254? ago

Don't know what to tell you. My hubby and I went through depression after watching the last installment yesterday. We just got back from vaca and couldn't wait to see it.It was riveting... Think I'm going to watch it again. The reviews from top commenters who lived there during that time from IDMB couldn't say enough about how accurate it was. Unbelievably well made film.

19000996? ago

Yes and the creator went even further and tweeted that if you view this as a failure of socialism instead of a failure of a few people, he does not want you to watch the show. Liberalism is a mental disorder!

19007094? ago

Big time!

18999863? ago

I’m the scene where the head engineer explains the emergency stop button caused the reactor to melt down: I immediately thought of the clowns. Turns out it’s a prevalent theory about the disaster. Imagine my shock.

19008155? ago

this accident was the final nail in the cccp´s coffin... it ruined them financially... and now play with the words... chernobyl... share no bill... around that time many manipulated computerhardware was sold to the cccp, that caused a massive pipeline explosions in 1982... actually the largest non-nuclear explosion ever... https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/northamerica/usa/1455559/CIA-plot-led-to-huge-blast-in-Siberian-gas-pipeline.html The Area i live, in Germany was largely affected by the chernobyl fallout... as Kids we were forced to stay inside for months...

19001424? ago

Remember when NKs underground nuke test area collapsed in on itself? Accident?

19000718? ago


18999504? ago

One of the top comments:

A Belarusian here, born in 1983. Parents were scientists, knew everything on the 27th. Chernobyl is never forgotten in Belarus and all the details of the tragedy (a flawed reactor, Soviet style apparatchiks in control, a failed experiment, a clumsy cover-up) are widely known. Yet the series managed to depict the horrible events in a way never before seen. A definite tour de force, I had to literally pause a couple of times to comprehend what had just been shown. Goose bumps and tears, what a masterpiece. Likvidatory - heroes, who contained Chernobyl - should never be forgotten.

Grim Soviet atmosphere depicted accurately apart from some very very minor details. *Surprised that a Swedish director who made music videos for Madonna and his English-speaking cast managed to portray Chernobyl events better, than anybody from the countries most traumatized by the explosion.

The tragedy will live forever because of this haunting masterpiece, what a brilliant creative achievement.

18999475? ago

I don't want to sound like I'm just saying this, but the show is really fucking good. It's nice of HBO to make something worth watching once in awhile.

19015796? ago

Makes you wonder how something like this was allowed to air, all things considered about HBO

19018075? ago

I mean, I'm not one to see the Jew around literally every corner. There are still people that go into media industries who just want to make good things.

18999171? ago

I was a reactor operator. You think this can't happen here? We stopped constructing the new AP1000 units because everyone got cold feet after Fukushima, so we're left with nuke plants from the same era.

19000199? ago

The movie points out a few things. One was the Soviet system was a closed society not an open one. The reactors did have a significant design flaw that would only matter in certain rare situations, like the conditions of the test the plant chief insisted on running that night. However the plant chief didn't know about the flaw because the few times it occurred, were kept secret even from nuclear plant operators.

18999008? ago

Pails in contrast to Fukashima. That damage is continuing today along with worldwide denial.

19001273? ago

Fukushima is still releasing cesium-137 and has passed the West Coast of the U. S. reaching as far as Idaho and beyond...We don't even know the truth about what is really happening to this day and people here insult you telling you that Chernobyl was worst...The pacific ocean is filled with radiation killing everything swimming in it but no, the Fukushima event was almost perfectly safe according to them.




19004327? ago

I still eat my Pacific seafood with relish. Seafood is full of selenium, that means they have radiotherapy built in.

Secondly there's also a known phenomenon of the beneficial, hormetic effects of low level ionizing radiation exposure. Kicks off DNA repair programs.

19005407? ago

None of that helps if you get even a little bit of direct exposure. Either way, radiation fucks shit up. There's no such thing as a percentage of lead in the body that is beneficial, and the same thing goes for radiation. If you get too much exposure, plan to throw up until you die. Maybe have one last smoke like the guy in the first episode did. Not much reason to fear lung cancer at that point.

19000772? ago

*pales nigger

19000527? ago

Dude, Chernobyl was way worse, the fuel ejected out of the building like a bomb. Fukushima kept meltdown contained. Way less radioactive release into environment.

19004944? ago

We live in Alaska, we are seeing a die off of gray whales,salmon as well as mutations in starfish. Tons of super heated radioactive water is dumped in the Pacific. In humans we have seen a major spike in various throat related cancers in the last 8 Years!

19015725? ago

This explains the idiocy coming out of California.

19002136? ago

You're right, the propaganda media truly is terrible, and trying to make things seem like the world is ending. Why would you believe the media?

19001409? ago

Nobody said it wasn’t bad. But in comparison to Chernobyl....

19000032? ago

It absolutely does not. Fukashima had its fuel in a containment structure. Chernobyl did not. When the reactor core exploded in Chernobyl, intensely radioactive material was completely exposed, like a giant dirty bomb. Took 7 months to fully contain and several emergency efforts had to be made post explosion to prevent an even worse explosion.

19000627? ago

Exactly correct. Fukashima pales in comparison to Chernobyl. I'm very glad this outstanding HBO series was made, because I think many did not fully understand the scope of this catastrophe. The total impact in terms of illness and deaths has not been accurately described and quantified. And yet without the heroism and sacrifices made in the containment and cleanup efforts it could have been so much worse for the entire planet and many millions in the immediate area could have been killed.

The show is such a complete and total indictment of communism, totalitarianism, and socialism. It presents a hyper-accurate portrayal of the failure of that system. The show producers try to paint this as a "failure of people" and in fact they totally misunderstood what they created. It was a failure of a system from top to bottom, with underlying stories of people overcoming impossible odds and adversity to do great things to benefit others.

19000024? ago

Let's build a nuclear powerplant in a area prone to tsunamis. But keep that seawall short, don't want to spend too much money.

18999318? ago

link nigger

18999093? ago

Radioactive cesium in all California produce

18998906? ago

Thank you for sharing! Here’s part of a comment that pays tribute to the extraordinary people who saved millions and tells what it was like in the Soviet Union—

Apparently a man who did not introduce himself called most of the schools and nurseries in the country and told them the same message. A lot of teachers did not take it seriously as he did not mention any details, just the warning: do not let the children out, do not feed them any vegetables which grows overground (potatoes are fine), do not let them drink anything apart from bottled liquids.

Noone knew what it was about. Noone knew what danger we are in. I assume this is why it was such a shock. The life was simple and we were not supposed to know stuff. We were not supposed to be afraid, maybe only because the capitalist pigs over the iron curtain. But something changed that day. A faceless, nameless man risked his life and called everyone he could to warn them about Chernobyl. News like this is not easy to contain, soon everyone was talking about what could happen and why. Is it a nuclear attack? Is it the CIA? Are they looking at us from satelites? Are they bombing us?

It was the first crack on the Iron Curtain. Not Reagan's stupid monologue, not the thousands of fleeing east-germans, not the soviets economy's ridiculous debts. Entire nations realized their lives mean nothing, millions felt betrayed. A man with no name defeated the Soviet regime with a few telephone calls.

We still don't know who that man was. After 30 years and a few inquiries we have no clue who risked his life to prevent thousands of deaths and millions of illnesses. Some historians are adamant the person was executed and vanished without a trace, some say noone found him at all. All I know I have to be grateful for him. We all have to be. He saved a nation. Sure, we could survive the radioactive cloud the mild wind blew over our country but when I look at my two children who are the same age I was back then I am pretty sure I am not willing to take any risks. Would you?

Dear anonymous man who defied a violent regime to save millions: We will forever be grateful. Dear ukranian workers whose names we will never know: We will forever be grateful. The workers whose names we know: We will forever be grateful.

This show tells a story noone should forget and this is the right way to tell it. Bluntly. How the man with no name told us.

18998913? ago

I just read about him, nameless soldier that saved a nation. Amazing.