Off topic.... Was just watching YouTube vids and happened across a Chester Bennington of Lincoln Park... The guy looks JUST LIKE Poedsta! When he closes his eyes and really belts out the notes w an up close shot he looks exactly the same
RIP Chester, Cornell so sad such a twisted deep rabbit hole... The black hole sun/alchemy. Soundgardens last video he is hanged. Is the scarf truly confirmed for all those celebs? Those two + Spade and Bourdain? Or was it speculation?
18993489? ago
18991963? ago
Off topic.... Was just watching YouTube vids and happened across a Chester Bennington of Lincoln Park... The guy looks JUST LIKE Poedsta! When he closes his eyes and really belts out the notes w an up close shot he looks exactly the same
RIP Chester, Cornell so sad such a twisted deep rabbit hole... The black hole sun/alchemy. Soundgardens last video he is hanged. Is the scarf truly confirmed for all those celebs? Those two + Spade and Bourdain? Or was it speculation?
18993993? ago
They sure look similar, hopefully we will find out what happened and if these were in fact suicides