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18989426? ago

Here's the post from 9 days ago:

18989842? ago

Who's to say you don't post this bullshit so you can bitch about it later?

18989896? ago

I have more fun laughing at the retards who upvote and comment on the predictions.

18989925? ago

So you're a proud sufferer of Schadenfreude? Groovy man.

18989945? ago

I'm not suffering. I'm enjoying it. It's like shooting fish in a barrel here.

18992317? ago

Like I said

So you're a proud sufferer of Schadenfreude? Groovy man.

Just because it doesn't feel like suffering doesn't mean that you don't suffer from a mental illness.

18989749? ago

weak, who cares?

18989815? ago

Just like a problem gambler..... remember the "wins" and forget about the losses. I care because I see new predictions pop up all the time. If all these other predictions were wrong, why would anyone trust the current predictions?