18989589? ago

I don't think we are supposed to be predicting.

18989799? ago

So, why do people here:

a) keep doing it and,

b) keep upvoting it?

18989904? ago

Human instinct and hope I guess. Q is helping to expose the cabal. We don't know his full story. You don't have to listen. He gave me hope and showed me there are other like minded people.

18989932? ago

There is no hope. We are being led to the slaughter. You'll realize it one day when it's too late. They'll spring the trap and roll out the New World Order and it will be too late to fight back. We'll realize we should have been fighting back this whole time. Then, in 40-50 years, whites will become the minority and America will turn into South Africa.

18990023? ago

I disagree with you and no doubt most people on this sub also. Good night.

18990117? ago

So the 200 or so people who still frequent here disagree and do false research on the Internet attenpting elementary school dot-connecting exercises, like the powers that be give a shit about you losers lmao

18989640? ago

Thats all Q does with about 5% success rate. Just remember, everything else is just planned disinfo!

18989750? ago

5%?!? More like .00005% (if that). Until we see high-level arrests, his predictions are meaningless.

18989814? ago

You're right but i was just generalizing. Honestly, I don't know if he's ever been 'right'. Kind of just word manipulation and really stretching it makes it seem he was kinda sorta right, that one time.

18989966? ago

Q has mobilized lots of people so far. Q is helping to expose the cabal. He gave me hope. I'm not so worried about when things will happen because I'm sure that at the right time they will happen. I can imagine there are loads of factors that have to be right before Q, POTUS, Military, Justice and law enforcement can make the checkmate move

18990053? ago

Mobilized to what, their computer screens?

18989882? ago

If you throw enough wet spaghetti against the wall, sooner or later a piece will stick.

18989528? ago

This has been happening for two years now. If you don't realize this is just a funny place to laugh at booners youre lost.

18989539? ago

I do. That's why I like to rub their faces in it when they're wrong. I screenshot lots of predictions here.

18989687? ago

Lol. Rub it in who’s face? I’ve been here researching from the start. I haven’t made a prediction. I just research and share with anons. I bet you are making fun of other shills. Lol.

18989863? ago

So, do hair-brained predictions count as "research"?

18989886? ago

No. That’s considered speculation. Which is normal behavior for human beings. It can lead to research and possibly verify theories or debunk them. It’s how the internet works.

18989907? ago

Well, since Q never does shit it makes sense why people fill in the gaps.

18989923? ago

I was unaware that Q was supposed to be doing something. What is Q supposed to be doing? And what is your source for this answer?

18989713? ago

So youve been researching for 2 years. Like to share what youve come up with?

18989775? ago

"So, in all your years of monkeytorture....what have you learned?"

"They ....really hate it."

18989753? ago

Ive been researching for 20 years. I only help those who can help themselves. I’m not your mom. I don’t wast time looking up facts for shills. Look gem in yourself. But I have a feeling you guys don’t care about facts.

18989830? ago

As if they can't read the drops themselves.

So many people proudly displaying their mental illness as they walk away thinking they've won a prize.

Maybe it's their job?

18989788? ago

A classic cop-out move.

"I've been studying this shit before you were born!"

"Great tell us some facts!"

"Do your own research!"


18989841? ago

Lol. Cop out? Your a shill. Probably a kike one at that. I’m just enjoying my popcorn. Lol. The work is done. What do you want to know about? Be more specific and not so much retarded.

18989777? ago

So you don't have anything unique? Got it. Hope you didn't waste your time/life or anything, detective!

18989866? ago

What do you want to know? Be specific. I don’t have all day to fuck with you.

18989888? ago

How would I know your areas of study? Why should I treat you like some kind of oracle? Youve spent 20 years on this, or so you say, you should be elated to tell people conclusions youve come to. So shoot, tell me what ya got.

18989902? ago

What do you want to know? That’s my question. Don’t cop out on me now.

18989918? ago

Ok tell me who the Israelites were on the bible to modern day, with a detailed timeline.

18990333? ago

The Bible is a book made up of other books. Example is the story of Job. It’s a 10,000 year old Samarian story. You shouldn’t get so wrapped up in fiction.

18990376? ago

Exactly why it's the only truth in existence. The old testament retold stories of the ancient almighty God. That it was also in samarian only proves this, how do you not relize that?

18990416? ago

That’s so fuckin stupid. Wake up. Lol. And Constantine was doing gods work wasn’t he? He didn’t comprise the New Testament because it was easier to control the land that he conquered.

18990446? ago

Wake up to these new truths bro! Lol no thanks. Constantine injected paganism into the new testament.

18990502? ago

Because that what someone else did with it. Why would not suspect that history would repeat itself? Just like the New Testament was put together, so was the old.

18990540? ago

D00d the samarians just made it up, just some fiction that was really popular in ancient times, just so happened to survive this entire time by pure chance. Do you have any other examples of some fictional samarian writing?

18990733? ago

No. It survived most likely for the same reason christianity survived Rome. Old Testament god = mean asshole. People started waking up. Eastern religions started spreading. The “Jews” were losing control so they highjacked the movement and created gods son. Gods son did all the thing that eastern religions teach which made sense to people. But it was there way of keeping the Bible alive. Without the New Testament, I believe the old would have been abandoned. People love controlling other people. It easiest to just give them a book.

18990815? ago

So you're saying what you think of as modern day Jews were also ancient Samarians and invented language and wrote the first book with the idea of control in mind? And Jesus didn't specifically call the modern days Jews you dislike, pharisees, out explicitly in the New Testament? Hell of a stretch but whatever you need to keep that delusion alive!

18993791? ago

Nope. I’m saying people have been lying for a long time. Some people like yourself are gullible. You go ahead and cling to your Jew book and tell other people their delusional. It doesn’t bother me one bit. I’m not a gullible as you and I can handle the truth.

18994110? ago

Good argument (its not). Not a Jew book btw, its an Israelite book. Jews are of Judah, the tribe of Dan for instance traveled north and became the European Celts. Very strong chance your ancestry is of Jacob, and by extension Abraham. But of course, you've listened to retard-tier propoganda on the chans with super special infographics and ate it up like the shit-eating know-nothing you are.

18994450? ago

It’s a Jew book as much as Rome can claim Catholicism. I’ve already said I don’t care for fiction. Just because they were ripping of other cultures doesn’t mean the other cultures were preaching the truth. The Jews or whatever you want to call them (I don’t care, I don’t believe their stupid book) stole a lie and morphed it to fit their agenda. You believe them because the Bible tells you so. Lol. Ironic, don’t you think.

18994841? ago

Eh fuck it, since I love my white Israelite family, I want you to know and be proud of your history of Adam, our forefather. Here, of you're of "european" ancestry please watch - https://youtu.be/BuN5rf0CoI8

This even gives you the Scythian history of the Swastika. Know that you're an Israelite, literally one of Gods chosen.

18994895? ago

I don’t think you understand the concept of lying. It’s like fiction. I’m not interested in your fictional book.

18994905? ago

That video is not the bible, its your history.

18994922? ago

Says who? You? You believe in a fictional book. So no thanks. I’ll research history for myself. I don’t need to listen to your fairytales.

18994510? ago

Yikes, you're way out of your league on history and clearly have no idea what you're talking about. Oh well, see ya!

18994904? ago

Because the Bible told you so. Lol. I seem to be doing just fine without the Jew book.

18990290? ago

The Northern Kindom of Israel was taken into exile by Shalmaneser King of Assyria.

2 Kings 17:23 Until the LORD removed Israel out of his sight, as he had said by all his servants the prophets. So was Israel carried away out of their own land to Assyria unto this day.

The Israelites have been gone for over 2700 hundred years, what's left are those who belonged to the southern kingdom Judea.

18990356? ago

That passage doesn't say they were wiped out, it says they were in Assyria. The bible never says the Israelites were wiped out

18990481? ago

There is no proof that they ever showed up again, if you have solved the riddle of what really happened to the lost ten tribes of Israel please share it with the class.

18990505? ago

Well I was hoping you, the oracle, had figured it out.

18990812? ago

I'm not the oracle just some dumb Qtard who happened to stumble by this thread and drop a bible verse. The person you were arguing with here sure acts like she believes that she is the Great Oracle of Delphi who's visions are the result of sitting inside her temple on top of a methane leak.

18990869? ago

Oh ok, well I'd argue jumping to the conclusion they were wiped out is a stretch as its not explicitly stated. Their story ends in the bible with them going to Assyria. I was hoping the Oracle had figured out what happened after.

18990967? ago

I personally don't believe that they were wiped out I have a couple theories but nothing that could be proven.

Good luck with the atheist oracle there I don't think you will be able to get one rational thought out of that flaming douche bag.

18991019? ago

Already BTFOd him, turns out he was a tard. Big shocker.

18991095? ago

Haha...You kept him talking long enough to provide the rope necessary for you to hang him.

18995065? ago

Also if you'd like to know - https://youtu.be/BuN5rf0CoI8

18989623? ago

Please continue, they deny theyre real after a week.

18989426? ago

Here's the post from 9 days ago: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3241743

18989842? ago

Who's to say you don't post this bullshit so you can bitch about it later?

18989896? ago

I have more fun laughing at the retards who upvote and comment on the predictions.

18989925? ago

So you're a proud sufferer of Schadenfreude? Groovy man.

18989945? ago

I'm not suffering. I'm enjoying it. It's like shooting fish in a barrel here.

18992317? ago

Like I said

So you're a proud sufferer of Schadenfreude? Groovy man.

Just because it doesn't feel like suffering doesn't mean that you don't suffer from a mental illness.

18989749? ago

weak, who cares?

18989815? ago

Just like a problem gambler..... remember the "wins" and forget about the losses. I care because I see new predictions pop up all the time. If all these other predictions were wrong, why would anyone trust the current predictions?