18970941? ago

If anybody is considered a cooperating witness it means they've already gave a guilty plea because they are indicted, the only thing left is to manage the sentencing when it occurs and it directly relates to how much they can give up on their partners in crime.

18970966? ago

I agree with your excellent analysis here, Anon!


18969618? ago

Arrests or GTFO


18969545? ago

Don't just "trust the plan," get the word out! Foreign governments are destroying us with our own government's police and education systems. Everyone needs to work at spreading the news and building a resistance.

18970834? ago

Memes at the Ready!

Memes will get the word out about these matters, Anon!

Keep them coming, hot off the press.


18968176? ago

Don't forget.

God returns in the end.

18970953? ago

How do you if he has not already returned? Don't go by your own assumptions, logic or understanding, Anon. You may be disappointed in the end.


18967823? ago

Here's the ACTUAL plan:

  1. Open borders and white genocide (eliminate white people)
  2. Build the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem
  3. Crash the global economy
  4. Roll out the New World Order.
  5. Introduce a new all-electronic cryptocurrency that everyone is forced to use.
  6. Become a slave living under a communist one-world Government run by the Jews.

18969596? ago

This is Trumps plan.

18970074? ago

It is. But, the boomer fucks here are too far gone with brainwashing and propaganda. They can't see the truth.

18968944? ago

That WAS the plan until she lost.

18968322? ago


18968346? ago

BULLSHIT. Trump has done NOTHING to stop the flow of shitskins coming into America. 10,000 illegals a week are still getting in. They are all getting welfare and having anchor babies too. Trump is not doing SHIT to stop it. Nothing.

Trump sucks Israel's dick so hard that they have to strap themselves down to avoid going down his throat. The Jews want white genocide and Trump supports the Jews.

18971150? ago

Respectfully, Anon, this post is not about Illegal Immigration. However, I will entertain your comment here by saying the following:

  1. POTUS is building the wall, slowly but surely.

  2. The Pending Tariff on Mexico will force the Mexican Government to slow down if not totally eliminate Illegal Immigration, especially if the tariff jumps from 5% to 25% and

  3. There is no white Genocide [Total Eradication of White People] coming. There is no black Genocide {Total Eradication of Black People] coming. Humanity has an eternal covenant with THE DIVINE to live on this Earth and that includes all races and nations.


18978288? ago

Yawn. You are obviously sleeping. Nevermind.

18970031? ago

What would you suggest? Everything Trump tries at the border is either refused by Congress, or they run to the nearest leftist judge to stop it. They are even doing this shit against that private group that built that section of wall over Memorial Day weekend. Trump supports "the Jews" because "the Jews" are not the problem. Cabal corruption all over the world is the problem, and he is fight that.

18970060? ago

The fact that you don't believe the Jews are a problem tells me that you're fast asleep.

18973498? ago

"Jew hating" is not a thought out, logical or reasoned position,

it is actually nothing more than a severe emotional tantrum.

While your mental aberration leads you to believe these absurdly ignorant ideas represent any kind of truth, normal people find them, well, pretty dam dumb.

18978265? ago

I hate Jews for very specific reasons. They have been kicked out of 110+ countries for a reason. Lots of people hate Jews.

18986228? ago

Lots of people hate Whites too, blamig them for all the world's problems. Does that make it right?

18986247? ago

Bring it on! The sooner we kill off the non-whites the better the world will be.

18968605? ago

You’re an idiot.

Trump has done all he can without hurting the plan. Congress has failed to work with Trump on anything. Can you not see he is trying to do things the right way? They might make their way in but I’d be willing to bet they are dealt with before 2024. Stop seeding doubt or leave.

18968668? ago

The "plan" is white genocide. Trump is doing everything he can to advance the plan. I'm not going anywhere fucktard. I was on Voat YEARS before you came along. If you don't like it here you can get the fuck out. Trump and Q are not on our side. Trump and Q are working for the Jews. Their job is to advance the New World Order and implement white genocide. Wake the fuck up and look around you! Have you ever noticed how more and more non-whites show up every day? There's a reason for that: http://www.westernspring.co.uk/the-coudenhove-kalergi-plan-the-genocide-of-the-peoples-of-europe/

18975738? ago

Zionism = Israel First

Trump = America First
Q = Israel Last

Learn to read between the lines. Trump has told us from the start.

18978241? ago

Trump = Zionist sucking Israel's dick.

Q = a psyop to keep the goyim busy.

18985675? ago

Baseless claims. Please continue.


18986099? ago

Keep trusting that plan while they enslave you.

Here, put this noose around your neck.....

18975718? ago

Your claims have zero evidence. The facts and actions around Trump literally prove the exact opposite of what you’re claiming. Been on Voat for years? That explains a lot. Same faggots we had to deal with when we first got here. Sad.

18978244? ago

You fuckers need to go.

18973569? ago


Don't mean to be rude, but your ignorance is actually laughable.

Try not to blow a gasket in any response you might want to make. .

18978258? ago

Someday you'll remember me. You'll be saying: "FUCK! That anon was right!"

But, by then, it will be too late.

18970073? ago

You sound like a Leftist blaming all their problems on the Whites. The only difference is you replace "Whites" with "Jews". Actually, leftists are also anti-Semitic. So maybe you are a leftist?

18969003? ago

Get the fuck out of this room pussy. If you were on voat for years I’m glad we commandeered it from your dumbass. You lose.

18970114? ago

I'm not going anywhere. You will be enjoying my posts for a long long long long time.

Like this one from last week that made it to the front page: https://voat.co/v/QRV/3248188

Enjoy my posts. You'll be seeing a lot more.

18968965? ago

Did you notice that the US are not a part of Europe?

18968299? ago

dumbass. there is more than one plan.

18968317? ago

Yeah, white genocide and the New World Order are what Q and Trump are working towards.

Trust the plan.

18967804? ago

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