18988098? ago

Check out "Secret Practices of the Sufi Freemasons" the Islamic Teachings at the Heart of Alchemy by Baron Rudolf von Sebottendorff for links to the Frankfort School, Fourth Reich, Euro / British / American societies & Intel groups and their fascination with cybernetics & chaos before control theology,trauma based mind control

18995850? ago

That's a new one for me! Thank you, I'm excited to check it out.

18967333? ago

Freemasonry is intertwined with 'intel' groups, compartmentalization, benign at lower levels / occult at upper levels, controlled from the top of the pyramid, I could go on -

18973486? ago

18965407? ago

The Watchers

18964632? ago

The're globalist vermin with supernational loyalties.

They are also controlled by Jewish supremacists mostly without knowing it. All Jews in the Freemasons are also in the Jew only bnai brith and are more loyal to it. Jews exploit Freemason word of mouth communication issuing those guys as human telephone lines without knowing their are working against their own interests.

18962982? ago


18962530? ago

Because the Goat God requires fresh human blood to Survive...

18965428? ago

They pray to a Moongod al-Lah? https://voat.co/v/anon/3058906 What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe

18962383? ago

Because Freemasons are responsible for most of the shootings

18962391? ago

Because Freemasons are responsible for most of the shootings

And the revolutions and infiltration of grass-root movements, too!

18973495? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3159365 The Enemy is The Cult of Baal?

18962150? ago

Aren't a lot of cops freemasons?

18962161? ago

Police, judges, active and retired military, union members and leaders, business owners.

18962543? ago

You forgot Top Level Public Servants....

18962654? ago

Ah yes, the Overseers!

18962126? ago

Because they are Satanic Luciferians who are trying to bring the world under their occult demonic order.

18965398? ago

I feel like the conversation on this board is constantly directed away from a certain group of <<<people>>>. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3144313/17880152 Excellent Meme my friend. Synagogue of Satan is pissed. They are used to hiding in the shadows and in the trenches "never see them coming". Well the lights are on now and you cucarachas are scattering.

18962158? ago

That's the summary of it all, yes. I listed videos of their repeated historical meddling in hopes people might learn a bit of history and how the Freemasons and Jacobins go about playing both sides (controlled opposition).

18962122? ago

good question, id like to know as well.

18962185? ago

I listed videos that will likely answer the question depending on one's comprehension and level of understanding (not trying to be rude or anything like that). Are they not showing up?

18962072? ago

To report to their Zionist overlords that the plan was carried out.

18962101? ago

You aren't wrong, but Zionists are only part of the overall problem ;)

18962124? ago

Oh I know, but they do most of the funding so in my opinion that puts them pretty close, if not completely at, the top of the leadership. Money talks.

18962171? ago

Absolutely! I thought it was time to get more specific with QRV. We're aware of the Jew and the Zionist. Time to go deeper. The bankers are named in the video series I listed above. I appreciate your comments!

18962325? ago

I'll give them all a watch! I'm not one of those "it's the Jews and no one else" types, but the issue I take with Jews, is that they, like Muslims, will almost never call out one of their own for the evil deeds they do. When Christians do something violent, which is extremely rare anyways, Churches will publicly denounce such behavior. Not so with Mosques and Synagoges. I personally think simple deportation of those not directly implicated is for the best, but it's hard to make that point to people who defensively call you "literal Hitler" for pointing out this fact. They mostly see it in the Muslims, because their actions are openly violent, but they have a hard time seeing it in the Jews due to the false Chosen People narriative preached at so many compromised churches, and the fact that the Zionists are experts at creating a heiarchy of fall guys to divert the blame on to.

18962379? ago

Wouldn't it be wild to find out who the real tribes of Israel are?

Does the word "British" mean anything in Hebrew???

18969965? ago

The Lost Tribes mystery being solved would likely cause some real chaos. I'm of the opinion that those "lost" tribes were actually the White original inhabitants of Isreal, who left to spread the Gospel of Christ, and the "Jews" are nothing but mutts and have been since before Christ.

18969989? ago

All my research points to that being the reality.

18962646? ago

18962683? ago

Christianity reached those islands before Catholicism, and The Book before that.

18979090? ago

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6KIwiIFNX_0 - British Israelism & Globalism (Pastor Charles Lawson)

18962338? ago

I have come to similar conclusions and I cannot disagree with you.

18962005? ago

Freemasons outrank FOP. Freemasons know a lot of judges.

18965367? ago

It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals? ? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM. https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3217676/18597237 Where did the Babylonians get this from? From something that pre-dates both Babylon and Jews, I suspect.

18962537? ago

Many Judges are Masons, and the Judges have their own Lodges....

18961920? ago

What stupid drivel.


18961967? ago

You should make an instructional DIY yt video for them. Think of all the money your family will get from the views.

18961891? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/WW7cajxJcefn - ( Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 5 )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/qfWNNvANPyZW - ( Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 2 )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/75sXzm2wjb8e - ( Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 3 )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/HyuFBHJHRPum - ( Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 1 )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/9ayld35aqWpY - ( Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 4 )

18961772? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=I9IYbnx3mKg :

Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 1 - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=G4vFtC1iPwU :

Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 2 - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=HEPpEwinzxw :

Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 3 - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=mnb1r6YZdRc :

Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 4 - YouTube

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=5-G369ce_i8 :

Freemason Hijacking of Revolutions pt 5 - YouTube

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