18964713? ago

Learn to read the comms were right on the cuspis of something biblical

18967438? ago

I agree and I can sure feel something different in the atmosphere!😇

18963646? ago

18963428? ago

Well this day of prayer for Trump is not confined to the USA. Was talking to my mum (oz) who is a born again and they are joining in at her church. This battle is global.

18963938? ago

just said the Lord's Prayer, and one for President Trump and the Q team.

18962792? ago

I agree, you should hold your breath while you wait surely it wont be long

18962555? ago

Every day I clean my Rifle which is called Prayer....

18963927? ago

"perhaps they'll listen to Reason" -- Snow Crash

18961917? ago

Lord, Bless us all,
Bless every man, woman, and child. Mothers, fathers, sons, and daughters. Bless the servicemen and women, bless veterans alive and dead. Bless the courageous and meek, Bless the awake and asleep. Bless our 45th president Donald Trump and his family. Bless Q and there assets. Bless our country and its citizenry.

May you keep us safe and in your thoughts

Smite the cruel and imprison the wicked,
rescue the forgotten and abused. Protect the meek and trampled. May justice prevail
may your light shine down with wisdom and knowledge to illuminate truth and teach those that would learn. this is my prayer to you

18961038? ago

Does Trump ever say the name Jesus?

18962415? ago

I have wondered the same!

18961289? ago

Trump Praises Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ- Time marker @ 1:47 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DJblkdpjCik

18967645? ago

Wow that was awesome!! thanks for sharing and THANK YOU to PRESIDENT TRUMP FOR BRINGING AMERICA BACK TO GOD!!!😇😇😇 WE LOVE YOU!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

18969267? ago

Amen :)

18967154? ago

Thank you, it's not easy to find.

18969279? ago

Yw Anything i can do to help :)

18961010? ago

For fucks sake! You people say this every week. Then it doesn't happen and you pretend that it was never said. Fuck off!

18961329? ago

Don't rely on the date fagging by serialbrain, neonrevolt and anon shills "decoding dates" crap. They probably do that and have fakes comes in pretending they have a lot of support among the community (they don't) for exactly this reason, to come back later on and say "see, it didn't happen". Many of us aren't stupid and haven't fell for it anyway, i'll rely on the bible and political events to indicate how dicey things are getting. Thats it.

18962790? ago

Its a documented fact that serialbrain at the very least tolerates shill accounts, if doesnt directly run/coordinate them.

Go to the sb2 subreddit, theres always a bunch of new accounts whos entire post history is just frantically praising sb2....

Sb2 talks to them as if theyre real so he either supports it or is a dumbass

18969319? ago

yep pretty obvious, i wonder who does fall for it though among authentic users, i guess thats why we keep ringing on the bell on the clowns lol

18960953? ago

Speaking of coinkydinky absences from the country:

Goes he into all the world

"Russell M. Nelson, fresh from a historic and reform-minded General Conference, is halfway through a global tour, his first trip outside the United States since being named the LDS Church’s 17th prophet. He told Mormons in London that the Prince of Peace is the key to navigating turbulent times, testified of Christ at Brigham Young University’s Jerusalem Center during an abbreviated stay in the Holy Land and paid tribute to Kenya’s pioneering Mormons in Nairobi. He wrapped up his African journey with an emotional appearance in Zimbabwe. The next stops for the 93-year-old president will be in India, Thailand, Hong Kong and Hawaii." - Salt Lake Tribune

The newest prophet is the spiritual equivalent of Pope Francis.

18964443? ago

17... KEK!

18961693? ago

He worships a different Jesus, and a different gospel. It has no relationship to Christ or Christianity. It is a counterfeit. It comes from the depths of hell to lead people astray from the true gospel of Christ. They deny the deity of Christ as eternal God. They believe god was once a man and that faithful Mormon men will become gods and have multiple wives on their own planet to bear spirit children. It is a farce, fiction. Russell Nelson is a false prophet who leads people into this deception. Don’t be fooled. Joeseph Smith was a polygamist, a mason, and an occult practioner. Book of Mormon was a series of stories written by Solomon Spaulding in biblical Elizabethan English. Left at a print shop for publication it was stolen by Sidney Rigdon and shared with Joe Smith who turned it into ridiculous stories in the Book of Mormon which has 0 historical or archaeological evidence. If you go to a Mormon church I encourage to run, not walk, to the nearest exit. Temple going Mormons wear magic underwear with Masonic symbols on them.

18962446? ago

Ex-Mormon here.

Joseph Smith tried to join the Methodist church after his grand revelation. Heh. They wouldn't have him.

I don't believe the OP you responded to was saying anything kind about Nelson. Comparing him to Pope Francis and all ;)

Pawns in the NWO.

18960713? ago

That 4th of July celebration at the Lincoln memorial is gonna be lit af!

18963565? ago

Franklin Graham's recent tour through Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island


1 min 58 sec

18965110? ago


18960599? ago

Q Post 1440 Dark to Light Marker Q !CbboFOtcZs 3 Jun 2018 - 3:58:29 PM BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. BOOM. A WEEK TO REMEMBER. DARK TO LIGHT. BLACKOUT NECESSARY. Q

18960514? ago

Lord - Please Bless all of us. Bless the ignorant. Bless the aware. Bless those in the way of Danger. Bless all of those that did not come home. Bless POTUS and all of the Operators in Harms way.

Bring the light.

God Bless all of you

18961103? ago

In Jesus’ Name we pray. Thank you, God bless you too!

18961015? ago

I completely agree with your prayer...AMEN!

18961014? ago

What did Jesus say about those who pray in public?

18961110? ago

God knows what is in the persons heart who prays in public and why. He also knows whats in the heart of those who attempt to cast doubt or judgment on others praising the Lord who are trying to help others find their way to Him.

"Matthew 6:5-7, Jesus gives two ways to ensure that our prayers are righteous. First, prayers should not be for the purpose of being seen by others as righteous or “spiritual.” Second, prayers should be authentic, as from the heart, and not just vain repetition or “empty phrases.”


18963904? ago

i like having a helpful guide to writing my prayers, sometimes words don't just flow

18962505? ago

That is exactly right Patriot. God knows our hearts. God Bless Us All. Amen.

18969306? ago

Amen and God bless you!

18960495? ago


I think the Anon's have just been told to "Buckle Up."

18960458? ago

anY DAy NOw !!!

18960155? ago

Is there, are there specific tweet(s) you're referring to that you could reference?

18960065? ago

next week

If I had a nickle for everytime I heard that from this community, I'd be able to treat myself to a fancy steak dinner by now.

18960551? ago

Or a BJ from your mom...

18962773? ago

Or 50 bjs from yours

18980319? ago

Oh yeah...your mom pays to suck dick lmfao....

18960462? ago

BOOM coming next week! Demonrats in PANIC mode!

18959914? ago

It may have already happened.

I tend to believe this. If we are watching a movie as Q says, then much of this has either happened or they know its happening.

18959889? ago

StaffAnon capitol parking closed by SS this weekend and all-hands meetings on Monday 8AM.

Barr in Alaska.

18959721? ago

Take a look at the last two months of Q. He's not posting anything of substance beyond checking in because IT'S ON. Radio silence. They fell for the disinfo and Q showed us how the game is played. Here we go.

18959720? ago

One of the guys who started a few of the neo-Nazi sites is leaving the country in 2 weeks... I think those "sleeper cells" may be activated, especially since some of the shills allude to something coming when they get super pissed... Of course, I could just be overly suspicious.

18959458? ago

Put on your armor of God folks, we must be at a crossroad or something big coming our way.

18961011? ago


18959441? ago

Whoa. Franklin Graham is Deep State and part of the whole Pedo Network. This is just creepy AF. I'm a Christian and I prayer for POTUS daily. This is to be what that StaffAnon post was about. Trump has to know how dirty Graham is. Both he and his dad were part of the Bohemian Grove stuff. Satan worshippers in sheep's clothing. Watch for something bad to happen that day.

18963657? ago

An unrealistic put-down of Graham, who does good work.

For Deep-State religiton, just see the rainbow-churches, or, rather, Wayne-Blow churches.

18972163? ago

Unfortunately, Franklin and Billy Graham have both been found over the years to be involved in Pedogate and possibly PizzaGate. https://www.sgtreport.com/2018/08/does-franklin-graham-support-voodoo-doughnut-child-traffickers-sure-looks-like-it/ Like Tom Hanks and a few of the others we thought were good guys, this one breaks my heart. But I have memories of my Dad decades ago coming home from a Billy Graham crusade completely disappointed. As a strong elder in his church, he was able to go backstage. There he saw a man whose job it was to approach pretty young things and invite them backstage for a "private prayer session." There was a bed under the stage in a locked room. Graham would take them there. I know dad wasn't lying because up till then he held Billy in high esteem. After that incident, he never spoke the man's name again and would turn off the TV when he came on. He would just sadly shake his head and say he couldn't understand how a man of God would debase himself and others that way.

They are all adept at hiring PR people to cover up their sins. They can still go out and do some great things. But those works don't wash away the pain and suffering they've inflicted. Look at some of Cathy Obrien's work. She names Billy. Others have said Franklin accompanied his dad to the Bohemian Grove.

Look - I don't want to believe it either. It sickens me to even process this. But it certainly explains why so many are screaming so loudly against Trump. To take him down before all is exposed. While Franklin isn't doing that, he is certainly making large efforts to appear above it all - perhaps so people will question the stories they hear when they are revealed. Just as you are.

18962134? ago

I missed it. What happened now?

18961033? ago

I think Franklin Graham was not a patriot because he was great friends with the Bushes...but Franklin is completely different. He has continually spoken for the things that were right. I believe he is sincere to call for this prayer. Samaritan's Purse, his organization is always the first to go in to help people no matter where it is. I just don't believe that about this man.

18972226? ago


18960942? ago


Have You seen this photo of FG at voodoo donuts? Even IF it’s just a name and nothing nefarious goes on there as alleged, he shouldn’t support a business with that name. Voodoo isn’t and shouldn’t be considered a joke to a Pastor.

18962138? ago

That's...not good. Thank you for pointing this out!

18960808? ago

I just re-read a Luke 15:7 passage ( when researching Aileen Wuornos) that says:

"Just so, I tell you, there will be more joy in heaven over one sinner who repents than over ninety-nine righteous persons who need no repentance"

Graham could have changed his ways or he could be setting himself as a supporter of Trump to eventually take it back publicly (Mark Taylors warning about evangelical leaders turning on Trump when God starts delivering His justice on the evil ones).

Steve Harvey has been bad too, but he started out knowing Christ, became lost through his fame years and turning back to Him now, he just received a message on his talk show that made him cry - https://www.christianheadlines.com/blog/it-s-time-to-get-in-touch-with-god-steve-harvey-brought-to-tears-after-gospel-singer-prophesied-over-him.html

18960559? ago

lol. Desperate much?

18960504? ago

I have heard this too, about Billy Graham anyway. I can't be sure if that is true but if so, is it possible that his son is innocent or a defector? Surely POTUS would not be promoting the prayer effort unless he is certain that Franklin is ok?

I just never followed either of these guys super closely so I don't know what to make of it.

18972265? ago

Me too. I have heard a lot of things and some is coming from those who escaped the creeps. But that Voodoo Pizza made me think there may be something to it

18961281? ago

Alot of these church leaders are not what they claim to be, if you were around in the 80s there were many jokes about it like: My name is Jimmy Swaggart I been a naughty boy. If you’re looking for a hypocrite well, I’m the real McCoy! I look at naked women, While I wrestle with my rod. Everytime I blow my jiz I always scream, Oh god!!!

19048951? ago

I know wht you are saying. The churches are so compromised today and no less corrupt that the government in many ways. I have been in so many denominations and seen so much ugliness in the churches and the people who called themselves the leaders. I don't know how many of them can live with themselves. I would rather just have Bible studies with people I feel have a sincere heart and then study online with godly people of wisdom and just leave the churches to go their own ways. There are so many good ministries to support like Pro Life and Personhood and American Family Assn. that believe in the things I do and call out the things that are ungodly instead of just covering up their own sins.

18959400? ago

yeah, I thought that was a tiny bit odd, the sheer volume of tweets just on that subject (prayer). TWELVE tweets in a row.

18959641? ago

Twelve tweets for twelve criminals. It's the phase one list.

18959011? ago

I agree.

18958905? ago

Link? I'm banned. Only say I get to see tweets is w a link. Heres to hope

18961050? ago

I'm banned too. You can still read twitter, just can't post.

18959569? ago

You don't have to be of twitter to see twitter.

18959836? ago

I am fully banned and unable to see any

18960716? ago


18959658? ago

But why give them the traffic if they are jew loving anti-American?

18967392? ago

It's so OBVIOUS once it is point out enough times. Can't wait until the majority knows! WWG1WGA! MAGA!😇

18959064? ago

If you're banned then you shouldn't login. This works for me, I never had an account there. Or you can use https://qmap.pub/ with "POTUS" button switched to "on". The tweets regarding the prayers start with T-6112 there.

18959401? ago

shit is about to HIT the FAN finally