18958984? ago

crensch is having a nervous breakdown, molloch has decided to be a good guy, and this sub has gotten a lot of gosspy old women telling tales, of sex, violence, and rock and roll
I like it.

18962051? ago

me too!

18957854? ago

Just to make this one clear for readers i'll post it again.


  • OP created the post
  • Then OP tells people not to respond to it and let the post ride as is
  • Then OP tell us responding to it is equated to declaring it true and censoring it?

"These people are stupid".

18968051? ago

Yet here you are....replying....you realize you are part of the gag when you feed the trolls, right?

hahaha The irony is so lost on you Qoomer retards. Fancying you are quite smart....but responding repeatedly to trolls.

18969258? ago

lol i notice how you shills always try to push that "don't respond" bull. Qoomer lol! Another give-away. Try others tactics these are getting old

18969311? ago

Again...HERE you are. Responding to a troll in a troll post.

What does that make you?

There's a word for it. ;)

18969441? ago

Troll made the post then demands we don't respond,that's not suspicious at all! Then you come and beat the same horse lol Not obvious at all! Hahah i'll stop now though lol i did my duty and authentic users get the drift on this point now. Makes it easier next time you fools come and bleat "stop responding to troll posts!". Give it up already

18969677? ago

Because you're not supposed to respond to trolls.

You repeatedly break Rule #1: NEVER Feed the Trolls.

And you crow about it not realizing you have Troll Shit on your head.

18958114? ago

Haha I know right?

I think he’s just trying to make their shit posts glownless like I stated below, then their trap links will get more action.

18959084? ago

lol oh jeez

18957468? ago

TLDR let me know when our “saviors” decide to keep QRV on topic, much like every other sub and forum, and


18957787? ago


18957806? ago

Lol never used Reddit once. I bet you’ve been on it plenty of times, and you prob been using this gay site forever too.



18957918? ago

You must not like being called a larp do u =[

JW do ur gifs and links go w u to the grave? =[

18957950? ago


18957481? ago

You are the savior you just have to start ignoring shit like this

18957512? ago

Aren’t you OP ur name is in purple wtf are you on.

18957655? ago

I'm reminding everyone who stops on these threads to focus on more important shit

18957729? ago

Its ok ur thread will be gone soon enough anyways, here today, gone in a few mins.

18957754? ago

But only if people ignore it.

18957773? ago

How do I know you’re not just a shill who wants us to stop making your threads glow right away?

18957372? ago

Why should I believe that the namefamers posting slide threads and troll thread after thread about this shwayze or whatever, aren’t the same ones spamming porn? They are literally the same thing, just troll threads. You just admitted yourself this is a troll thread.

So without having any idea who this chick is ur bitching about, using logic, I can deduce that the spammers and namefamers are one in the same. Just trying to cause confusion.

18957407? ago

You shouldn't actually worry about it at all it would help save us. It doesn't matter if anyone believes them or not. It is irrelevant to the task at hand.

18957492? ago

I’m not worried it’s just simple logic.

Shills spamming threads w porn/gore

Are also the same shills spreading threads and titles w annoying username bs.

18957519? ago

So when can we start ignoring and downvoting and not waste time on these bullshit threads

18957540? ago

Once again OP are U forgetting to switch alt accounts or something? I see your name on purple.

18957627? ago

I am making a point. I am saying you can't rely on mods. Stop replying to this shit and get to fucking work for the cause

18957691? ago

This is my work. Shilling the shills in their threads for the brief glimpses of time they exist.....

It’s like a bugs life, here for one min gone the next....

So now you’re larping as a “patriot trying to prove a point.” Got it.

Like I said I can’t downvote because I don’t leave this sub, and sure as hell have no interest in ever leaving anymore.

18957734? ago

Sure a LARP or whatever but the point stands. Move along. When you see this shit ignore it.

18957745? ago

Okay now you can delete ur thread and lead by example.

18957772? ago

But who would be here tell people to gtfo and go back to sharing proof to the rest of the world

18957194? ago

No actually I have no idea who.

And what do u mean “the difference” the sub is still being brigaded to shit by u stupid voat obsessed name gamers and trannies.

18957491? ago

lol no kidding. The same shilling going on trying to amp up divisions between users and Q subs. So obvious but we have to keep on keeping on down-voting the fools

18957208? ago

pro tip don't respond

Unless you know it's true and want to censor it

19068331? ago

Excellent point. But they don't get it. If any had experience with pizzagate, they'd understand how Podesta worked that.

18957248? ago

I’m just trying to put the pieces together. If I had to take a guess, I’d say the ones constantly dropping names of some chick on some website nobody knows or cares about, are the same ones who started shit posting tranny porn about a few weeks ago, followed by shitty Japanese cartoon porn and gore shit.

And the sub is still being brigaded, so which part did I miss?

18957307? ago

Not really. Their target was greatawakening not a qrv.

That chick wanted qrv and needed outrage and cooperation to get modded. It almost worked. Zyklon saved QRV

19068411? ago

He has no intention of saving anything.

18958010? ago

Pro tip Zyklon hates Trump and Q. He has no intention of saving qrv or any other pro Trump or pro Q sub.

18957561? ago

haha! zyklon! No one who already "gets it" will change their mind, we know what's up and these shills including him are a joke. Plus i see the same shilling trying to raise doubt for both subs, using the other sub as an example, same play over and over again. So obvious lol "These people are stupid"

18957697? ago

That's why everyone needs to start ignoring these threads. Please move along. And next time remember to move along.

18957775? ago

So let me get this straight:

  • 1st you create the post
  • Then you tell people not to respond to it and let the post ride as is
  • Then you tell us responding to it is equated to declaring it true and censoring it?

Lol! No dice "These people are stupid".

May God have mercy on you

18957430? ago

Zyklon saved qrv? Another name I don’t know, but by logic once again I can see it’s still the same spammers that suddenly appeared three weeks ago...... So let me know when he’s done saving and


Who was the mod that left right before tranny showed up? Now they were actually doing their job because none of this shit happened, just ur usual Nazi larpers n shit like that.

18957507? ago

That's why we all need to ignore this shit starting now

18957521? ago

Once again OP why are you making threads and telling me to ignore said threads?

18957639? ago

Because if you are interacting with this thread you are the person who needs to be told to move on from threads like this.

18962042? ago

[jumping in here]

wish you knew how hilarious it is to read this exchange

18962036? ago


18957223? ago

What do u mean

18957277? ago

I mean you are feeding the troll. If you ignore a troll post it won't generate a comment count which attracts discussion.

If you don't think it is of any value downvote it and move on that simple. Even if you ignore and don't downvote it will never hit the front page.

The only reason to argue if you think it is patently false would be to censor the topic and required the opposite point of view.

Notice the news don't talk about pizzagate.

18957320? ago

I’m not even sure what I’d be censoring, like I said I’ve been here since Q sent me. So I don’t have this intimate knowledge of all the mods and namefamers like you do. Thank god.

18957353? ago

That's good. Keep on researching and ignore this shit

18957314? ago

Aren’t you the OP? You are instructing me to not feed you? I can’t downvote because I never leave QRV because the rest of the site is MAD GAY and full of people like you who are obsessed w memorizing usernames and gay shit like that.

I like to shit post the shit posters because why not? Like 99.999 percent of your shit threads never make it anyways, HOT section looking pretty good rn.

18962073? ago

It's a little gay – – – but not GAY GAY. It's more let's be funny and grab each other's haha's for shits and giggles gay. We laugh alot.

You should join us sometime in making haha's for laughs sometime. We have a gay old time being not really GAY GAY (but just a little gay.)

18966938? ago

Meh too much real shit to focus on. Not gonna get wrapped up on a message board namefameing and this mods comped by this mod who’s fucking this mod. IDC.

QANON is where the real funs at, the fact that he set this board up still amazes me everyday, some 5d chess or sumshit for sure!

18957370? ago

Yes. Don't feed. Good! You all missed the biggest news btw like two days ago.

18962048? ago


18957123? ago

"I stopped shitting on my neighbor's porch since he moved out. Clearly he was the one shitting on his own porch."

18957134? ago

False. Read every comment in that thread and you will know true.

18957108? ago