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18951422? ago

This is why you don’t take nudes or sex acts and hand them out like valentines.

18952683? ago

how stupid must she be

18952696? ago

But is there a way to tell if that’s really her? Or just a look alike. Valentines here by the way.

18952944? ago

here is 1 link

second link with confirmation from a mod

18952988? ago

Haha. What a great day to watch someone fall from grace.

18953333? ago

it goes deep.

the more i learn, the more wretchedness is revealed.

DV brigading, harassing, using alts. now it makes sense why Crensch has been on a terror campaign with censoring. we all thought he was just whiteknighting.

all along Srayzie was cheating on her husband with him - and trying to get with another mod. so he's covering the truth while censoring and making it look like we're the bad guys for exposing it.

18953455? ago

Similar to the Streisand effect.