18952677? ago

DM #PUSSYPASSPATRIOT 2 @srayzie 4 moar pix

This message brought to you by Israel, America's greatest ally

18951868? ago

What is the background and sauce on this anon?

This just seems like a creative, but arbitrary forum slide featuring a random ex gf dick suckery picture

18952771? ago

those are real pics. confirmed it is her. she was fucking 1 mod (Crensch) and sending pix of the sex-tivity to another one (Kevdude).


18957836? ago

She never sent me this pic. And it does not look like her.

  • kd

18958395? ago

so lets have the one she sent. ;)

18958900? ago

She sent me one pic which I deleted because I have a gf and view that shit as cheating.

I don't care if you believe me or not.

18959162? ago

asking cuz i saw some crazy thread you were pinged in the other night. they wanted you trolled. i was like, kd is cool in my eyes. they got so mad i wouldnt troll you haha

18959031? ago

can i ask you something.

who is really livid with you rn? s-crazy or c-runch?

18960034? ago

@srayzie is mad at me for a few reasons, some of them in her head.

@crensch has lost faith. I don't think he is mad at me any more than I am mad at him. He disagrees with me philosophically and I don't respect how he is handling things. We aren't overemotional women to be "mad" about it.

But yeah @srayzie is the one who hates me. kek

18960241? ago

thanks for the reply.

someone on here the other day - was livid with you. blamed you for controlling all sides. it stretched the bounds of logic.

from what i've seen you've stayed level headed best you can. giving you respect for that, kd.

18960257? ago

blamed you for controlling all sides. it stretched the bounds of logic.

Hence the "some of them in her head" comment.

giving you respect for that, kd.

Thank you. I appreciate it.

18960356? ago

Thank you. I appreciate it.

you're welcome. keep it tight.

this has been an interesting saga to watch unfold. you start seeing cracks appear and the hypocrisies become more apparent.

18958970? ago

you're smart to do that

18953376? ago

Interesting. So what is your take.. villian in this or a victim.. or both?

18954601? ago

since you think this may be a slide -i'll pose the Q back to you?

18955054? ago

she cozied up to all the influencers and was manipulating until one influencer was smart enough to play along then told her she would be doxxed if she didnt knock her shit off

18955191? ago

succinct recap. 👍🏼

is she victim or villain?

is it a forum slide or truth?

18955263? ago

if @kevdude is telling the truth she is the shill

if @kevdude is lying everyone be all takin pussy pass on credit like WOMBS (white male beta orbiters)

The real question is how did @zyklon_b call it before @kevdude admitted

bonus why did @gamepwn lose his shit and call the police?

given the selective outrage on doxxing it really looks like some people were distraught after they realized they werent going to be able to turn in their pussy pass Internet shekels

18956432? ago

i busted em out and made em think we was other ppl over 2 yeats

18955470? ago

The real question is how did @zyklon_b call it before @kevdude admitted

Probably because she sent them to him as well.

18956424? ago


18951808? ago

Good girl

18951765? ago

So much downvoting of everything mentioning the GA fall-apart. Fuck them. Serves them right.

18951756? ago

LMFAO. shit ball kickers run around rollin turds like a day at the putt-putt course and think they're doing something.

youre puttin shitballs and your to braindead to see it.

18951502? ago

Hot as fuck

18951422? ago

This is why you don’t take nudes or sex acts and hand them out like valentines.

18952683? ago

how stupid must she be

18952696? ago

But is there a way to tell if that’s really her? Or just a look alike. Valentines here by the way.

18952944? ago

here is 1 link

second link with confirmation from a mod

18952988? ago

Haha. What a great day to watch someone fall from grace.

18953333? ago

it goes deep.

the more i learn, the more wretchedness is revealed.

DV brigading, harassing, using alts. now it makes sense why Crensch has been on a terror campaign with censoring. we all thought he was just whiteknighting.

all along Srayzie was cheating on her husband with him - and trying to get with another mod. so he's covering the truth while censoring and making it look like we're the bad guys for exposing it.

18953455? ago

Similar to the Streisand effect.

18952721? ago

Not her.

18955038? ago

Where did the picture come from then? Someone find a lookalike the day after she left? It isn't anywhere else on the Internet. Prove its not her.

18955172? ago

Yeah I did google image search, I don't know where the pic came from, didn't Zyklon post it?

Look at her real pics, the ones triggly posted when she was doxing her, the nose is not the same, hair is not the same (tho the hair doesn't prove much).

She would have had to have gotten a nose job and even then it doesn't look like her at all.

Maybe Zyklon or whoever posted it found someone similar. The pic here, in this post, you can't tell as well as with the other ones Zyklon (or whoever) posted.

The one in the lingerie. Those are def not srayzie. I knew it immediately. And others knew it and got a good laugh about it.

18955196? ago

She took the picture at an angle to hide her jew nose.

You say all others knew it except the two dudes who were getting naked pictures of her called it "doxx"

I knew @srayzie had an alt ready to use couldnt stay away from teh Internet

18955291? ago

That angle isn't enough to hide a curved nose. You guys are the same ones that say she and Shizy are the same. They're not.

18955327? ago


18955365? ago

Had convos with both. All you have to do is check their comments, no alt can be that good. Who am I ?

18955522? ago

no alt can be that good

Young padowan I hate to break it to you but that bitch was mentally ill

Unless you have proof they are alts there is no reason to believe you they both rage quit at the same time and used the same poor logic to string together screenshots to make it look convicing to IDIOTS that people were shills just because they hated Q

18955581? ago

I've talked to both of them. She wasn't mentally ill. Flaky maybe. They both 'rage quit' because they were friends, they were close, that simple.

When I first met them in pizzagate I got to know them, Believe what you want, they are two different people, alike in some ways, very different in others.

18955596? ago

But youve never seen pictures of them both or met them both irl?

18955753? ago

Can't elaborate but they're not the same, I really don't care, I just have a few minutes here. And it's just kind of hilarious that people are stupid enough to think they're one and the same. I know them both.

18952733? ago

Still funny tho.

18951415? ago

OMG is this really her?

18952764? ago

yes they are

18952725? ago


18952739? ago

Looks just like the pics in her twitter

18952759? ago

I know, they are similar. That's likely why they are spreading these. There are several, of the same girl.

I have no idea the facts about whether she shared anything with anybody but I know her well enough to confirm it's not her, dunno who it is.

Maybe do a google image search.

18952779? ago

she shared them with another mod. those are real pics. confirmed it is her. she was fucking 1 mod (Crensch) and sending pix of the sex-tivity to another one (Kevdude).


18952823? ago

She might have shared her pics, I don't know. But that pic is not her, I know what she looks like.

As for the sex claims, the post you refer to is all anons.

Tons of misinfo and confusion right now.

18955071? ago

FOUND SYRAZIE ALT HIDING IN ANON @zyklon_b @cheesboogerhimself

18955306? ago

lol she's pretty bummed right now, doubt she's on here but who knows

18952878? ago


here is 1 link if you'd like to check it out

second link with confirmation from mod Kevdude

18952969? ago

Thanks, now I remember Kev saying that. That would not surprise me if it happened, I have no reason to doubt him.

I've seen those threads.

The girl pic in this post isn't her, I can assure you.

And the two pics in one of the posts you referenced are not her either.

I have no dog in the fight really. If you post anything that's her I will confirm (or deny).

18955081? ago

Post a sample pic for science. Otherwise you are just @srayzie.

18955231? ago

Look at her twitter pics and a few others of her, compared to those that were posted by Triggly. They're not the same.

18955342? ago

Ive never seen a picture of srayzie where could I find one?

18955383? ago

Triggly whoever that is, posted them and got banned for it. Ask her. They were publicly available. I don't have them.

18955533? ago

so what you are saying is the @kevdude is now in a position that he will has to post proof or be considered a liar by Qtards? hows that for irony @cheeseboogerhimself?

18955801? ago

Nobody wants Kevdude to do anything.

18955586? ago

No. He doesn't care if people believe him or not. He told his story. The fact that we are seeing pics come out prove she was sharing them, unless she was a zyklon_b alt all along. And he doesn't have pics. She sent him one that he deleted because he doesn't cheat on his gf.

The Q people don't care about this drama one way or another.

18955837? ago

The fact that we are seeing pics come out prove she was sharing them

She might have shared pics but these aren't her.

18951921? ago

100 %


18951343? ago

Is that @molochhunter’s tiny little cock?

18951926? ago

@crensch 1990

18951318? ago

Wow. Look at that schnozz. Was she JIDF?

18952820? ago

she's pretty dumb for JIDF. she made another 2 alts 'THOTshot' and 'HollaKost' and got caught spamming up the subs with another pic to try to slide the info from getting out. check out the comment history on the alts to see what we're talking about.

18951246? ago

🔺🚨 sociopath alert 🚨🔺

dweeb must lead a truly useless life, to be so obsessed with juvenile schoolyard bullshit.

18951773? ago

Fuck off back to GA. Then back to reddit. Then back to Facebook.

18951975? ago

lalla alal lalal alal al al al la la lla la la la la all al al al allla la la la l l al la a la l ala al l al la l l al l la l l l al lalalal la la l al a

18951203? ago

Wow! I can’t believe this degenerate thought she could lead the Q movement on VOAT

18951930? ago

what a slut

18954773? ago

a dick suckin' ho-slut