18949466? ago


(Courtesy of America's greatest ally, Israel)

18949113? ago

its almost as if we are all wasting our time

18948680? ago

It couldn't happen to a nicer group of assholes.

18947204? ago

That wasn't the GA mods standing up to the cp, tranny and loli porn, nor calling for people to abandon QRV until it's moderated.

18946477? ago

Dear OP,

Nobody but the shills care.

The GreatAwakening mods can be huge pricks if they want, it's no skin of our noses.

Don't worry about the thoughts in other people's heads.

18947654? ago

You say that because you don't realize she was using her twat to manipulate brigading https://voat.co/v/confessions/3245371

18948022? ago

Yeah, I know... but I don't care.

Shills will suck Jew penis no matter what... so I just ignore them.

18946495? ago

Whaaaatever. It’s hilarious. And if you can’t see that, you have no sense of humour.

18947524? ago

its actually rather sad, an angry bag of rabid cats were able to cause the disruption to OUR voat boards. an individual who has dedicated years to maintaining a board for the benefit of the community and anyone who may venture here outside of voat. I dont go there because of the garbage they allow, and when q is done voat is done. Which again is sad, because i do see interesting subs out there, but they will never be seen because a few mental dysfunctionals shit the place up. I have better things to do than deal with human trash, like scratch my ass, and counting the specks on the textured ceiling.

18951728? ago

Is it sad like the USSR was sad? They spent so many years building something only to disband and run off. I don’t feel bad for those at GA. I think them choosing to leave their people is only a sign of the kind of people/clowns they/she are/is.

18952035? ago

lLlallalalalalal l ll ll allalala la la lal lal lallala lallal al lla la lal all alallallala lla la la ll la lla la lla l lal al llal lal al alal la ala lal la la

18946671? ago

He’s right you know. It’s not funny. Nothing about it makes me laugh. It’s weird that it makes you laugh. Most normal people wouldn’t waste time following things that didn’t interest them. It seems like they got you under their spell. You seem like you might hate them yet you willingly interact with them. If you think their dumb, wouldn’t that be counter productive? Wouldn’t you want to read up on what smart people are saying?

18951380? ago

ARE YOU RETARDED? They were actively vying for this board to shut down.

If they believed so hard in what they preached why did they abandon their own people??

18951473? ago

So what. They don’t have the authority. But you seem to like giving them attention. 🤔

18951541? ago

You’re a fucking idiot. You’re logic is this: “so what there was a russia collusion? Ignore it. Why are you feeding them?”

I will absolutely note something astronomically ironic regarding something that would have impacted everyone here.

But you’re clearly from GA. Not sure why you’re even here.

18951627? ago

Nope. My logic is not caring about your stupid high school drama. And no I don’t go the GA. That’s how easy it is. Except people like you who want to forum slide with this dumb shit.

18951677? ago

“People like me” watch for cunts like GA (with their sliding content and circle jerking) coming in here and dictating what’s what. Go fuck yourself back to reddit.

18951801? ago

We can handle ourselves over here. You should go back to GA. You seem like a cunt.

18951838? ago

I like that argument. Sounds like the one I just made!!!! Amazing. Tell strayzie hi for me. Fucking retard.

18949126? ago

oh shut up.

18951121? ago

Lol. I would ask that you faggs do the same. Nobody cares about your highschool level bullshit.

18947209? ago

It’s weird that it makes you laugh. Most normal people wouldn’t waste time following things that didn’t interest them. It seems like they got you under their spell. You seem like you might hate them yet you willingly interact with them.

Schadenfreude is a mental illness.

18946547? ago

Sorry, I have real, adult responsibilities to focus on.

I couldn't care less about whoever you are bitching about.

18951363? ago

So real in fact that you’ve replied here at least twice. You don’t care at all. At. All.