18947526? ago



18945393? ago

good thing i'm really a tranny nignog larping as a nazi trad wife

18947507? ago

All shills are really just LARPERS are heart. Playing as someone else. Living vicariously.

18945182? ago

lol it just gets better and better. best friday night in a while!

18943517? ago

Did you show her your well used nigger asshole?

18942991? ago

Do y’all keep like a little black book of all ur friends and enemies voat accounts or what’s the deal w this namefameing shit.

18943156? ago

They’re actively stalking a woman in real time on voat.

Looks real good on voat.

18943190? ago

I have a feeling she’ll be alright, we are just dealing w a bunch of larpers after all.

Out of all the nazis on this website you’ve encountered, how many have you actually seen in real life? Exactly.

They’re just trying to slide threads at the end of the day.

18943224? ago

They’re beating a dead horse.

18943580? ago

they are looking for pictures of boobs for science

18943657? ago

She blinded them with science

18944908? ago

She blinded them with fat titty.

18943676? ago

she must have left because she knew the pictures were cumming

18943792? ago

She Streisand herself to divorce court. She should of gone quietly into the night if these photos were out there.

Low IQ too, what asshole isn’t smart enough to delete everything when your pictures are on voat. Bitch couldn’t even delete right.

And this is the level of intelligence that was behind some deep state government movement. The fuck.

18947521? ago

When B and C list celebrity drama STILL isn’t low enough for your standards.

Much like most pop culture I STILL have no idea who you guys are going on about, and I’ve been coming to voat SONCE Q SENT ME LOL

WHO IS Q?????


18942966? ago

This guy is hitting us w maaaad craZzy doxxxs guyz he has has the docs! Fuck fuck fuck! This guy knows ALL the VOAT USENAMEs by memory guyz ITS OVER 9 THOUUUUUUUSND.

18942938? ago

A thread on voat about mods on voat.

Filed under: Shit I nor nobody in the real world cares about.

Stop larping as some mastermind 1337 h4xz0r doxxxxing oh know! R u gonna hit us w a ddos next!?! Teh larrpppppp

18943593? ago

shutz down the dogzers with ddos!!!!