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18915171? ago

Who? Who? Who? And who?

18915199? ago


kek that is that truth!

2 b gone soon.

18915220? ago

Idk I never leave QRV, Q sent us. It’s anon here, I ignore the namefameing.

I liked whatever mod was here the day before tranny brigade kicked off the shill contest

18915274? ago

we don't like namefags either. we are working to kick them out. they're turning voat into cancer.

sorry it spilled over here, but shills are using qrv to try to censor all of voat and turn in into reddit. they're masquerading as namefag mods to work both sides of the drama.

we're kicking out the namefag mods who have been using alts and downvoat brigading legitimate users.

ignore and just duck the friendly fire.

18915513? ago

wrong. @kevdude gave Voat AIDS so fuck off back to your protect voat fag pen.

18915543? ago

So @kevdude is your next target?

18915629? ago

that douche bag enables the pedophiles and loli/gore/scat porn on QRV, his trolls adore him, why would they target him? Maybe he gave them AIDS or they gave it to him, doesn't make any difference at this point.

18915756? ago


18915807? ago


18916014? ago

not kd.

but you're spreading lies, bro. chill

18916341? ago

oh wait, am I spreading lies or am I just doing performance art? funny how the answer would depend on whose side you're on, if in fact they were lies (but I believe it's all true and no one has given me reason to believe otherwise)

18916585? ago

I think @srayzie was working with @zyklon_b and it was all performance art aimed at PV. Once @crensch was honeypotted with tit pics and freaky sexting the damsel in distress was created. The only "dox" presented were 3 pictures @srayzie spread all over Voat (while she was PMing her tits to everyone). Throw in some vague threats to get all the incel white knights m'ladying and you have the shit show. @crensch turned against everyone like a Voat Darth Vader and now everyone attacking @kevdude and PV because Voat is a big platform and reddit has shown there is money in moderating if you can control conversation.

oh wait, am I spreading lies or am I just doing performance art? funny how the answer would depend on whose side you're on, if in fact they were lies (but I believe it's all true and no one has given me reason to believe otherwise)

@heygeorge @trigglypuff

18917724? ago

If @srayzie was PMing her tits to everyone, including KD, then she should of been demoded then. Still a fail on KD's job or are you saying he succumbed to her titty pics? that's the one thing I don't think about @kevdude

18918092? ago

He didn't succumb. That's why he was rational through the whole thing.

18918509? ago

I personally don't think he succumbed, but his seeming obsession in thinking he's the most capable of reasoned thought may have bitten him in the ass. They don't call blind spots 'blind spots' for nothing. Perhaps he confused being rational during titty gate with NOT demoding her. (I did not succumb, I will not react, if I demod her for sound reasons it will appear I reacted...etc) There's a long series of consequences from it (her giving the pics out and how people did or didn't react, and of course her poor judgment in doing it), perhaps voat needs a mod rule, don't show yer junk. Keep it simple, One could make the case that the fall out compromised everyone, both those who liked and those who didn't like srayzie. Those who succumbed and those who didn't.

A complete clusterfuck.

18923780? ago

That is fair. That is really fair. Shit. Modding her to PV legitimized her. I can see how it was a move to make a visible commitment to Voat's Q sub- the one that existed before the migration- but there were other ways to do that.

I mean I don't think it mattered with the constant trolling and her inability to ignore it, but it definitely didn't help.

18934240? ago

look at that faggot trying to cover his lame ass

damage control much @Kevdude? Only self serving, when you look like a loser, but the rest of voat isn't worth you having a 'reaction'.