18915633? ago

you shit noodles never give up, check your ass mud-butts.

i feel sorry for voat, they'll never be more than what they are, because they dont know how to cage their animals. who wants to go to a zoo where the wild animals attack the visitors.

i feel sorry for QRV, all it takes is a little housecleaning.

do ya see sports articles in the business section of the paper, do ya see food articles listed in the sports section. nope. editors arent censors.

ya let an angry mob run through our neighborhood like Ferguson and Baltimore.

18915264? ago

No one cares! You people are pathetic.

18942892? ago

Bye! Here's a beautiful portrait as a going away gift!


18915171? ago

Who? Who? Who? And who?

18915199? ago


kek that is that truth!

2 b gone soon.

18915220? ago

Idk I never leave QRV, Q sent us. It’s anon here, I ignore the namefameing.

I liked whatever mod was here the day before tranny brigade kicked off the shill contest

18915274? ago

we don't like namefags either. we are working to kick them out. they're turning voat into cancer.

sorry it spilled over here, but shills are using qrv to try to censor all of voat and turn in into reddit. they're masquerading as namefag mods to work both sides of the drama.

we're kicking out the namefag mods who have been using alts and downvoat brigading legitimate users.

ignore and just duck the friendly fire.

18915513? ago

wrong. @kevdude gave Voat AIDS so fuck off back to your protect voat fag pen.

18915554? ago

not here for pv asshole. that shit is a bunch of incels bleeding out their anuses from getting buttraped by anon. i'm here to celebrate that cunt shizy/srayzie getting curb stomped

18915543? ago

So @kevdude is your next target?

18915629? ago

that douche bag enables the pedophiles and loli/gore/scat porn on QRV, his trolls adore him, why would they target him? Maybe he gave them AIDS or they gave it to him, doesn't make any difference at this point.

18915872? ago

How does he enable them? Or is this just more accusations with no evidence? Nice anon too. Really adds to your credibility.

18916270? ago

When he discouraged banning them in GA while encouraging the GA mod at the time to fight them on QRV, THAT stoked the fire which led to the firestorm. He can't bring himself to keep his fucking nose out of manipulating voat's subs, voat's mods and voat's user in a grossly subversive way. It must be because he gets off on it. He's an epic failure as a powermod, misrepresenting himself no doubt to @puttitout as he does to everyone else. Because of HIS tinkering, 2 mods of a popular large sub GA are gone, a close associate and fellow mod now sees his flaws and is attempting to turn things around (notice the MASSIVE improvement on both subs since?). Another mod has shown where @Kevdude 's tinkering to protect malignant shitposters hurts the subs. There's a trail, people have just bought into his bullshit and he has the trolls on his side so here we fucking are with voat in full blown AIDS.

@Crensch @Vindicator @theoldones @molochhunter

18916409? ago

notice the MASSIVE improvement on both subs since

There is no difference in the Q content of GA. There are copius amounts of deleted comments so if you wanted to see reddit brought to Voat you have it.

Or are you just mad that he didn't want to look at your tit pics and he didn't give you a lot of information about himself?

18916795? ago

There is no difference in the Q content of GA.

You're a researcher then? Obviously not because you're clueless about all the parameters that make a sub worth working in. It appears the subs are here to serve the shitposters more than then they are the subscribers to the sub. and generating tombs of troll dissertations isn't representative of free speech, it's just another stage of manipulation and distraction from the purpose of the sub (in the case of GA). @Kevdude encourages distractions, but he's anti Q so why would he be the best advocate for that sub?

18916827? ago

he's anti Q

That is a lie.

18917405? ago

Oh, so he's just staggeringly inept at his job then. That makes for an even worse advocate.

18916671? ago

Or are you just mad that he didn't want to look at your tit pics and he didn't give you a lot of information about himself?

I'm not who you think, I'm one of the regular citizens of voat who is tired of seeing the place ruined and unusable for many people. Two good subs I've avoided now because of this (GA and another one) that I used to go to all the time. But that was the only choice given, gtfo if you don't want to accept the trolls who break rules and shitpost in order to be banned (making downvoats and complaints to the mods in essence 'feeding them') and then squealing like faggots when they actually get banned. @kevdude helps get them unbanned knowing this is the situation. If he doesn't know, he should step down for incompetence, if he does know, he should let @puttitout be aware of what his stooge policies so that ADMIN can make a truly informed decision of what the spirit of voat is supposed to be.

I don't want to know personal info about that control freak faggot. Maybe he got too personally, emotionally triggered by the person you have mistaken me for.

18915756? ago


18915807? ago


18916014? ago

not kd.

but you're spreading lies, bro. chill

18916341? ago

oh wait, am I spreading lies or am I just doing performance art? funny how the answer would depend on whose side you're on, if in fact they were lies (but I believe it's all true and no one has given me reason to believe otherwise)

18916632? ago

spreading lies is wicked, man.

and btw: i s'port your art, z.

i troll to expose hypocrites and liars. but i wont troll just cuz anon told me to. i think 4 muhself.

if you wanna explain to or point out to me why kd should be trolled, i'll listen. i'm reasonable.


laugh at me if you want. doesn't matter. i still like you, bro.

was just asking for proof.


18920014? ago

i gor ur back komrade

18942953? ago

And I got yours baby!


18916944? ago

appreciate that you kiss fuck face's ass (@zyklon_b that is), but I'm not him and you missed the point I was making.

that douche bag kd enables the pedophiles and loli/gore/scat porn on QRV, his trolls adore him, why would they target him? Maybe he gave them AIDS or they gave it to him, doesn't make any difference at this point.

I'm not saying to troll kd, I'm saying kd uses trolls like z and friends to manipulate regular users and mods on GA and subs he personally doesn't like (GA). He's a stooge kike.

More trolling doesn't get to heart of this particular hypocrite, or you and z would be able to handle him I'm sure. Peace

18917229? ago

golly gee, i guess did miss the point.

and i guess you sucked at trying to prove it but in the process outed yourself.

i'll title this piece: TFW a wanna-be troll gets trolled by a troll

go home. it's dinnertime in Tel Aviv and the rabbi is serving baby foreskins alongside gefiltefish tonight


18917323? ago

you're a real wiley one! Busted me! I'm from Tel Aviv and you busted me because I'm so sneaky and they only send their best to make failed attempts to get anything past the wiley coyote troll goats on voat. See ya!

18917079? ago

I'm saying kd uses trolls like z and friends to manipulate regular users and mods on GA and subs he personally doesn't like.

Keep lying.

18917240? ago

i think 4 muhself

good luck with that

18917320? ago



18942972? ago

I give free rent ❤️


18917309? ago


ur ass got played so hard


18916585? ago

I think @srayzie was working with @zyklon_b and it was all performance art aimed at PV. Once @crensch was honeypotted with tit pics and freaky sexting the damsel in distress was created. The only "dox" presented were 3 pictures @srayzie spread all over Voat (while she was PMing her tits to everyone). Throw in some vague threats to get all the incel white knights m'ladying and you have the shit show. @crensch turned against everyone like a Voat Darth Vader and now everyone attacking @kevdude and PV because Voat is a big platform and reddit has shown there is money in moderating if you can control conversation.

oh wait, am I spreading lies or am I just doing performance art? funny how the answer would depend on whose side you're on, if in fact they were lies (but I believe it's all true and no one has given me reason to believe otherwise)

@heygeorge @trigglypuff

18935262? ago

What @Kevdude is spinning is that @Crensch must have been weakened by @Srayzie’s tits. She managed to get him to mod GA for her.

Srayzie is the professional and Crensch is cucked. Then what does that make Kevdude who kept her on as mod of PV? Why didn’t Kevdude complain about tit pics before she left?

18935429? ago

Why didn’t Kevdude complain about tit pics before she left?

Because he didn't care. It had nothing to do with him.

18935518? ago

Then why now? You appear desperate.

18936585? ago

You appear desperate.

Maybe he didn't think certain people would be manipulated to such an extreme.

18940728? ago

Is it weird talking about yourself in the third person?

18940895? ago

Who is talking about who?

18940983? ago

You, kevdude, are talking about kevdude, while trying to pretend not to be kevdude.


18942323? ago

Actually I'm srayzie.

18942371? ago

I'm a stunning beauty


18942680? ago

Who the fuck is that?

18942711? ago

Why? You likey?

18942765? ago

No. I actually threw up in my mouth a little.

18944895? ago

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18936729? ago

She must have some nice tits to manipulate someone to such an extreme.

18940874? ago

you have no idea how damn juicy they were

18943018? ago

Were they as juicy as this hot ass?


18946494? ago

who's that? kinda plain

no, Srayzie's tits were like a pair of kids bean-bags

18940965? ago

He’s probably tripping out lol

18936982? ago

I guess.

18935072? ago

Boo hoo boobie, sounds like you're mad kevdude.

18917724? ago

If @srayzie was PMing her tits to everyone, including KD, then she should of been demoded then. Still a fail on KD's job or are you saying he succumbed to her titty pics? that's the one thing I don't think about @kevdude

18918092? ago

He didn't succumb. That's why he was rational through the whole thing.

18935287? ago

Kevdude sent her dick pics

18935086? ago

He sat on the info and didn't come clean. That makes him either lazy, complicit, or a lying nigger.

18918509? ago

I personally don't think he succumbed, but his seeming obsession in thinking he's the most capable of reasoned thought may have bitten him in the ass. They don't call blind spots 'blind spots' for nothing. Perhaps he confused being rational during titty gate with NOT demoding her. (I did not succumb, I will not react, if I demod her for sound reasons it will appear I reacted...etc) There's a long series of consequences from it (her giving the pics out and how people did or didn't react, and of course her poor judgment in doing it), perhaps voat needs a mod rule, don't show yer junk. Keep it simple, One could make the case that the fall out compromised everyone, both those who liked and those who didn't like srayzie. Those who succumbed and those who didn't.

A complete clusterfuck.

18923780? ago

That is fair. That is really fair. Shit. Modding her to PV legitimized her. I can see how it was a move to make a visible commitment to Voat's Q sub- the one that existed before the migration- but there were other ways to do that.

I mean I don't think it mattered with the constant trolling and her inability to ignore it, but it definitely didn't help.

18934240? ago

look at that faggot trying to cover his lame ass https://voat.co/v/ProtectVoat/3250049/18930617

damage control much @Kevdude? Only self serving, when you look like a loser, but the rest of voat isn't worth you having a 'reaction'.

18917597? ago

hqha 9 months ago whatd crensch n srayzie do to GG?

mo mercy for the weak save your speech bitch

18943001? ago

18915323? ago

Yeah it’s impossible to know or keep up w the politicians in power, so it’s my only hope to ignore namefamers all together and hope the site owner steps up and bans porn in QRV.

If you want to post tranny and loli they can post it in the sick subs they’re literally just directly copy and pasting out of. That’s how tranny spammer literally told me it was “so easy” to post so much tranny spam. They’re just copy pasting from other subs.

18915589? ago

you keep on crying to ban porn and you play into the shills games. ignore that shit, it's bait.

18915649? ago

You’re right, but sometimes you have to counteract with some logic. They’re not going to win because most people support the site owners decisions, if he cleaned up the thread to make it functional again it wouldn’t be a big deal.

18915739? ago

used to think exactly like you do, but check this thread out:


it's a bigger game than you realize. once you start censoring and banning, it's a slippery slope. you have to not play their games.

18914369? ago

C’mon, EVERYONE knows 420nigger fag is Q. He’s the bestest of the decoderers and secret agent doods. The Q stands for queer. True story.

18915166? ago


18914164? ago

Like obviously we already know POTUS Trump is one QTEAM member, but what about the other 9?

18914219? ago

The strength of Q is to be anon. Know your enemy but don't let him know you.

18915153? ago

Yes, you are correct. QANON but let’s not forget, at this point Q and POTUS basically want the MSM to ask the question.

When that happens hundreds and hundreds of Q article hit pieces will suddenly come into complete scrutiny and the public will want to know why the media tried to hide Q all along.

I always thought those were the best posts, when Q would do blatantly obvious drops, and the media is blatantly feeding off of Q, yet they won’t acknowledge their source! Or when Q would try and force the question.

Unless it was disinfo, Q has made it pretty clear that at some point Trump will confirm, and Q will also identify themselves.

18917050? ago

best posts, when Q would do blatantly obvious drops, and the media is blatantly feeding off of Q

Name one! I need some good Q ammo for friends

18914124? ago

If you namefamers spent a quarter of the time as you do doxing irrelevant posters on this unknown platform, on finding out who is Q..... I wouldn’t still be wonder just who IS Q?

18914006? ago

Who who and who? Nobody cares about your irrelevant namefameing drama. We just want to know WHO IS Q?

Do you support Q op?

18915535? ago

talking points for shills LOL thanks for nothing treasonous faggots

18915579? ago

Lol I just want to know OPs take on QANON to maybe make the thread a bit more Q related!

18915692? ago

If you see srayzie or shizy or crensch or zyklon_b in the title, just pass on by, it's about Voat having cancer and refusing chemotherapy