18912430? ago

Always 33

18908716? ago

33 years old...

18908977? ago

Good catch

18908285? ago

I assumed it was a distraction so they could do something inside the White House while SS was distracted.

18907984? ago

Trumps a Zionist. Wake up.

18907424? ago

Are there any things tying it to the hedonistic Burning Man Festival ??

18911266? ago

Buringman I think are just nasty unwashed hippie ravers, the gays, Boomer pervs and drugs. Gossip? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3085076 The Crazy Days Website ... Bohemian, New Orleans etc

18907531? ago

Jesus... the burning man festival is so far opposite of anything related with the deep state. It's a bunch of half homeless hippies on love drugs doing art. Wildly unrelated.

18909072? ago

It once was but was overrun by Silicon Valley via branding, tradeshow booths, & luxury compounds (A/C, showers, catering).

Supposedly that's been banned for 2020 but who knows?

18908072? ago

so far opposite of anything related with the deep state.

Who really created the counter-culture movement and why? David Crosby, Frank Zappa, Jim Morrison and the whole Laurel Canyon scene. Unmarked CIA movie studio in the center of it.

If you want your illusions forever destroyed, this book is the ticket.


18915565? ago

Great read also check out 'Hollywood's Hellfire Club'

18908334? ago

and Mark Devlin has carried on this line of work, check out his youtube vids.

18907794? ago

I read recently that Burning Man has been taken over by pseudo-hippies from silicon valley.

18907750? ago

Rituals bro

18907742? ago

You have a lot to learn.

18907557? ago

thats not true - just the cover story for it.as you probably well know

MK Ultra links to it amongst other stuff

18907448? ago

my question as well.

18906808? ago

the deep state is done.

18906834? ago


Our Deep State is just the North American branch of the Jew World Order's global terrorist network.

The reason why every time we end our (((federal reserve))), a few years later the Jew slimes it's way in and sets up another federal reserve.

This will never be over while even one Jew remains capable of Jewing.

18914382? ago

is it the jew? or the gullible peasants who vote for the commie politicians? ;)

18914564? ago

Communism is the utopia Jews sell to gullible peasants to destroy the current ruling class. Once in power useful idiots are no longer useful then comes the purge.

18907951? ago

So you are looking for an excuse to scapegoat and persecute Jews to satisfy your power trip needs.

18913803? ago

Thanks for sending me your selfie, though I think it could be considered as doxing yourself.

18907348? ago

I can't wait for the King of the Jews to return and set you on fire. Burn, baby, burn!!

18907504? ago

You mean

you can't wait for the Saturn Death Cult to trick Christians and Muslims into slaughtering each other so your masters can rule over the remains and create a world so communistic and dark that their fake Messiah is forced to show up?

Y'all are going to be severely disappointed. Evangelicals ruined Christianity with their alignment with the worship of Lucifer, because the Gu are Lucifer's - not God's - chosen people.

18907411? ago

You are mistaken.

  • Jews are so evil that God was forced to intervene, so He sent Jesus into the snake's den to speak with them;

  • Jesus' mission was to fulfill the laws of the Torah and permanently destroy Judaism;

  • Jesus correctly recognized the Jew as being Sons of Satan and worshipers of the Six Sided Star of Moloch/Remphan;

  • Jesus then flew into a rage and physically attacked the Jews, calling them animals;

  • Almost all the Jews wanted to murder Jesus because they were too evil to see him or hear his words;

  • Then a greedy Jew had Jesus executed in exchange for shekels;

  • Then the Jews celebrated Jesus' agonizing death by updating their theology to make destroying the teachings of Jesus their mission and to laugh about all the different humiliating things that were done to Jesus as he slowly bled to death on the cross... and to describe how Jesus is now being tortured in hell, screaming as he is boiled in shit. They also claim Mother Mary was a filthy slut.

18907910? ago

Jesus disputes you.

Matthew 7:18

"A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit."

Since Jesus is Good, what does that say about that Tree?

You've judged the tree our Lord and Savior came from as evil.

Matthew 7 “Do not judge, or you too will be judged. 2 For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you."


18915194? ago

you are a biblical idiot.

Jesus was not a Jew, he was a hebrew from Galilee.

  • Abraham was not a Jew.
  • Israel did not pass the Abrahamic blessing on to Judah (father of the Jews) but rather his brother Joseph (whom Judah sold to slavery for shekels) son's. Therefore it is a LIE that Jews are the chosen.
  • Judah BOWED in mercy at the feet of Joseph
  • The borders of Israel were established by Joshua, from the line of Joseph. Judah JEWS have no more claim to that land more than Reubenites or any of Isreal's seed.

Fk youself and fake Jew lies.

18915329? ago

lol You need to read a Bible.

Jesus is the Lyon of the tribe of Judah.

Like a typical Satanist you always know better though right?

Your anger says a lot about you. The Bible addresses that too.


18921191? ago

what did i mistype or misinterpret? you will suffer your misdeeds and arrogance on the behalf of the savior you claim to speak for. and thanks for the judgement you hypocritical clown just after you preach to others here not to judge. you are a joker and I smell bagels...an imposter also. a wolf in sheeps clothing.

18921419? ago

Claiming all Jews are evil is directly contradictory to the Word of God.

I called you a satanist because you are following satan. You're pushing his agenda. That's not judgement it's observation. I didn't say you're going to hell.

Claiming all Jews are evil and saying "you will suffer your misdeeds and arrogance on the behalf of the savior you claim to speak for" is judgement.

Notice how you keep having to throw in insults?

That's not God leading you.

Humble yourself and repent.

18923674? ago

Are you aware that Jesus was Lion of Judah refers to where he comes from not his seed? The King of Queens is not a Queen. Jesus comes from the seed of David - read on clown....

Are you aware David was not a descendant of Judah as the lying Jews tell us but was a descendent of Ephraim, son of Joseph, Judah half-brother? Read 1 Samual 17:12 and prove me wrong you arrogant haughty bony finger pointing liar and spreader of false doctrine.

Are you aware Moses and Aaron were Levites, sons of Levi brother of Judah, the father of the lying Jews who claim Moses was a jew? How many people do you tell with your arrogant false doctrines that Moses was a Jew?

Did you know that Saul was an Ephramite and not a descendant of Judah?

Are you are that although Paul in the NT claims to be a Jew in Acts he makes it very clear he is a hebrew from the tribe of Benjamin which should tell idiots who claim Paul was a Jew that he himself claims not to be and that the claim he is a jew in Acts is no different than me claiming to be an American even though my descendants are Italian?

You better step off your pedestal of haughty arrogance and stop spreading lies and pointing your finger at other to repent when you have no idea who your God or Savior are....

18924291? ago

Jews are so evil that God was forced to intervene, so He sent Jesus Christ into the snake's den to speak with them

Wasn't this you?

You're so sure of your interpretations, yet so wrong.

That anger you have, that is proof to you that what you preach is not of God. You lie.

Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life. Seeking Him means seeking Truth.

You're so full of hate you're blind to the Truth and ignore it.

Humble yourself and repent.

18925003? ago

No it was not me but nice try to create doubt and confusion.

If you claim Jesus was a Jew than you do not Jesus and worship a false God. He will tell you that He does not know you.

My anger is righteous and burns bright when dealing with liars and false doctrines spread by arrogant hypocrites.

18925116? ago

I apologize I assumed since both they and you posted the same thing so close together it was both you.

How did you know what post I was referring to, since it was deep in comments and this is an anon board?

You need to pray and ask God to show you the Truth, and be willing to get an answer you don't like.

As I said Jesus is the Way, the Truth, and the Life. If you're not willing to accept the Truth, you don't accept Him.

Your anger and hatred is proof to you that you do not follow Truth. We are to love and pray for our enemies.


18907454? ago

THANK YOU for this reply Patriot!