18906457? ago

There are a couple of threads concerning this subject, and rather than rewrite my reply to each one, I copied and pasted my original...my apologies if you've already read this.

Las Vegas Sheriff Joe Lombardo...remember him? He was the man in charge of the local investigation of the Mandalay Bay shooting. It became very obvious early on that the Feds had completely taken control of the case, and that they didn't want anyone contradicting the official narrative (one that didn't add up, and cast the LV Sheriffs Dept. in a somewhat bad light regarding response time, etc). Lombardo's last press conference was very similar to Mueller's... awkward, nervous, and sounding as if he was reading from a script, there were even a couple of Fed-looking chaps standing directly behind him, probably to quietly remind him that he needed to stick to their story.

Mueller seemed to be under duress, there's little doubt that he was forced to make that appearance and to read the very carefully crafted words verbatim. "Someone" spent a lot of time and energy writing that script, it was intended to be read between the lines so as to be as damaging towards Trump as possible, but in an almost subliminal manner.

18904582? ago

What do you expect when the dems were allow to steal the election?

18904201? ago

Dershowitz can burn in a fire. In Hell.

But here, he is politically sound. Mueller really did put his thumb on the scales of justice today, and deal the Democrats a major blow while trying to give them a leg up. Such is often the case when dealing with corruption and people who think they're better than others.

18903793? ago

Mueller seemed very nervous and not only wanted to revive the false narrative, but also signaled loud and clear 'do not ask me to testify'. This gives dems an 'out' for backing down on calling for his testimony

18903764? ago

No Justice No Social Contract

18903713? ago

Cernovitch, Posobitch, Dershowitz, and Epstein's Hoffman.

These fucking kikes need ass blasted. UNSEAL EPSTEIN!!

18903603? ago

I don't know what to think about the Dersh repping for Weinstein.

18903473? ago

Barr cleared by Mueller + DECLAS = 🔨 time

18903450? ago

Mueller is a sewer rat for the dems and is only trying to save his sorry ass

18903392? ago


18903283? ago


18903973? ago

exactly using him to make a point is like using a Jeffry Dahmer BBQ recipe.

18903617? ago

And currently representing Weinstein, which is interesting.

18903271? ago

Dershowitz. Is he circumcised?

18906698? ago

A creepy, dirty, nasty piece of work, a dead missing wife and he connects to that island? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3130596/17741861 People are used as currency, and assets in the global slave trade. Sick people do sick things with their property. Some of those people are very wealthy, very well connected, and very powerful.

18903262? ago

Doesn't he have a little girl to rape with Alex Acosta, Jeff Epstein, Bill Clinton and Trump?? Pedo fucking trash. His ugly jew face is hideous too. imagine him fucking and shoving his shriveled little dick in a girl while trump and Clinton and Epstein jerked off watching. sick fucking perverts.