18903782? ago

This isn't GA.

18904758? ago

This isn’t my room either

18903552? ago

No, but srayzie is gone, and that's good.

18903685? ago

She’s now @shizy, has always been. Other alts exist too. A person like her can’t just walk away. Dump her account to distract from the truth, yes, but she will never let go of GA.

18903775? ago

I don't know what her alts are, but she is power hungry. I'm glad she's no longer in control. The nut running it now, will do the same as she did, and shoot himself in the foot. Then the shizzle stick will do the same.

18904727? ago

@shizy is her.

She manages @crensch

18904816? ago

shizzle stick is nastier than srayzie in some ways. I'd never guess them the same. crensch seems a little too angry about srayzie's leaving to be just a friend. He's acting bizarre. Over the top.

18906400? ago

shizzle stick is nastier than srayzie in some ways.

I've seen them both get vicious.

crensch seems a little too angry about srayzie's leaving to be just a friend. He's acting bizarre. Over the top.

he's buttfuck hurt because he totally put her on a pedestal. he thought her to be virtuous. when it came out that she was fucking kevdude, it shattered his mind.

18912921? ago

crensch has a Madonna complex haha shizzle stick is just nasty. srayzie will still be running things from the cave. crensch's banning spree the other day is something she would do.

18920999? ago

crensch has a Madonna complex

Nailed it!

Srayze and Schizt are both sewer filth. Imagine my glee when I logged in after work and caught up on Shizy deleting.

srayzie will still be running things from the cave.

No doubt! This one is for her:

@srayzie, we all still think you're a stupid cunt who sniffs her own dirty taint. Nobody misses you! REEEEEE

18904868? ago

Could Neon Revolt have nailed? Pun

18906327? ago

Jumping in here.

Neon is a narcissist and a retard in his own way. I watched him sperg out on his Gab account and threaten to delete. 300 comments later of boomers begging him to stay and two days later he was back after some proper sulking. Not even a word acknowledging his meltdown at all. fucking namefag faggot.

now I'm beginning to wonder if crazy srayzie lied and smeared him unfairly as well. i couldn't even follow that hotmess of a wanna-be hit piece on him. all i know is i see these same tactics over and over and it's played out now.

18909623? ago

In the spur of a moment people choose a side but after reflection and more information comes out, many realize that they made a mistake.

It happens to all of us at one time or another.

18904888? ago

lolol I don't know!

18905046? ago

I don’t want to know actually!

18903292? ago

Love that the new BO of GA is a Jew hating Nazi.

18903327? ago

Do you think that bothers us?

18903340? ago

Not us as in goats. But it will make the movement easier to attack

18903477? ago

You have been attacking qrv since we got here and it has only made us stronger, have your fun with GA and srayze, your attacks on qrv are lame and ineffective.

18903520? ago

They're not attacking QRV.

18903605? ago

QRV is always under attack.

18903660? ago

I guess, if you see it that way, then that's your reality. I don't see it that way. There's fuckery at every platform. A lot of it makes me laugh. Some people get wrapped up in it, do stupid shit, have stupid shit done in return, and then they're forced to quit.

18903903? ago

The operation against QRV spilled into GA and all over VOAT thanks to Srayzie. It literally could not have gone any better. Now the whole site is attacking this place

18903957? ago

I'm not feeling it. It feels like normal internet fuckery. I've seen worse "forum wars" in my life, and imagine I'll see eve worse than that. This will die down, then round 2, 3 and 4 will start up, and people will get all bent out of shape. It's a boredom thing. By the 3rd round, you'll be rolling your eyes, and just scrolling past the threads that get really bad. Learn to laugh at the funny posts. Some are actually hilarious.

18905278? ago

This will die down, then round 2, 3 and 4 will start up,.

We are already well into round 10+. The war to silence Q has been going on for years, and has fronts on numerous platforms.

18905606? ago

If you insist it's about Q, so be it. It's not, but that's your reality. This stuff is typical of all forums. Each has different rules, shills, porn publishers, and maniacal moderators If they were trying to silence Q they'd kill him. Q has so many outlets to publish the message. Do you believe that Q is known across the globe, because of this one platform? I don't think so. Anyway, try to divorce yourself from the noise.