18902706? ago

SBBH are cancer. Anyone calling them out is OK in my book. He's not threatening you little pansy ... just more bullshit and slide posting from you cunts.

18902821? ago

I never said soapboxbanhammer. Hmm, ok @crensch

18902857? ago

Your link does you fucking retard.

18903080? ago

Thanks for proving my point. You've got nothing and can't even respond to the fact you are retarded without looking even more retarded. GJ!

18903113? ago

Do I care what you think of me, @crensch? Of course not. I’m not like you.

18903134? ago

Exactly .. another fucking retarded response. I'm not crencch ... I don't give a fuck about GA, I don't give a fuck about you pubeless juvenile drama. Stay the fuck out of QRV with this shit you SBBH cunt.

18903167? ago

Keep trying. I’m not part of that group.

I give a shit if you are @crensch or not.

Why are you getting excited?

18903189? ago

Ah yes .. change the subject ... ignore your fucking sad attempts at shilling and board sliding. Not one of you cunts can stand up to any scrutiny ... you just keep coming back like roaches every time you are called out. Fucking sub-humans.

18902591? ago

What other subs are threatened?

18902837? ago

Read the link.

18903042? ago

Oh, SBBH? That's not a sub, it's a port a potty for faggots with STDs.

18903096? ago

What ever you say @shizy. Oh, I mean Srayzie.

18903122? ago

Stupid fucks!

18902525? ago

Other subs are threatening QRV.

18902557? ago

GA is the enemy. Well, actually @crensch and now @shizy who is srayzie are the real enemies.

18902937? ago

so what's up with all their fuckery? are they gatekeepers? i've been around only 6 months. i bounce between here and pizzagate but i left pizzagate because something about that space is too controlled, imo. they're like school marms ready to crack their rulers over your knuckles for not having your eyes straight ahead of you. i see them high-fiving each other claiming that they run off shills like neon revolt but now i'm beginning to think doubt their sincerity. i also see them vote brigading users so i don't know anymore, bro.

18903086? ago

This latest drama war showed their true colors. Read on your own and do your research. The truth is just 1 hour of reading.

18903420? ago

dude, i have so many tabs open trying to follow all the crap that's been happening over the last week to see for myself. the only statement that seems fair is the one from expertshitposter wrote and the TLDR from triggly. i know srayzy has alts even tho she tried to deny it and shizy usually popped up in the same threads that srayzie was arguing in even tho there was no ping. they've always presented themselves as good mods but i find myself siding with "trolls" like zyklon B and triggly in seeing lies and deception from srazy

it's appeas weird that srazy passed the mod reigns over to crensch who acts like gulag in his approach. what doesn't make sense is that he say's he's anti-jew and anti-q. i'm positive ive seen him leave remarks saying he thinks qoomers are retards. i don't get why he would be a mod. his tactics are like an SJW, only difference is in his beliefs. only leaves me to conclude he and srazy may be gatekeepers and paid infiltrators acting as mods.

and didn't cresnch come over from reddit? what is the truth behind all the drama. it seems like everybody's got secrets if you're in the inner circle of mods. sorry for wall of text and errors, bro. this is confusing and my noggin is tired. i'm not an insider, just noticing things that don't add up. kek.

18903487? ago

It’s a wild ride.

When good Ian bad and bad is good.

I just think all of this happening means nobody is right. Just lots of grey areas.

I’m glad you are making your opinion.

18903568? ago

Was that a typo or do i look into Ian?

18903701? ago


18902693? ago

Ok! I read both and filter.

18902788? ago


18902290? ago

I didn't even know the owner was changed.. When did this happen? I must be hiding. I don't go to GA anymore since I got tired of all the drama.

18902730? ago

Srayzie started a war after Neon doxed her cheating.

She attacked the wrong people.

A parody sub with her pics she posted in GA was used as the background image.

Many threats against and from her white knights were made.

Putt banned lots of people.

The peasants revolted. Attacks flying from all sides. Death and family threats too.

Brigades were called in by srayzie. Shit posters and legit people were pissed and somehow acted as a team. Very strange times.

Putt reversed his bans.

Trigglypuff was freed!

Srayzie lost her shit, deleted her account. Still exists as 2-3 other alts like @shizy who is now her main.

Srayzie gave @crensch control. The true Q hater.

Who did Srayzie fuck from voat????

Kevdude dumps on crensch for being a white nigger and switching sides and going against his morals.

More crazy days

Now, crensch is preparing for a jihad.

Moral of the story. None. Nobody is innocent.

18902890? ago

I left a long time ago because of the drama and never went back. Had no idea at first but started to figure out the whole place was a shithole. One of the mods actually pm'd me when I left and told me she was being targeted and not allowed to post. Weird and unstable people there.

18903070? ago

Very unstable.

@crensch is peanuts!

18902209? ago

Go, Crensch, go!

18902781? ago

@shizy of shizy, protect your family. Stop your games. Learn how to be a traditional house wife and make you your family happy!

18902979? ago

But it is fun taking down the pedo-satanists. I like seeing them panic.

18903013? ago

Who is panicking?

18903149? ago

When people spend time shit posting at QRV because Q is a LARP, then they are panicking, lol.

18903157? ago

Is he a larp? I don’t know.

@crensch is a larp!

18903836? ago

is he a jew cloaking himself as a nazi?

18904730? ago

As normal

18903358? ago

I think Q is not a LARP, but the people posting the horrible tranny porn think Q is a LARP.

18902030? ago

them and their stupid faces ugh big dumb dumbs

18902025? ago

Go crawl under the bed and cower you fucking pussy.

18902071? ago

Illiterate much @crensch?

18901901? ago

War? Jeezy Peezy...d'ya think it'll come to internet war? Oooh no.

18901910? ago

Sure it will! @crensch loves internet wars.

18903924? ago

he's a stubborn-ass mule. it's like he'd rather stay in front of his computer and shit in his pants to get the last word for an online argument rather leave for a moment for fear of admitting to defeat. the guy is fucking insane.

18904735? ago

Autistic. His hit pieces take days!

18904923? ago

lol. they do, don't they?!

that hit piece he wrote on z was hilarious. imagine being so smart on one hand and such a moron on the other that you literally take time out of your real life to write a book report on an internet persona.

18905042? ago

Ah, you read it. I think I only got part 1. That took time to filter 1000s of comments. Or it was just cyber stalking for months and note taking.

Either way, it was creepy as fuck.

18905172? ago

i know. it was creepy AF! that's when i was like whoaaa...that is one insane dude!

what's funny as hell is he was so upset about srayze being stalked. yet there he was doing the exact thing all at once.

what i cant stand about the guy is how much of a hypocrite he is. tries to be so moral and he's just a self righteously lost little internet prick on a meaningless crusade.

18905217? ago

Bingo. I think that many people got wigged out by that. There is a line between being a good investigator and a major weirdo. He smashed that line and left it in the dust.

Impressive, but not cool.

18905555? ago

def got weirded out. was interesting seeing all the people jumping on the bandwagon. virtue signaling. and for what. some dumb thot who got caught up in her newfound internet skillz and believed herself to be smarter than she really was.

18905990? ago

They should have known by her head shot only pictures. Ouch!

18901915? ago

what does that mean though? have you fought in the internets war b4?

18901922? ago

I like to watch while eating popcorn.

18901934? ago

butter or nah? I like butter and garlic salt...nom nom

18901968? ago

Both! I splurge!

18901997? ago

you fat bitch...#metoo

18902063? ago

It’s ok! My doc said I could!

18902206? ago

munch munch nigger

18902508? ago

@crensch, it makes sense u like nigga dic

18902966? ago

I'm sure he/she/shim does...has nothing to do with us.

18903049? ago

@crensch will attack