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18901837? ago

he's always hated the q believers.

18902075? ago

Agreed and this is why I don't set foot in GA because they and SBBH will down-vote brigade you.

18902214? ago

I don't know what SBBH is but I hear they do that in Pizzagate too.

18902938? ago

SoapBoxBanHammer - it's a Voat subverse the shills use to coordinate attacks and farm from CCP for their bots and alts. If you look at all the most well known shills, they are all SBBH mods.

18905568? ago

I just checked that place out. It made no sense to me at all. Are they paid SJW shills? What are they, exactly?

18905639? ago

It's a CCP farm where shills post random garbage and comments so they can all up-vote each other.

SBBH need the CCP when creating down-vote brigading bots that require 100 CCP.

The shills also need CCP to enable their primary user accounts to participate in down-vote brigading without it being too noticeable that it's all they do.

The pretend to be zany crazy people, but their attacks are 24/7 against Voat communities and it's been happening for years.

Their usual ploy is to flood a target Voat community with porn or gore and when the mod cleans up the mess, their friends at ProtectVoat claim it's a censorship crisis and incite the rest of Voat to attack that community in order to protect free speech. Their aim is to fuck up the community and down-vote brigade the targeted mod down to negative CCP so they can't post content to their own sub and they can't moderate.

It's Mossad 101 - control the opposition and the narrative.

18905784? ago

Thanks very much for the informative post. I was on Reddit late and then left once I saw the hive mindset at work there. I've lurked for a while here but it's hard to get honest answers. Now it's beginning to make sense to me why I left Reddit.

So what's crazy is that when I was poking around on SBBH, some of the main guys there claim to be Jew hunters. But they're Mossad?? It's all confusing. I don't trust mods at Pizzagate or GA. I've seen Crensch bulldoze people without any rational explanation. He decides you go against his narrative and BAM! you're labeled and run off. It's seriously the same leftist garbage that I saw on Reddit. Now I come here and it's the same tactics.

The silver lining is that it's made me understand how much more I support free speech. I know after the latest drama with Putt and our mods here, I've come to the conclusion that FastJack did the right thing. They're handling all the bs in the best possible way. I actually like it here a lot as here's no namefagging.

18905989? ago

some of the main guys there

Your first mistake was to trust anything those shills said.

I'm not sure who pays their bills, only their group works 24/7 and they've been doing it for years... and they use Mossad tactics.

GA is a censorship community based on the subjective wishes of whoever is moderating it.

I remember how /r/CBTS_stream and /r/GreatAwakening would censor any criticisms of Q and Jews and discussions about chemtrails and Fluoride in the water. We couldn't even name the (((enemy))) over at Reddit. I recall one mod of /r/GreatAwakening banned me for suggesting that the claims made about a Tucson child sex camp could be fake because the "sex dungeon" looked exactly like an everyday campsite root-cellar and there was no evidence to support claims about rescued children and blood knives and human remains at the campsite.

I know after the latest drama with Putt and our mods here, I've come to the conclusion that FastJack did the right thing.

I was also very disappointed by Putt's reaction and thankful to QRV mods for standing strong.

Putt should know by now that 99% of his PM demands for QRV censorship came from the same shills who post the porn. Sad.

18906132? ago

Your first mistake was to trust anything those shills said.

Very true. Thanks for this reminder.

It's like a tragic soap opera with shills screaming mods off stage and mods running back chasing at shadows. It's confusing.

When I first started, researching, it was easy for me to spot fakes when I'd see them on video. I'm good at reading body language. But with text, it's a different format to derive context to draw conclusions.

banned me for suggesting that the claims made about a Tucson child sex camp could be fake because the "sex dungeon" looked exactly like an everyday campsite root-cellar

Sorry about that. I hear the mods in Pizzagate also do the same if you question them.

Putt should know by now that 99% of his PM demands for QRV censorship came from the same shills who post the porn. Sad.

I feel bad for the guy. Would not want his job at all. He gets sucked into drama.