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18891332? ago

This is sguevar - I couldn't care less about someone making a character attack on my in an anon sub.

I don't work from the shadows so fuck off faggot. Let me know when you have the balls to talk in the open.

18891493? ago

everytime a faggot shills @Kevdude gets a ping

18891635? ago

No balls no relevance...

18891684? ago

just ignore it, stop feeding the trolls

18891782? ago

I don't care doing so, to a certain point is hilarious to see so much faggotry from their part.

18891838? ago

no doubt @kevdude is the biggest faggot troll on Voat, he even threw Voat ADMIN under his bozo bus

18894797? ago

So the admin shouldn't be held accountable for his actions?

18894877? ago

admin dindu nuttin 'cept hurt triggeredclam's fee fees