18898810? ago

every time faggot @sguevar shills @Kevdude gets a ping

18898664? ago

@sguevar show uz on dey doll where @Kevdude gits dey ping

18899002? ago

u 1 ugly 'ol man

18896699? ago

every time faggot @sguevar shills @Kevdude gets a ping

18895097? ago

attention faggot brigade, Master Roid on @trigglypuff 's butthole, Barbara @garbara summons you shit eaters https://voat.co/v/whatever/3248488/18894481/10#18894481@expertshitposter @heygeorge @trigglypuff @kevdude @caveman_in_a_suit

18893655? ago

@sguevar, I mean @kevdude, why you threaten and shill when you FAIL?

18893686? ago

Even @Shizy and @Crensch can vouch (among others) that I am just me and I have no need to use alts as I have shown multiple times. Nice try :)

18893800? ago

den you shill fer @kevdude he giv Voat AIDS

18894583? ago

@zyklon_b someone is pretending to be you in this thread.

18894736? ago

oy vey! smbdy 'cal de fire dept 'halp halp unbaen meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee'

18894670? ago

@clamhurt_legbeard has claimed to be one of us yet has done the CSS for biggest Pro-israel sub on Voat.

action speak louder than words

18894826? ago

Uh, what? Now you lost me.

18894858? ago

clammy is part of the pro censorship ZOG shill team

18894876? ago


18894929? ago

Clammy is the designer who does free CSS work in /v/greatawakening and he know damn well that the sub is pro-israel via trump and his support of the ZOG

if clammy cared bout freedom and the white race then why do their CSS for free? He believes in the (((plan)))

we must start calling these shills out

18895368? ago

Isn't that the Q sub? With all the talk about how Israel is being taken down by Trump?

Sounds like you're worrying for nothing. :)

18893824? ago

i shill for no one... I defend what needs to be defended. Sooo again as I defended Triggly I would defend any other user that deserved it because it has to be done objectively. But hey a lot of people will get mad in the process... look at you you are shilling against me on an anon sub... soooo...

18893997? ago

@Kevdude iz not objctve u ig'nrent n bline pos why u thk we here?

18894192? ago

I honestly think that true objectivity can only be reached by consensus and that in some occasions one persons bias can get in the way. But others can balance that.

This is why I believe that we need a new process to handle bans and to handle reports of harassment/doxx and so on and so forth. So as a community with the different people and backgrounds in it can grow staidly and that we can be the very thing that other sites want us crushed for: A Free Speech platform.

You may call me an idealist and optimistic prick if you want but you and I know that as Christians we believe in things that many others don't.

@kevdude have never giving me any reason to distrust him, I am amazed that @crensch acted as he did and also to see @Shizy doing it as welll and using technicalities to dodge the real problem. This doesn't mean that I trust them less it just means that I am sorry I can't help them through their pain and frustration.

Hey you didn't even like either one of them but suddenly you start defending them as long as they are against the one that you hate the most. That is convenience and I am against it.

Fuck, if I have to stand in between to reduce the damage I will because I believe in this site even if you lost faith in it a long time ago.

I won't let that happen to me, though I admit sometimes is really hard. @Madworld can also vouch for my sadness at one point.

So Dial... have at it. Slander me all you want, even on an anon sub. I don't mind and if you want me to respond I will but I will keep working for the well being of Voat. That is that. If you don't believe me then well we can only agree to disagree, right?

18894308? ago

I am amazed that @crensch acted as he did

dat's why u shud stfu 'ol clueless hen

18894424? ago

Not really... that is why I should speak up you weak spirited prick!

18894579? ago

shew uz on dey doll where little @kevdude was pinged

18894606? ago

You are blinded by pride man... Time to grow from it.

18894773? ago

stop being such a cuck hiding in @kevdude 's front hole

18895041? ago

said the anon XD LMAO

18895148? ago

@kevdude endorsed this sub, hidden name fag

18895258? ago

So you are basically proving my point then thanks:

he endorsed the sub. I do not. Hence I don't shill for him

Thanks! Have a nice day son,

18895298? ago

Thanks man, you too old man.

18893899? ago

u lie like @kevdude lies, dat's why he step in to take o'er yer shillbagging lies

on an anon sub

@kevdude sent me here cuz he giv Voat AIDS an I don wan it

18893927? ago

ah DIAL!!!! Dang man I thought that you had more balls on you with your alts and all but still come on... XD

18894041? ago

thought that you had more balls on you with your alts

gess dat fer u 2 wndr an fer u 2 fine out

18892618? ago

@sguevar MAD now! grrrr

18892664? ago

Nope but nice try XD

18892698? ago

naw u mad, and a liar, or maybe u jist ly'n POS like yer fren @Kevdude

18892527? ago

every time faggot @sguevar shills @Kevdude gets a ping

18891576? ago

He has fairly good English for a costa rican, still a ricanigger though.

18894775? ago

LMAO well thanks for that consideration man I appreciate it.

18891332? ago

This is sguevar - I couldn't care less about someone making a character attack on my in an anon sub.

I don't work from the shadows so fuck off faggot. Let me know when you have the balls to talk in the open.

18892471? ago

every time faggot @sguevar shills @Kevdude gets a ping

18891748? ago

@clamhurt_legbeard and @sguevar gave voat AIDS

18891493? ago

everytime a faggot shills @Kevdude gets a ping

18892807? ago

why @ExpertShitposter (kevdude) so mad? u dey 1 give voat AIDS

18891635? ago

No balls no relevance...

18891684? ago

just ignore it, stop feeding the trolls

18891782? ago

I don't care doing so, to a certain point is hilarious to see so much faggotry from their part.

18891838? ago

no doubt @kevdude is the biggest faggot troll on Voat, he even threw Voat ADMIN under his bozo bus

18894797? ago

So the admin shouldn't be held accountable for his actions?

18894877? ago

admin dindu nuttin 'cept hurt triggeredclam's fee fees

18891423? ago

stop shilling like a faggot

18891560? ago

Since your balls haven't dropped yet try harder faggot... PUSH!