18870125? ago

Barr is rock solid, while Durham is the modern day Elliot Ness. That is what has them freaking out. DECLAS has been going on all along. It is being spoon fed to the public so that the normies wont pay that much attention. The frog in the boiling water, who won’t jump out before it’s too late. I’d say the boiling pot is just barely getting warm.

18869425? ago

As much as I'd love to see the whole cabal and DS all burn in hell, Barr's new "investigation" could go on well past the 2020 election. And whatever they're planning on declassifying may get tied up in red tape for months or even years before we see the REAL dirt that's hidden in there. From what I've heard, 8 or so different departments being given "pre-approval" and "right to review/comment/change" whatever they want (not to mention God only knows how many other COUNTRIES are involved who could throw another hissy fit trying to block it).

POTUS also previously claimed he was going to declass all this stuff last September, then walked it back 2 days later "due to concerns from ally countries." As much as I'm hoping/praying the REAL scoop actually gets made public on all this, I'm not gonna believe it till it really happens. Honestly, there's been so much bait-and-switch, false alarms on all this, I'm surprised the DS is as worked up as they are over it.

If this "investigation" shit drags on past the 2020 election and the Dems manage to rig it against Trump (like they succeeded in doing for tons of US House seats in 2018), then Trump and Barr will be out on his asses and nothing will come of it anyway. We've been hearing that "pain is coming" for these mo-fo's for HOW LONG now? Still not one of our Top 100 Most Wanted has been prosecuted yet - at least not publicly.

18869217? ago

It's no coincidence that the shitposters and goats are engaged in a civil war and attacking each other, just like the Dems. Unfortunately, QRV is being used as the battlefield, as the panic becomes more real.

18867555? ago

Then tell 420nigger fag to cut that shit out.

18867424? ago

Imagine thinking that trolls trolling means someone besides OP is freaking out.

18868132? ago

Can you explain how my post indicates that I am the one freaking out?

Just any single word, or anything, that would indicate I am freaking out, and not happy to see this recent increase in troll activity?

Could your comment possibly be a more perfect example of projecting?

18877985? ago

Can you explain how my post indicates that I am the one freaking out?

Fundamentally, your giddy exuberance appears to be a form of a freak-out over a fantasy you and your cult have concocted.

Its so obvious. Sort by "new"....it is so incredibly skewed that its making me giggle.

The "It" in that sentence is your belief that anyone who doesn't worship your "Q" is a heretic, isn't it.

WHAT is so fucking devastating that has them all FREAKING out?

Do you use meth?

happy to see this recent increase in troll activity

"An increase in criticism validates your beliefs or behavior..." - Surely even you can see the inherent problem here.

Could your comment possibly be a more perfect example of projecting?

Could your comment possibly be a more perfect example of projecting?

18866674? ago

Its a special divison in the CIA. They work with MOSSAD and are controlled by Obama and other deep stae actors.

I'm just kidding. I think nobody of them cares about this Qtard LARP. Trump is just doing Israels bidding so everything is ok for them. The ones who fight against Trump are this MSM faggots because these lies sell good and they get their shekel out of it.

But Trump is still a traitor for not even trying to block the 38 billion that israel got last year.

18867014? ago

You care so much about a supposed LARP, that you are here and write long posts about it. In your free time, probably. This is so degenerate, I can't even describe it. You're like a vegan that sits in steak houses in his free time insulting the customers plus ordering food but not eating it and thinking you're somehow above everyone else. PATHETIC.

18868278? ago

Vegan in a steakhouse. Hilarious! And so true.

18866863? ago

So concerned.

18865970? ago

so declass when?

18865850? ago

Promise you most of the shit posters are just plain old fashioned trolls, everyone here is so easy to trigger, it's hilarious. That being said I'm sure there are some shills / bots.

18866883? ago

There are scripts being used all over this fucking place. It is hilarious you think this is organic.

18866915? ago

I literally just said that there are bots, can you not fucking read?

18866923? ago


18866941? ago

Nice troll man, just proved my point.

18867022? ago

Also Scripts ≠ Bots. They are conversation guides for active operators to engage in subversion. You don't even have a point, how could you prove it?

18865723? ago

18865307? ago

i just want some patriotic pussy (real pussy not tranny ass-pussy)

18867028? ago

You're the biggest pussy there is, so why don't you fuck yourself? Degenerate.

18867131? ago

how bout i fuck you mom in the ass & let you suck her shit off my dick, jew boy? youd like that wouldnt you multi culti sellout faggot kike

18865268? ago

What posts are confirmed to by the Krassenstienz? Or is this more retarded speculation?

18866987? ago

Are you Ed or Brian? And how you even completely mispronounced your name, too. Believable.

18865060? ago

We already know what it is they fear. Wouldn't surprise me if those two faggots are over at SBBH.

18865151? ago

@srayzie has an alt on SBBH

18865194? ago

what is it?

18865348? ago

ask them to explain how they came to that conclusion. it should be unconvincing. they are not the brightest

18871145? ago

Seems more like zyklon to me with the retarded vocabulary

18865693? ago

How do we know it's her?