18850124? ago

Nah, this is a concernfag shillpost meant to cover up the fact that Nigel Farage's Party just won the EU vote in the UK.

So did Le Pen in France.

And in Poland.

And in Italy.

The Satanic EU is being dismantled.

18838431? ago

Wow...been a long time since I read Orwell's 1984, but I seem to recall that reporting your friends and neighbors as "enemies of the state" was a big part of it. When the Left regains power in America, have no doubt that they will implement similar policies, they're gonna come after us with everything they got. Trump's second term will buy us four more years, but I fear there will be hell to pay thereafter.


18840108? ago

It was a big part of the Soviet Union and eastern block states.

My advice would to be that everyone report everyone and overload the system.

18837890? ago

Crap! They have taken the American concept of the HOA too far.

18837670? ago

While this is probably fake, the conversation below is really quite good and worth thinking about

18837655? ago

***NOTE TO NEWBIES - This is probably fake. No real resource found. Interesting, and possibly does reflect the way the Brits in charge are thinking. But do Not Believe it Just Because It Is Posted Here. **

18837411? ago

best BINGO card ever

18835960? ago

Tragically, in their supposed "moral superiority" and need to show everyone how it's done, the Britons stone cold fucked themselves right in the ass by allowing it, welcoming it, to happen. Now have the temerity to complain about it.

Britons: I love Britain, but collectively you are some of the most holier-than-thou cowardly fuckwits when it comes to National Pride. You allowed your government to do these things to you. You allowed them to tax every single thing around you (doorknob tax? TV tax? Really?). You allowed them to take your only means of fighting back (firearms). You allowed every step you make to be watched by Government with Cameras literally everywhere watching your every move. You allow your so-called "police" to turn all you hold dear on its head with ridiculous enforcement (like in the photo of this thread). You allowed your necks to be stepped on by joining the EU. You allowed Foreign hordes into your country without so much as a whimper of dissent and, in fact, quite the opposite in rush to show how "tolerant we are as a Nation". Fools to allow this, and more, to happen in your once great Nation.

The United States is in a constant state of turmoil for the very things I stated to you. The big difference is, we fight tooth and nail when we see injustice and never quiet dissent. They will never take our Firearms and we'll always fight for our Freedoms to the death. It's a constant fight with evil elements wanting to turn America inside-out as they have done to Europe and our last stand are the Patriots who WILL stand and fight and shed real blood to save our Great Nation. [[They]] know this and is why its a constant fight for the 2nd Amendment. Disarming us, they can steamroll us like they did you.

Until you reach down and feel your Celtic balls again, Britain will never again be what it was or meant to be. If that day ever comes, I will be there beside you to take your Country back. You have to want your Freedoms and love of Country and Countrymen more than life and things will only get worse until you ALL realize this. You need clarity of purpose, reason for conviction, and courage to stand. Find it.

18836728? ago

You could fit Britain into one of your states, maybe if we had the shear scale of land mass, as you do, things may have been different, your size of country matters in all areas of life.

18848387? ago

Thats an excuse for failure. What sets us apart in this regard, despite which region of the US we may come from, is our ability to call bullshit when we see it and raise Hell over it. Something Britons are "far too civilized" to do anymore. Sometimes you gotta reach down past your programming and find that primal Celtic roots you all came from and let it out. Until you do, you're screwed.

18849503? ago

Its not all lost yet, there is a come back, watch and see! I for one have never given in to political correctness or any of these social engineering schemes, and theirs plenty of people like me! Baring arms has never been a thing in my life time, and im in my 40's! I have battled many and won everytime with my tongue, i do agree Brits need to shout louder and get back to their indigenous roots, ive never left mine., thats what makes me moody in this life, its so frustrating! I'd fight for my country, i dont want to be a coward and just pack up and go! we will see how things turn out, but i do see the British Lion Spirit rising..

18854378? ago

May your Celtic Roots find solid purchase and the Heart of the Lion steel your resolve, good sir. I so very much long for England to be purged of it's political diseases and foreign hordes. Now that Brexit Party won, perhaps it'll be a start.

18855695? ago

Theres goods works afoot in England, have faith in us, This Muslim problem will be taken care of in all its forms and reasons, Bob and the team at Speakers Corner London, are doing a great job at critically textually obliterating their Koran and narrative, these kinds of works are happening all over Britain, you just have eyes to see, i don't expect you to know all of the fight back going on here in the UK, but ii is happening.. Dark to Light World Wide, my friend https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sw8Pq8S-rg0

18864332? ago

Highly encouraging and can't wait until you get the cockroaches under control. Been wanting to visit again!!

18837810? ago

Excellent point. I have watched GB with a great deal of interest for several decades. If there is any other perfect example of how propaganda, brainwashing, socialism, and too much govt control can fuck up a country and it's people, I don't know what it is. GB and so many of her people are so insecure, anxious, ill-informed, and pussy whipped that it's astonishing they were ever a world powerhouse.

I was romantically involved for a time with a Brit. I just couldn't fathom some of his thought processes. Then I watched the whole series on Netflix about Very British Problems - https://www.imdb.com/title/tt4960806/ and a lightbulb went off. I'm not saying all of this to insult England or the Brits, but to point out that some very nefarious and subliminal programming has been done with the entire population. Perhaps when you live in a small place with dreary weather and bland food, you are easier to control. That may also explain how they have mostly fully embraced the notion of an outdated Monarchy that isn't even made up of Brits but of foreigners whom the Grand British Empire used to control. The Goth-Saxons completely bamboozled the entire population. When they finally got a Princess they loved and could get behind, she was murdered. Probably because she was fighting the way they wanted her two boys to be raised. I apologize to the good Brits who are on here, but I've always felt your queen is as evil, if not worse, than Hillary. 200 years from now I wonder how this whole story will be told. The "house of Windsor" should have been overthrown 75 years ago. Well that's my take on things. As always, I could be wrong.

18835545? ago

Coming to America in 2024 if the left regains the presidency.

18834982? ago

Help! Britain has fallen and they can’t get up!

18834577? ago

'make' inaccurate' generalizations against 'the left' or government '

Fucking lol

18834528? ago

I am so thankful that Trump saved us from going the way of Europe.

18834174? ago

Yea, imagine defending your country with a patriot at your side. That would be utter political incorrect.

18833684? ago

Remember, UK humans are royal "subjects" not "citizens." You've had to have a license to watch tv their since 1946.

18833410? ago

Fake and gay. Fuck you for spreading weak ass memes as authentic posts

18832972? ago

It didn't seem to take very long for England to fall. Of course having top leaders and The House of Windsor aiding the process of stripping the citizens of the right to bear arms and free speech the demoralization phase is complete.

18833157? ago

House of Windsor connect to the pedos of Bulgaria, Germany and Belgium .... the religion was an old Egypt, JewArab cult from babylon? Bavarian Illumini, House of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha

18832923? ago

This would be hilarious except that it's true.

18833215? ago

oi! mate! you got a licence for that wrongthink

18832751? ago

My response to this was...."ohh shit"

18832692? ago

The UK citizens only chance for freedom now is to make the government fear them. The government knows that, and is clamping down with secret police style tactics, sowing mistrust among the populace. Your life and your children's lives can never improve now unless you move to change things.

18832519? ago

My husband was offered a promotion to go to GB. I am not interested in leaving the US. But a few years later, I don’t think I would even want to visit GB.

18835874? ago

Wow, ignorant much SMH. That's the trouble with a lot of Americans ( and I'm married to one) is that you think you are better than everybody else. I am a Brit who has lived in the USA for many years, trust me your country has many, many problems and clearly you are uneducated and ignorant of the world around.

18835990? ago

So the Islam takeover is fake? No really, I want to know.

18836324? ago


18832300? ago

Is it right to call it England anymore? Does England still exist or just in name only? Honestly. Wonder if the Muslims have an unofficial new name for their new country yet.

18832296? ago

They've gone full Stasi Germany.

18832197? ago

What is the source for this? I can find nothing online and seriously question a document that misspells ‘fascism’.

18840153? ago

Having people report to WARP seemed too warped to be real

18843229? ago

Beam me up...

18835817? ago

not sure if real but uneducated Britbong cops can be found calling around to peoples homes for wrong think, it happens during the election months, people then upload the vids to twitter, liveleak, youtube

18833429? ago

There’s some chatter in this thread about its origins. It’s an obvious fake


18837339? ago

Thanks for this link. ZeroHedge has been spotty of late. So I always double or triple check them and Infowars. That being said, one of the commenters on the linked thread says:

FourZeroCharlie said: I'd be a bit lairey of accepting anything from Media Bias Fact Check, chap: in Oct 2018, they declared that one of the 'Least Biased News Sources' was China's Xinhua News Agency*, an agency that Reporters Without Borders named as being the "world's biggest propaganda agency".

TBF, MBFC have since revised that assessment as 'left-centre bias', which is still a touch . . . generous?

  • Least Biased - Media Bias/Fact Check

Since they mention MediaBias website - I'll add this in here: I found JustFactsDaily.com to be a fairly reliable source, though not as comprehensive as some of the enemy "fact check" BS sites. This is an interesting convo where JFD was dissed by MediaBias and JFD took Media Bias to the woodshed over it -- https://www.justfactsdaily.com/media-bias-fact-check-incompetent-or-dishonest/ Good site to bookmark, I think

18835377? ago


18832184? ago

The WARP acronym at the bottom is fitting at least. Right in line with the CUK-LD party.

18832093? ago

Shrines and Jesters run more localized blackmail rings. https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3058915/17607387 Shriners, Freemasons, and Islam Connection...Have you ever wondered why there is so little resistance to the Muslim invasion into this country?

18832087? ago

https://voat.co/v/anon/3058906 What the Freemasonic Shriners really believe

18832081? ago

Was he a Jester, KnightsMalta? did he pray with Shriners to Lucifer? They have a Funeral Mass seems normal, 'Satan' they believe a fallen Angel....Broadmoor Ripper Who is the guy Mike Tyson boxed? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140795/17907377 This guy was the Elites Great White Hope of the Luciferian's who think they are all connected to the Annunaki through Enki's bloodline . Read Zachariah Sitchen's "The Twelfth Planet" in it you will find what is written in stone from the very first writings known to man, The Epic of Creation , The Creation of Man , Gillgamesh and the Flood ...plus so much more . All these Secret Societies think they are the Royal Bloodline from the Creators of Man

18831953? ago

Make an altered version that says mundane normal things. "Describe themselves as Christians" "Describe themselves as White," "Are opposed to child marriages," etc.

18831782? ago

Is this the email address? WARP-Mailbox [email protected] we altert them of RWX's, they must be lurking behind every door.

18831696? ago

"XRW" is pretty slick, I hope the Brits make up patches for that moniker. They are scared.

18831618? ago

Yes. This is clearly making sure that members of the Army support their ideology so that they can put down dissent. It is extremely threatening. Thank God the US military are supporting Trump because if the People are to regain control from the elite, we must expose them and they elite will not give up control without a fight.

18831986? ago

Who is the real boss... Babylon, Shriner, Mason is there a connection? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3119904 The elite satanists sure love their symbolism

18831579? ago

Nazi Germany is now the left. Next thing will be the brown shirts(maybe Antifa).

18837422? ago

I agree ^^ If you really want to piss NPC's off, just say, "Dude, how do you NOT KNOW that antifa is just the KKK in black outfits. The Dems have always had a terrorist army to force compliance of their racist policies. Geez, try to keep up!!"

18832301? ago

NAZI Germany was always the left. It was a socialist workers party.

18838659? ago

Dumb Boomer. Hitler was socialist in name only.

18832103? ago

Rotherham a Pakistani, ShrinerMasonic Ritual, abuse rape exploits Rochdale, Keighley, Aylesbury, Telford, Newcastle. Scandal bigger than Roman Catholic Church or Hollywood??? Mason Cops cover up, https://voat.co/v/QRV/3142670/17860301 more than just music awards and hollyweirdo ceremony

18831615? ago

What are they praying to? Ask about the BBC and Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal , Telford, Rochdale etc and for years ... and ask are there India, Paki Masonics https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3134344 Covered Up by British Govt?

18832282? ago

' the Jew will hide behind the Masons and the Jesuits '

18832964? ago

Kill Catholics first.

18833178? ago

Tried with Kennedy then he became a Saint Martyr

18832985? ago

nah... we kill the Satanists first.

18831328? ago

wow. the only people that care are the ones they must destroy. wow

18832342? ago

Trump tweets PATRIOTS

I wonder if they will try and arrest him when he visits next month.

18831646? ago

Do these people obey coomands, strange commands from madmen crazy leaders, the leaders follow some demonic cult from Babylon? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3089150 'Sir' Robert Mugabe - Global Black , Knight Order of the British Empire? Weird degenerate stuff, blackmail? honors are predominantly give to Freemasons

18832370? ago

It's the Jews Mossad

'We are saving Israel for last'

18833227? ago

Strictly speaking the Talmud makes it quite clear that Mossad works for The Jews, whether the Jew recognizes it or not, they still benefit from the actions of the few, who use them as a smokescreen and protection. Sounds a LOT like the Islamo Fascists, doesn't it? Almost like they're running the same strategy across two groups, recognizing the invasion power.

18832934? ago

You misspelled vatican.

18832957? ago

The Vatican is a bunch of controlled faggots and pedos sitting on huge stacks of money.

They don't call the shots.

They just another firewall to the true controllers.