18831699? ago

... EXPOSED: A Discussion with Hadi Shriners in Evansville, Indiana. All Shriners are freemasons. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3117658 ?

18814305? ago

Islam is not a race.

18831692? ago

Who are the Shriners? and the Masonics, is there a connection https://voat.co/v/QRV/3131598 She wears the jewel of a Horned Creature?

18813237? ago

Common purpose bullshit from the top....I can't see most squaddies taking it too seriously

18831738? ago

Is there a weird cult behind this? https://www.voat.co/v/AskAnon/3184797/18275210 Tax payer dollars for them to put together a sleuthing puzzle? What a dumb hamster wheel.

18811142? ago

The UK is far gone ... maybe the declaws will wake up the people before it’s too late ... may gone is a great start.

18831669? ago

That Eye, the Pyramid... the elite? https://voat.co/v/QRV/3092008 what do they really pray to near the top

18809798? ago

Wow, the UK is pretty lost.

18831721? ago

It's not freemasonry, not Arabic Jew Pagan Shriner rituals?? or Order of Eastern Star... all just cover ... truth? media banned permanently worldwide: its Babylon Satanic LUCIFERIANISM. Where did the Babylonians get this from? https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3217676/18597237 From something that pre-dates both Babylon and Jews, I suspect.

18811714? ago

It will have to be organic and they will have to take up arms such as they can fashion. Die on your knees or take your fate into your own hands.

18808824? ago

I can’t believe this is real.

18831681? ago

Are the true wicked leader people who follow an old Babylon religion? There are more but I can't remember them all right now. Soros is supposedly one of them. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3135857/17784731 There are 13 bloodlines involved.

18808558? ago

Can someone post a bigger and clearer image of that?

18811037? ago

in future, try view it in new tab

rehosting it off of fatgur anyway

18815451? ago

Thanks, that was helpful. Again I say, "Bingo!" I think I got at least one row across and maybe two rows down. But I'm not in the British Army, so I don't think I'll get reported here in east Tennessee.

18807772? ago


What do I win?

18808593? ago

Glad I don't live in the UK, I'd be under suspicion by EVERYONE, from welfare queens to local pimps to the smelly Muslim idiots that overrun the sidewalks and streets. Last time I visited England was 2012, and NEVER AGAIN.

18831960? ago

UK Government Under Gordon Brown Urged Police not to Investigate Muslim Child Rape Gangs https://www.voat.co/v/pizzagate/3239461/18803802 The British police shouldn't be exonerated. They are rife with Freemasons. That is where their allegiance lies. They could care less if children are violated. They are working towards a NWO and SRA is the new norm.