18814222? ago

Also there's a major European election on sunday. They don't want people to vote far right.

18809743? ago

I am slowly coming to the inevitable conclusion that the only good muslim is a fucking dead one.

18805974? ago

The world needs Macron to resign!

18805672? ago

Trump can't even built two miles of wall. What makes you think this will get done?

18806071? ago

You can't even spell, Dipshit!

18806102? ago


spelled it no problem. What's up now bitch?

18807639? ago

nice try, but there's a comma so he's addressing you.

18807831? ago

Ok then. Ask me to spell something else then. I'm really good at spelling DOUCHEBAG.

18808189? ago

let's use a word your parents didn't call you. otherwise, it's no fun.

18808272? ago

Good luck with that.

18805518? ago

Let's for a moment assume you are right. So, if "no guns & no description of suspect" (and no "white supremacy" in the news etc) would count as proof of a genuine muslim attack. That is your rule.

Now someone wants to do a false flag attack that would be seen as a genuine muslim attack. it would be easy to do that:

He could just apply your rule, so "no guns & no description of suspect" etc. and it would count as genuine. The false flag perpetrator would simply abuse your rule. So your rule is not that smart.

18804129? ago

I wonder who will be in charge of Twitter and Facebook and Google after the great cleansing?

18807759? ago

hmmm great ponderable.

18807811? ago

We KNOW correct isn't THIS, but what is it?

18803051? ago

Damn 'asians'

18802785? ago

It also means they are propagating for these attacks. Omitting information is the same thing as propagating for terrorism. They don't want the filthy peasants whom they wish to put in harms way to know, the peasants must think that their killers are good and safe to be around.

18801672? ago

How do people know this isn't a FF?

18808229? ago

False flags get boosted and pushed on the public. This going under the radar means it's definitely not a false flag.

18802885? ago

no guns for starters & no description of suspect which means it was a muslim (or suspected to be). A ff would have had white supremacy screaming all over the news from the get-go & would have trended on twitter. It's one of those things people just instinctively recognize these days if you know what to look for.

18801498? ago

18801971? ago

You want to remind us of a fake comped "Q" subverse?


18802044? ago

I have posted about their remote mind surveillance/control tech here too and also on /v/whatever.


18800773? ago

Honk Honk

18799968? ago


18800092? ago

Manhunt on the way but they give NO description so that people can assist. How obvious can it get?

18803550? ago

The person was wearing a mask and sunglasses.

18801051? ago

Every sane person knows by now how to read between the lines. If they were hunting white ethnic French, they would blatantly state that

18814046? ago

If it were a white Christian Frenchman they would be playing it non stop on TV, with the elections there this weekend if it's a Muslim immigrant they will pretend it never happened, like they are currently doing

18805692? ago

CCTV images of the alleged mudslime perps