18805086? ago

Q post #35

18803932? ago

titles like this are a disgrace, GFY

18802368? ago

My fellow Americans....

18801566? ago

POTUS will be well insulated/protected on AF1 and abroad (specific locations classified) while these operations are conducted due to the nature of the entrenchment. It is time to take back our country and make America great again. Let us salute and pray for the brave men and women in uniform who will undertake this assignment to bring forth peace, unity, and return power to the people.

It is our hope that this message reaches enough people to make a meaningful impact. We cannot yet telegraph this message through normal methods for reasons I’m sure everyone here can understand. Follow the questions from the previous thread(s) and remain calm, the primary targets are within DC and remain at the top (on both sides). The spill over in the streets will be quickly shut down. Look for more false flags – stay alert, be vigilant, and above all, please pray.

“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. Love is patient, love is kind.”

God bless my fellow Americans. 4,10,20

18801109? ago

We can only hope that is the case.

18801092? ago

As soon as I see it happening, I'll believe it.

18800779? ago

It's a holiday weekend, ya fuckin' dum dum. People travel.

18800768? ago

Hannity and El Rushbo skip lots of holiday weekends. I'm surprised Chris Plante was even on today.

18800751? ago

Doubt it (arrests happening). Why is MSM not reporting on why Trump is there? What ceremony is happening in Japan? Why is this significant? Nationalism v. Globalism.

18800261? ago

NADLER passing out today at the press conference

18800360? ago

Did he really?

18801874? ago

Yes... Watch this 30 second clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQfW3PD49rw

He is trying to set the stage so he is ruled incapable of participating in (and helping) his own defense. He knows the gig is up.

18808568? ago

Jig, not gig. Gig is what bands and DJs get

18815860? ago

well, i suppose it could be argued he meant "they put on a performance, and it's now over" but yeah

18816456? ago

True it was quite a show lol

18805205? ago

'jig' is up, not 'gig'.

18801451? ago

yup. Loving the drama He knows the Sh!tStorm is about to happen.

18801095? ago


18799956? ago

And when nothing happens, again?

18800916? ago

Well they did just make a move towards declass and watching nadler nearly pass out was fun. Maybe we really are getting close to something actually happening. But i doubt it will be a bunch of arrests this weekend. If Q is real this machine is moving quite slowly.

18801105? ago

It's not moving at all. It's stationary. The strobe lights just give the illusion of movement.

18801899? ago

We shall see. Im mostly on your side. The odds that Q is real and on our side are astronomically low. But i prefer to try to maintain hope even as i continue to try to redpill normies under the assumption Q is a pacification technique.

18802611? ago

I used to care. I used to try to wake people up. But, I see no point any more. I just want the world to burn now.

18802747? ago

Idk. The trends are shifting. Q may be fake. But i do think the alt right is winning the culture war.

18803001? ago

Until we see the Democrats being destroyed and the traitors going to jail... nothing changed. In other 10 years the whole cycle will repeat again.

18803566? ago

Only thing i will correct you on is that we need to see republicans going to jail too or the cycle will repeat again.

18799285? ago

its going down

18799150? ago

Well, though it is Memorial Day weekend. Those who have made the big time do tend to sneak in an extra day off on the Friday before. So could it just be that?

18799461? ago

No that's too obvious.

18799233? ago

True, but Hannity was off yesterday. That was Thursday.

18799480? ago

If he was off Thursday, why would anyone expect him to come back and work one day before a three day weekend?

18799342? ago

Yeah but Hannity's REALLY big time. He gets to sneak in two extra days off if he wants. Haha. Just kidding. Op's speculation is valid. These people could be laying low in prep for something big.

18808838? ago

He ran a best of friday, i listen everyday

18798853? ago


18798758? ago

Ain't nothing goin down! Sucka's Dis all jus drama from yo momma! Dis some Jerry Springer bulshee, dats all dat be.

18798644? ago

Krasinstiens, Assange charges, Declass, suicide weekend.

18799524? ago

Masonics are in Jpn, QUOTE : The Clowns infiltrated it and have been abusing it's hierarchy for far too long.

Most all powerful organizations have sinister components.

With power comes corruption. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3140992/17841178 Lol. The Sushi Boss Monster. I will look.

18801285? ago

Asia also has its own secret societies equivilant to the Masons. Quite possible Trump has friends in those, too.

18798989? ago

Ignore the shills.

Q told us we’d know exactly when it goes down. Remain skeptical but be prepared. It will be while POTUS is out of the country. Which he’s gonna be. Patriots weekend. Suicide weekend. Soldiers who’ve killed themselves after war should still be memorialized no? Their battle never ended.

18804695? ago

One thing i find a bit funky tho, yesterday was the declas announcement. Today i wake up to military helicopters, and see a bunch of military deployed. I have seen them driving around, and i also delivered pizzas at work to a electrical plant, only to pull up and see a bunch of military dudes all armed with guns etc. I have never seen this my whole life in the area i live, which is in a pretty small town in Norway.

18803370? ago

You are correct my friend. Sadly I have had 2 friends who, because of their service in Vietnam, decided life wasn’t worth it and are gone. Still hurts and that was back in 01. Their names are on no wall, and one was buried in a county cemetery for the indigent without family. With all of the so called developments in the VA such as exposure therapy or cognitive behavioral therapy, The US kill rate on its veterans is STILL OVER 20/day.

Needless to say this is not a festive weekend for me, it’s actually very tragic and sad.😢

18800192? ago

Valhalla had a Goat In the evening they will return home to Valhalla and sit down and eat and drink. When the cook Andhrimnir cut steaks from the side of the pig Saehrimnir “A giant pig” this is not a normal pig but a magical pig. it will grow back immediately.

There is also a goat named Heidrun, it’s standing on the roof of Valhalla, and eats from the branches of the tree of life Yggdrasil. While from its udder floats a lot of mead, down to a huge tub, big enough to make everyone in Valhalla drunk every day. The Valkyries will serve the Vikings, pork, and mead.