18815531? ago

It’s more than Logan act. It’s blatant Treason. Fucker needs to be tried and hanged.

18814512? ago

I seriously hope there is copious public coverage of big name prosecution and conviction. The up and coming crop of young leftist shit heads need to see that their corruption of the constitutional republic in the name of leftist ideology will get them the gallows.

18807969? ago

Herman Muenster goes to gitmo

18815549? ago

Let those muzzies fuck him in the ass. Then hang him.

18807195? ago

20 years in federal pound you in the ass prison, you oak tree looking motherfuck.

18801841? ago

So the fuck what? No nooses, no hanging. Business as usual.

18801081? ago

Ketchup Prince needs to serve time at SuperMAX in the "hole".

18801071? ago

Total number of arrests? ====> STILL ZERO!!!

18798531? ago

No one has ever gone to jail for violating the logan act so nothing will happen this time.

18798471? ago

Serious question if i went and violated the logan act what punishment would happen to me and how are they going to wash kerrys crime under the rug.

18798135? ago

Um.. Where is John Kerry?

18797652? ago

Kerry has absolutely no business dealing with any other country...pull his security clearance and prosecute his ass.Feinstein too......WWG1WGA

18815578? ago

Feinstein to gitmo to get good ass fucking by those muzzies. Pound her down her fucking throat. Let them fuck her every which way. Then hang her for Treason.

18796979? ago

It’s going to take a tall tree to Logan Act this long necked traitor.

18815583? ago

Remove his legs. Then hang him.

18796703? ago

So then fucking do something about it. We have the president and the sos both claiming clear violations of the law...../

18796581? ago

Why the long face?

18796685? ago


18796109? ago

Then we should set a precedent and charge him with the violation.

18796096? ago


18796070? ago

Arrest this fucker

18795842? ago

I’m tired of hearing about these crimes committed by the elite that are “never prosecuted” or seldom prosecuted. You and I are held to EVERY LAW and SO THE FUCK SHOULD THEY BE. Logan Act his ass.

18801551? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real anons of the following.



18796641? ago

It takes time...these people are insulated to an extent we can barely comprehend. All the people crying for Hillary's head aren't thinking about this thing correctly. To get to the rotten core you have to peel away almost all of the outside layers first.

18797167? ago

thank you for your SANE reply

few have grasped the fact that there are tens/hundreds of thousands of minions holding up the elite and their evil shit

18799859? ago

I honestly think a lot of the "NOW NOW NOW" people aren't even shills they are just hooked on instant gratification.

18803007? ago

yes! it's taken us 100s of years to get here and it's going to take a few to get us out of it

18796712? ago

I’m talking about the fact that the Logan Act has never been enforced. Why have laws that aren’t enforced?

18799851? ago

I just explained it to you. If you go after someone prematurely (not a solid case built or they still have protections within the system) and you fuck it up that is it, you can't get them on those charges again.

18800191? ago

I don’t care if he is prosecuted for Logan today or next year. That’s not my point. This is NOT an impatience issue. This is an issue of having a law since 1799 that has never been enforced. Why can’t you understand the difference?

18800417? ago

Can't you understand that the reason it isn't enforced now is the reason it has never been enforced and I have already explained to you why. How exactly do you think the founding fathers funded their efforts? You don't think larger forces were at play, and in the game for more than money?

18795677? ago

John Kerry like you to meet a friend of mine. His name is justice and prison

18796767? ago

Sounds like two friends to me!