18811538? ago

DD's Video: GCHQ Chief Hannigan, Resigned Because He Helped A PAEDOPHILE Priest. Theresa May Connection. https://voat.co/v/QRV/3239985

18801089? ago

Q285 Dec 6 2017 21:31:50 (EST) 
What if No Such Agency alerted May to the kill plan per POTUS?
What if the attempt was ordered by ++?

18799810? ago

What MI6 did through the direction of Theresa May, that is, spying on the American President in an effort to remove him from office was an ACT OF WAR by what is supposed to be our closest ally,

a.) We're not your (((closest ally))), lets be real

b.) So when you did the same to the australian PM Gough Whitlam, that was also an act of war against australia? And all those other times you've done it down the years, such as with iran, more or less every central+south american country, attempts in cuba, etc, etc, those were all acts of war too? Pretty warmongering dude.

c.) You're actually somewhat missing the point. For one thing, it was the deep state, and was obviously not public because if it was there would have been backlash. For another, this was an action taken because we are allied, both at a public and at a deep state level, as were your actions against australia. The deep state has a classic "i've got your back you've got mine" arrangement, and what happened was literally nothing more than that arrangement taking place exactly as it was meant to do. And in exactly the same way you've done before.

I'd also point out as a final point that if you want to talk about literal betrayals, you could look at the Suez crisis for a good example.

Why are americans so incapable of understanding even the smallest aspects of nuance and/or history?

18799942? ago

A ) did you miss the word 'supposed' or did you intentionally leave it out?

B ) I'm not attempting to be an apologist for the last 60 years of American foreign policy

C ) Terms like 'you' and 'your' in this context are a weak attempt to lump my personal views in with the actions of Deep State traitors

D ) You changing the subject and then babbling glib comments about 'American ignorance' are weak sauce, faggot.

18801662? ago

a.) I didn't really care about it, because my point is equally valid either way.

b.) who cares if you're attempting to be an apologist or not? By your own definition, spying = an act of war. Now, it's pretty obvious the NSA was spying on britain, along with the rest of europe since the early days of obama and before, let alone when trump declared his candidacy. By your own logic, you'd already declared war on us, which means our actions could hardly be taken as "an act of war" by that point.

c.) I'm not even sure what point you're trying to make here? My point is valid : the actions taken by britain were taken because of the alliance of FVEY, with its (((secretive))) goals and programs, not because of a lack of alliance.

d.) Hardly. As with b.), the point is highly valid. You had already made the first acts of betrayal. Even if the spying were an act of betrayal (which it wasn't), I wouldn't give a singular fuck because you yanks clearly started it

18798294? ago

It's ALL connected. There is more at play here. You ARE watching a movie.....

18797421? ago

Teresa May is discovering too late just how easy it is to leave when you actually listen to what people say.

18797266? ago

Nixon was set up. Watergate break in was by CIA.

18802522? ago

Nixon was still Deep State. He just got ousted in an internal coup after J. Edgar Hoover died. That whole story is going to be re-written for the history books.

18800151? ago

I always thought Nixon was bad because people shat on him all the time. But now I'm thinking if Hunter s Thompson was alive today he'd be shitting on Trump and Trump is awesome so maybe Nixon was awesome.

18797303? ago

yep... no doubt about it.

Have you read 'Family of Secrets' by Russ Baker ? It's a real biography of the Bush Cartel

18797159? ago

What MI6 did through the direction of Theresa May, that is, spying on the American President in an effort to remove him from office was an ACT OF WAR by what is supposed to be our closest ally, and the most egregious assault on the United States by the English since the war of 1812.

18797072? ago


18796634? ago

She wants to stay in office until after her meeting with Trump on 6/6. No coincidence

18798314? ago

Trump's State visit to the UK is also the 7th.

18796587? ago

I dunno. Do the British people care that much if MI6 spied on an American president? I think they care a lot more about how (purposefully) she fucked up Brexit.

18797127? ago

Yah, conspiring to overthrow a POTUS, no big deal. To the brain dead.

18796619? ago


Are you fucking kidding me?

What MI6 did was an ACT OF WAR by our alleged CLOSEST ALLY.

What British people have been duped into believing is IRRELEVANT

18802229? ago

There is no double that these people spied on the Trump campaign. Whether it is going to stick as an attempted coup with the British or American people is yet to be determined. I would point out that Obama already got caught spying on European Leaders.


I believe that these people were trying to oust a duly-elected President, which is an attack on our Government. Which is Treason. But will prosecutors try for that, or just abuse of power?

18796442? ago

18795898? ago

In Australia or Canada, no PM or even their party could have stayed in power after suffering the Parliamentary defeats she has suffered. The Brexit referendum was only a few months before Trump's election. In both countries, the Deep State has desperately been trying to thwart the will of the electorate.

These things are happening in parallel. This is about bringing down the crappy EU house.

It all begins in Ukraine. Obama backed a coup by pro-EU forces and look how that turned out for them. Now Ukraine has a new President and the Rada is dissolved, but that didn't happen without more DS shenanigans. The same (((oligarchs))) are still calling the shots there and the country is still falling apart.

May waited till after UK votes were cast in the EU Parliamentary elections. What a cunt.

18795797? ago

Q forced her to quit, that’s why she was crying BOOM WEEK!!

18796647? ago

extradite her and her crooked cabal to stand trial in the US

18796407? ago

"Q forced her to quit" is one of the stupidest things I've read here all week.

She has been on borrowed time for months - she lost control of her party, mishandled Brexit, and lost any credibility in the eyes of the British public. She was always going to go soon, and her attempt to bring back her Brexit deal this week with extra concessions was too much for her MPs and party supporters. She has been forced out and will be replaced, most likely by Boris Johnson or Michael Gove. This literally has ZERO to do with Trump and it's beyond retarded to claim it is. It's no surprise that people don't take Qanons seriously and think they are all tinfoil hat losers.

18804533? ago

No name died from a brain tumor that Q predicted to the exact minute a month earlier. https://justinformednews.com/2018/08/27/q-confirms-foreknowledge-of-john-mccains-death/ IF Q posts ##FLYMAYFLY##, you can bet he had something to do with it. Did you know the day before that May was going to resign? Q did, did he use leverage, I'm guessing he did.

18797497? ago

I love how you cunts parrot the MSM narrative.

She directed MI6 to spy on the American President. That's an act of war.

18799877? ago

That's an act of war.

You do realise the NSA spies on every country on earth, right? Including 100% guaranteed all of nato. So by your logic it was merely a just response to the already existing declaration of war by america.

As for the rest of your point, you're clearly a retard who doesn't understand whats been happening over the last year in british politics. Now, I don't necessarily agree 100% with the OP in saying it has nothing to do with declass, but it is not entirely due to it, and it is wholly possible it literally does have nothing to do with it. She's been on the verge of getting kicked out for months. Your inability to understand this, or many other points makes it pretty clear you're borderline retarded.

18800027? ago


Q Post #523 'CHECKMATE' ( Trump announced DECLAS yesterday, 5/23 )

Calling me 'retarded' multiple times outs you as a fucking faggot and a SHILL.

18801680? ago

Great counterargument.

  • Spying is an act of war

  • So it was an act of war when britain spied on us

  • But our NSA doesn't count because reasons

Your logic has less cohesion than american "cheese".

18804606? ago

NSA collects metadata, under administrations with integrity the data is not looked at unless they need to confirm corruption/crime. Spying on a political administration for the purpose of overthrowing the leader is very different.

18805439? ago

"NSA just collects metadata"

It's like you didn't even read the snowden leaks. Do you know why they were so damaging? It's because they were a lot more than metadata. For one thing, it spied on no less than 122 world leaders. Xkeyscore detects more or less everything on the internet. They have both frontend and backend methods to crack encryption. They sneak backdoors onto computer chips. They have explicit hacking teams whose job it is to, when other methods fail, literally just hack into computers to take whatever information they require.

And there's more, but you kind of get my gist. It's not "just metadata", and no american admistration since about 1900 has had any integrity (including trumps in that), since they all have aims of foreign interference.

America has participated in coups etc in SO FUCKING MANY countries. So goddamn many. By a reasonable guess, they may in fact have a hand in Mays departure. A hand which clearly, if it exists, is not public. So, do tell, how is that not using spying on a political administration for the purposes of overthrowing the leader?

Do you think American actions in ukraine didn't involve spying?

I realise that (for some reason) this is a complex thought for americans to process, but please try : your country is not some kind of paragon of virtue. It is in fact, (as is my own, the uk), rather a sneaky piece of shit with a long history of actions in terribly bad faith. Honestly the main difference between them is that in recent history, yours has had rather more influence, and has used it rather more. So I'm not trying to claim some kind of huge moral high ground here - your own country is just a interfering, spying, perfidious bastard. I know it hurts, but thems the breaks.

18808120? ago

You speak of spying/ coups by the US. This was done by prior administrations...globalist pieces of shit. Presidents without a shred of integrity. You wouldn't catch Trump doing the same. The spying and regime change we saw in the past kept the US in a constant state conflict and war. Trump is attempting to achieve world peace, He is a cut from a different fabric.

18808340? ago

This was done by prior administrations

And so what? At this point most spying from the UK was done by a mix of May and Cameron. Or, you know, "prior administrations" (at least May will be true within a couple of weeks)

You wouldn't catch Trump doing the same.

Yes I'm sure he's wound down any and all foreign spying.

Lets be honest - if you really beleive in Q, are you HONESTLY trying to tell me he's stopped all spying on foreign nations and their leaders? Seriously? You think he's just wound down any and all foreign spying elements of the NSA? Get real.

. The spying and regime change we saw in the past kept the US in a constant state conflict and war.

I understand the point you're trying to make, but this is mostly wrong. Most of the spying that took place was global - the US has not been at war with everyone. It was about maintaining a position of technological dominance, and information dominance. The regime change was predominantly within central+south american regions (Monroe doctrine) or the middle east (this is where you're finally somewhat correct, since it related to the war on terror and perpetual war).

The bit you miss with regards to the middle east is that americas actions also explicitly benefitted israel. And actions from trump such as granting them the golan heights make it clear nothing has changed in this respect.

You also claim that, under trump, regime changes are a thing of the past. If so, why is Q explicitly advocating regime change in Iran? Why is Q implying heavy involvement in regime change in the UK? Why is trump making all the right sounds with regards to military involvement against Iran?

inb4 "oh yeah but they're just the bad guys and he's got to do something about it". They said the same shit about invading Iraq. The establishment always has a reason.

I mostly concede trump hasn't explicitly done much for regime change worldwide - he's been kind of a dick in venezuela, syria, and Iran, but at present he could have done worse.

I literally refuse to concede he's done anything to stop NSA spying. Seriously, not a damn thing. If anything, if you believe what Q says, the NSA has EXPANDED its operations, taking over control of extra terratorial physical operations from the CIA. Hardly the same as "stopping spying on people"

18816599? ago

From the way I understand it, he NSA's mission is not to spy on people, it is a data collection hub that redflags key words that may be associated with terrorism. If someone says the word "Bomb" while speaking on the telephone, that statement will be set aside for someone to analyze the context. Yes, the Obama administration used the NSA for nefarious purposes but this is going to also land his ass in prison. Do you think Trump is going to follow Obama down that rabbit hole? Some day a new administration is going to take control of our government, they will look back to make sure Trump did not over step his authority. They are looking at everything he does hoping to find a reason to impeach, you can bet his actions will be scrutinized after he leaves office. He is not going to walk down that path. He has more integrity than every President since Kennedy, combined. He will follow the rule of law, the American people can not afford for him to make a mistake allowing the Demoncrats grounds for impeachment,

18822006? ago

their goal isn't to spy on anyone, it's just an data collection hub

MSM tier doublespeak ;). It's a spying organisation. If nothing else, the "if all else fails, just hack their computer and get the information" team makes that clear. Xkeyscore too. Data monitoring (still spying but anyway) is one facet of their capabilities, but does not represent all of them.

He has more integrity than every President since Kennedy, combined.

[X] to doubt. Not a high bar, but still doubt.

18799073? ago

When the US was caught spying on Germany was that an act of war?

18799152? ago

First of all, Obama and Brennan were responsible for that, just like they were responsible for spying on Trump.

Merkel knew it happened and is on the side of Globalists and Obama.

Merkel's innaction has nothing to do with Trump's action and May's resignation.

18812472? ago

But May and the head of GCHQ (who resigned days after Trump was elected ) did that! You didn't answer my question. They are all spying on each other 'by any means'. Don't cry if they spy on you.

18796652? ago

Just a coincidence.

18795783? ago

Q dropped yesterday, FLYMAYFLY, Q knew she was leaving, most likely gave her no options, step down or face the Declass,

18802465? ago

She's going to face the declas anyway. No deals.