18808895? ago

Trump weaponized Federal Code Of Military Justice you cunt.

Tribunal coming and you will be begging for it vs the street justice

18806117? ago

You know this asshole knows the ins and outs (kek)of un - American.

18805079? ago

This is how he signals his cronie friends. This means shit really is happening and he is warning them. He knows what is about to come.

Let's be very clear here, folks. If what we think is true does come out, these people really wont be able to walk the streets.

18803228? ago

So being totally transparent is covering up. These people speak in satanic terms. Good is bad. Bad is good. Boys are girls and girls are boys. Babies are parasites. So, whatever they say, know that the opposite it correct.

18801561? ago

When you can’t beat em, you recycle their narrative and project is as your own. Slimy Schiff - I hope you fuckin rot!

18801479? ago

The guy is looking at the death penalty, he's going to fight to the death, literally.

18800868? ago

Well then American it is. Hang him.

18800314? ago

" I'm running for Sheriff " * goes on countyw-ide spree of bank robberies * that shit wouldn't work, would it?

these people don't live in the real world.

18799840? ago

Hope nobody got a hernia throwing him in the rescue van like a side of beef elephant! 🐘


18799202? ago

So funny! Barr and POTUS are uncovering the coverup!

18798999? ago

Why do you think they are scared?

The real stats you need to know. 3+ years. 0 arrests. (ZERO) (ZILCH) (NADA)

No one is scared, because no one ever gets arrested, bruh. If someone important ever gets arrested, then I guess we'll see but it no one will get arrested so using my favorite Killary line: "What difference does it make?"

18798501? ago


18798055? ago

please believe my fakenews ... because the truth is ... the REAL CRIMINALS did 1000000x worse !!!! Schiff included. How stupid can the masses be? How long can they sleep and believe the fakenews ? WAKE UP AMERICA -- your government is full of corrupt folks who need to go to jail. Trump is saving our country ... thank god for his daily sacrifice for the USA.

18797844? ago


18797708? ago

UN- American?????? Let me tell you about UN-American.....how about 2 million illegals living on my dime in San Diego county alone........they can’t speak the language...they don’t try to assimilate....they bring all their filthy habits here. That is Un AMERICAN.....

Also all the REFUGEES that are here b/c is a free ticket to free stuff - not to start new and appreciate their new country....it’s so they can turn AMERICA into their shit-hole they came from......THAT’s UN-American.

May you get what’s coming to you Mr. Adam Shiffty........

18797665? ago

It's funny how both sides have their version of events. Yet, very little hard proof has been offered.

18797200? ago

I hope the Twitter feed is lit with counter Intel. People have to see through this shit, right?!?!

18797129? ago

Those crying the loudest right now are the ones who are the most terrified. Old Shifty got up early today just to post that tweet, he is scared out of his fucking mind...he KNOWS Trump wants his ass. Watch what the rest of them have to say over the next few days...Twitter, press conferences, the guilty ones will stick out like sore thumbs. I'm keeping a close eye on Hillary and Obongo...when THEY start flipping out over the Declas we'll know we've hit pay-dirt.

I am loving every fucking minute of this. Newly retired, lots of time to sit home and watch it all unfold.

Panic in D.C.


18796818? ago

Such desperate control over the Optics

18796754? ago

Boy they sure do stick to their stupid talking points, don't they?

18796584? ago

When they use "un-american", they have nothing.

18810087? ago

"I don't think that's right!"

18804418? ago

Just like "That's not who we are".......

18796552? ago

Politicians making noise and conning each other. What's new?

18796517? ago

No-one is above the law. Not even political opponents.

18796438? ago

Telling people what you did is un-American?

The founding fathers told us to never blindly trust the government and to even take up arms against them as a last resort if need be.

Sounds like you don't want us to do a y such thing, making You the un-American one, Schiff-for-brains.

18796214? ago

Q hinted at him being a white hat in several posts. I think he’s either on the Q team or a valuable asset.

18796677? ago

Schitt?! No, Q never hinted at him being a white hat. What drop #? You're either totally misunderstanding something, or you're a shill throwing lies out there. Back up your claim please.

18796156? ago

STFU Pencil Neck

18799679? ago

More like pencil dick

18796116? ago

"You cannot attack a political opponent," says the person who every day attacks his political opponent, his family, friends, associates, supporters...hypocrite much?

18796010? ago

Schitt is a white hat. 4D chess ;)

18796978? ago

With Liddle Kidz? I don't think so.

18796154? ago

Doubt anyone involved with the Standard Hotel, with those large tanks of acid on the roof, MUCH much more than they'll ever need for the pool can be a white hat.

18796701? ago

The shills are out today throwing the secret white hat bs around re obvious scum like Schitt.

18795974? ago


18795940? ago

Mom said, "Sell it to the circus, what the heck." Dad said, "Nope, this one's a pencil neck. And if there's one thing lower than a side show freak, It's a grit eatin', scum suckin', pencil neck geek. "

You see if you take a pencil that won't hold lead, Looks like a pipe cleaner attached to a head, Add a buggy whip body with a brain that leaks, You got yourself a grit eatin', pencil neck geek.

Pencil neck geek, grit eatin' freak, Scum suckin', pea head with a lousy physique. He's a one man, no gut, loosing streak. Nothin' but a pencil neck geek.

~Classy Fred Blassie: https://youtu.be/b1LmuCf3aJY

18796160? ago

heard that decades ago on dr. demento -- thanks for the memories!

18795873? ago

It's PROJECTION time again.

18801993? ago

Actually, it's political theater time again.


18796530? ago

It's really humorous how they do that isn't it?

18796137? ago

how do you watch a movie? with PROJECTORS

18796586? ago

That’s good

18799562? ago

Someone needs to do something about these fucking jews.

18795854? ago

I was under the impression law enforcement has always been "weaponized". Thats what they do, right?

18795709? ago

They know they cant stop it.

18796183? ago

Barr's not Jewish? Seriously?

18795608? ago

These people are Stupid. Trump is letting them hang themselves. He's putting out evidence left and right. His twitter account is going to be like a guide book to all the shit he's done.

18804610? ago

love it :-D

18795564? ago

Li'l Schitt is projecting his own criminal activities.

18795465? ago

I love that it’s obstruction of justice now instead of collusion. They think normies can’t see the goal post being moved.

18799191? ago

Because they are 100% right. Normies DO NOT see the goal post being moved. Seriously. Everyone around me eats this shit up.

18796289? ago

Obstruction of a treasonous coup = perpetration of justice, not obstruction.

18795459? ago

But...But that's....But that's exactly what YOU guys did....

18795589? ago

Logic has no place here. KeK

18795439? ago

The Schiff is sinking

18796599? ago

It’s gold Jerry. It’s gold !!!

18795429? ago

The only thing "unamerican" is you not being behind bars you light soled faggot.

18795394? ago

Erm.. Isn't that what they've been doing to Trump all along..??