18819993? ago

with u, bro

we want this divisive bitch gone

18785735? ago

I’m in for the poal patrol

18785685? ago

Another white nigger post. Good job!

18785684? ago

Mike from v/loli here. Who’s ready for some more loli tonight? Woooo

18785761? ago

Like this guy. Whoever this guy is. Why the fuck are you not focusing on people like this?

18785818? ago

Do you not like the loli?

18785932? ago

Send it to the GA mods leave the poor normies on QRV alone man.

18786027? ago

Can’t do that. If I post loli in GA, the fascist mods will execute me with a ban. Plus I like to get the boomers here all hot and bothered.

18786064? ago

Its disgusting and you should kill yourself. Its not helping anyone move towards a right wing state and higher morality and you are a degenerate. Its a kike move.

18786100? ago

Right wing state? I’m trying to turn people into degenerates. Please... I hate kikes as much as any other American shemale.

18786120? ago

kill yourself. You are a sick evil person and i hope you stay sad and miserable.

18786173? ago

Please I am trying to promote harmony here.

18786217? ago

It isn't funny. Fucking kill yourself. No one loves you

18786255? ago


18786276? ago

  1. You have no power over me faggot. It doesn't make what you do any less sick and you'll die from it.

18786644? ago

18786315? ago

Ok. Check out some of my new loli on NEW in 30 mins or so

18785929? ago

Biblespammer! Your back. I’ve been porn spamming this place for the last couple weeks and haven’t seen you. How are you friend?

18785966? ago

Been busy reading the good book! You ready to read along with 'us'? Let us begin..I missed you my dearest internet friend.

2 Chronicles 36:11-13 Zedekiah was twenty-one years old when he became king, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. He did evil in the sight of the LORD his God; he did not humble himself before Jeremiah the prophet who spoke for the LORD. He also rebelled against King Nebuchadnezzar who had made him swear allegiance by God But he stiffened his neck and hardened his heart against turning to the LORD God of Israel.

18786062? ago

Great verse friend. If I plaster loli all over this board tonight, can I count on you to spam bible verses in response?

18786252? ago

Did you reach your maximum post limit for the hour? I will await the following hour and join you in hymns and psalms. Thank you dearly my friend for staying here with me to read the word of God.

Job 18:11-15 "All around terrors frighten him, And harry him at every step. "His strength is famished, And calamity is ready at his side. "His skin is devoured by disease, The firstborn of death devours his limbs.read more.

18786295? ago

I actually have to wait 30 more mins to post the loli. I’m at Trader Joe’s picking up some dinner, but once it get home i will begin

18786319? ago

I wish I could join you at Trader Joes, the mac and cheese is scrumptious. I will await your return, safest of travels to you.

18786087? ago

It will be done.

18786123? ago

Thanks brah. I’ll say a prayer to Moloch for you.

18786234? ago

Moloch is a manifestation of what and whom I am. You may pray to me as you wish my child. Puppet why do you deflect away from your Daddy? The descriptions I give...are they too much for your mortal soul? Laughing out Loud.