18794256? ago

Muh muh muh 6 gorzillion . Reeeeee

18752844? ago

Dual-citizenship is a sin.

Choose America, or gtfo, seriously.

18750247? ago

I'm getting the feeling that Jews are at the center of most, if not all, of the current madness in this country.

18751253? ago

Only now getting the feeling, eh? Must be new here, warmest welcome!

That's just the semi-official VoatTM-brand introductory red pill, you're in for quite a ride here my friend.

18749420? ago

No member of the government in any federal, state, or city office should be a dual citizen. That should be the law of the whole country. Only a citizen of this nation and only this nation has the best interests of this nation at heart. We have enough problems with the crooked sons of bitches and bitches that are just plain citizens without adding the problems of dual citizens.

18749158? ago

Israel first!

18745057? ago


18744166? ago

u think that if someone is jewish they auto have an israeli passport?? LOLLLLLLLLLLLLLL so ignorant ..u list with facts who has one and stop talking like ilhan omar

18746177? ago

I like how switch the topic to an Israeli passport. Good job Shlomo. Go read first Isaiah who the Fathers you claim killed the prophets and sawed Isaiah in half.

"The Law of Return (Hebrew: חֹוק הַשְׁבוּת, ḥok ha-shvūt) is an Israeli law, passed on 5 July 1950, which gives Jews the right to come and live in Israel and to gain Israeli citizenship.[1] Section 1 of the Law of Return declares:

"every Jew has the right to come to this country as an oleh [immigrant]." In the Law of Return, the State of Israel gave effect to the Zionist movement's "credo" which called for the establishment of Israel as a Jewish state."

18745576? ago

I can hear your Tele viv accent right through the keyboard

18749202? ago

Hello fellow white person. I too can hear his Tele viv accent. It so hot. We white people like the gays in tele viv. Shaloms and praise israel.

18744851? ago

Any Jewish politician could be an Israeli citizen tomorrow if they so desired. A passport isn't required.

18744067? ago

i'm going to go with "Not Enough" for all the shekels in the world, Alex

18743902? ago

Give up citizenship or give up the seat.

18749180? ago

Why not just have them give up their lives? [treason]

18743741? ago

None of them should ever be able to serve office. Just like no muzzies or any dual citizens. So ridiculous.

18743680? ago

C'mon goy, what's wrong with having two citizenships??? Can't you just stop being so fucking anti-semitic? You must be a member of the ALT RIGHT goy!

18747925? ago

the flood never happened! now, i'm anti-noahtic!

18742984? ago

Give up their Israeli OR American citizenship. Really, I think most of us would be just fine w/ either.

18742542? ago

Fucking stupid question in this title... They can give it up all day long and then when they need it, go get that shit again.

18741948? ago

Let them keep their Israeli citizenship, revoke their US citizenship

18744637? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real anons that (((Q))) team is a (((JEW))) team.



And it seems we have been living in a "(((JEW))) world order" all this time. Good for you if you're a (((JEW))) but bad for everyone who is not.

18747893? ago

don't announce your crime in your first sentence to receive fewer downvotes, but why should i say this anyway

18743713? ago

And remove them from office for not being US citizens.

Seriously, though, the dual citizenship status for Congress needs to be made illegal. This status leaves that government branch ripe for subversion - which it has been for many years..

18746580? ago

Agreed. No Americans should be allowed to have dual citizenship, and definitely not members of Congress.

18747860? ago

duel citizenship -- now that's something i can stand behind, kek

18747621? ago

Eh, I'm not so sure about not have it. Sure, have it -- but you immediately lose rights that non-dual holders retain, e.g. the ability to run for / HOLD OFFICE ... maybe the ability to claim gov't aid, since you can claim it from your other country ... etc.

18749540? ago

You should only have allegiance to one country, otherwise you’re a threat and a parasite.

18746019? ago

agreed. No more dual citizenship. Your loyalties are with America or they are not.

18741811? ago

Anyone of Jewish descent has a right to claim Israeli citizenship.

Therefore it doesn't matter if they currently have the citizenship, or even if they give it up. They can always request it later and get it reinstated.

18744381? ago

Make America 110!

18742967? ago

Jews will always be dual citizens. That is why it is imperative to ban all jews from congress and other powerful positions. There needs to be an emergency meeting amongst all white nations.

18742565? ago

Yep, and if that is the case, should people who have that ability to instantly change their citizenship serve in our Congress?

Would we be okay as a Nation if 60 people of German decent decided our foreign policy with Germany and could switch their allegiances at any time? I love Trump, but I know Trump would call this antisemitism to that I would say fuck you Mr. President.

18743823? ago

Trump serves Zionists. His daughter & son married jews. His grandchildren are jews. That's all you need to know about where his allegiance lays.

18746075? ago

I'm not going argue that point because I think you are right. But I know where my allegiances are and the 100% antiZionist.

18741789? ago

The jewish cabal serves the REAL foreign invaders. SATAN.

18749172? ago

The Kabbalah was founded under Judaism. Coincidence?

18742710? ago

Most Jewish people are atheistic scumbags looking out for only themselves they have many morals as Jeff Epstein and Harvey Weinstien.

But even religious Jews follow the Satanic Babylonian Talmud which allows them to do whatever the fuck they want and to rape the rest of humanity it is the right after all.

18741636? ago

This is the real foreign influence in our government that no one in either party will address

18742614? ago

They won't because AIPAC and the antidefemation league crushes anyone that gets out of line. The Zionist Jew run MSM and Hollywood cover all this up as well.

18743750? ago

It's why is so important to redpill Americans on this topic. Once they see it, they hopefully go down that path. This redpill was the very first one I took to start learning about jews and their crimes.