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18731104? ago

OK - so there are five threads started on this show. I'm going with this thread since it was first. But let's look at all the very astute observations. (This is why I wish people would check before starting a thread. it's great to have all conversations on the same thread... )

Anyway - so what what this about? Madonna is controlled, we know that. Madonna is a full on satanist and one of their Queens. I've been watching a bit of it and had some thoughts... Some options:

1) This show wasn't for her fans, it was a message sent out to the cabal
2) She was drugged (or like others said, out of adrenochrome) and like some other famous singers who showed up drunk or drugged, just cant fake it like she used to.
3) She was intentionally set up to fail to punish her for something. The MKU team often does things to humiliate people, esp if they think that person has gotten too big for their britches. (Think American Idol and the "Got Talent" franchises. They set up the contestants and tell them they're amazing in auditions, then give them bad songs and insult them when they kick them down a notch.)
4) Someone on her team set her up to fail. Maybe she pissed off the wrong person?
5) They're sick of her and wanted her to fail in such a big way that she would just go away.

Here are all the other threads on this -- I usually don't give a rats ass about celebrities, but this one strikes me as odd... Here's the crux of her whole performance. Click on the pic -
Convo about the Luciferian effects -
More here - and the LGBTQLMENOPZ connection -- Satanic Babylon ritual and psychopath discussion about Madonna --

I'm sure we'll figure it out after some time has passed. OH - this just occurred to me - I wonder if this is a sign she is about to be Arkancided. [They] will often try and make someone look wacko before they off them. If she dies within the next 30 days, I'd say it's all connected. Just a thought.

18731846? ago

Since we don't believe in coincidences (and there is a lot of perfectionism in planning such a show), it could have been a mixture of your options. May I add a variation of option 4? Someone who is on our side may have manipulated or switched off the pitch correction, to (variation of option1) send out a message sent out to the cabal that they lost their power.

18732026? ago

OOOh - I like that. I pick Option 4. Good catch!