18731163? ago

Did anyone else thing those gas masks look like they are dressed for the Illuminati Ball? They look a lot like the deer heads those freaks wear.

They LIVE in this world and probably have no clue how completely off the reservation they are. They are really really really fucked up and just don't know it! Ya think?

18731104? ago

OK - so there are five threads started on this show. I'm going with this thread since it was first. But let's look at all the very astute observations. (This is why I wish people would check before starting a thread. it's great to have all conversations on the same thread... )

Anyway - so what what this about? Madonna is controlled, we know that. Madonna is a full on satanist and one of their Queens. I've been watching a bit of it and had some thoughts... Some options:

1) This show wasn't for her fans, it was a message sent out to the cabal
2) She was drugged (or like others said, out of adrenochrome) and like some other famous singers who showed up drunk or drugged, just cant fake it like she used to.
3) She was intentionally set up to fail to punish her for something. The MKU team often does things to humiliate people, esp if they think that person has gotten too big for their britches. (Think American Idol and the "Got Talent" franchises. They set up the contestants and tell them they're amazing in auditions, then give them bad songs and insult them when they kick them down a notch.)
4) Someone on her team set her up to fail. Maybe she pissed off the wrong person?
5) They're sick of her and wanted her to fail in such a big way that she would just go away.

Here are all the other threads on this -- I usually don't give a rats ass about celebrities, but this one strikes me as odd... Here's the crux of her whole performance. Click on the pic - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3231524
Convo about the Luciferian effects - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3230866
More here - https://voat.co/v/QRV/3230760 and the LGBTQLMENOPZ connection -- https://voat.co/v/QRV/3230329 Satanic Babylon ritual and psychopath discussion about Madonna -- https://voat.co/v/QRV/3227579

I'm sure we'll figure it out after some time has passed. OH - this just occurred to me - I wonder if this is a sign she is about to be Arkancided. [They] will often try and make someone look wacko before they off them. If she dies within the next 30 days, I'd say it's all connected. Just a thought.

18731846? ago

Since we don't believe in coincidences (and there is a lot of perfectionism in planning such a show), it could have been a mixture of your options. May I add a variation of option 4? Someone who is on our side may have manipulated or switched off the pitch correction, to (variation of option1) send out a message sent out to the cabal that they lost their power.

18732026? ago

OOOh - I like that. I pick Option 4. Good catch!

18723827? ago

Her career ended a long time ago. She's a whore that even her son rejects.

18723691? ago

Cool illuminati robes,

18722746? ago

Weak and beaten!

18722564? ago

https://www.voat.co/v/QRV/3230760 Madonna. The performance that will end all of your doubts on whether or not that they're not satanists, all of them. Alter, black eye, rabid auto tune, hell, followers.

18721954? ago

Singing "not everyone is coming to the future" while her backup performers are wearing gas masks lying down as though dead does not give me a good feeling. She's definitely using music to communicate her evil ideology. Whatever "peaceful" feeling she may have been trying to convey was completely lost.

18721043? ago

The steps were not a great idea. It was like watching an old woman cross the street and thinking I better wait right here in case she takes a header.

18720971? ago

Its called a scarcity of adrennachrome, and the Patriots are rounding up the demonic entities. The magicians, and actors will be the first to lose their Demonic alters.

18720683? ago

God, where do all of you out of touch nutcases come from? Madonna hadn't been known for shit for a good 20+ years... gtfo, either you'retoo fundamentalist or too old to have relevant comments in this sort if thing

18720671? ago

Sounds like the backup singers were chanting instead of singing. Were they trying to curse Israel?

18719973? ago

When did anyone last give a shit about Madonna? Why even bring up this washed up whore? Who gives a fuck?

18722087? ago

Agreed, a 60/70yo washed up singer/actress having a bad performance isn’t worth discussing.

18719787? ago

I can't watch it. I normally don't puke until later in the day.

18719435? ago

She is over. Done.

Put a fork in her.

She never could really sing, now it just sounds like she's wailing in pain.

someone needs to tell her no.

18719433? ago

Sounds like someone's grandmother who had one too many on Karaoke night at a dive bar...

Did she do "Like A Virgin"? I'd love to see the geriatric whore trying to pull that one off...maybe the old gal should stick to rabble-rousing the pink pussy hat crowd with threats to blow up the White House.

AND...just wondering, but did she ever fulfill her promise to blow every man who voted for Hillary, or is she still working on it?


18719494? ago

...or is she still working on it? Maybe this was the reason why she was so out of breath.

18719349? ago

Eurovision is way too gay for me to watch. Although it's good to hear Madonna's performance was a bust.

18719236? ago

That's funny. Clearly someone turned off her pitch correction device!

18719806? ago

Not a problem. Her audience is tone deaf anyway.

18719035? ago

No such thing as career ending anymore.

18718774? ago

Who even watches Eurovision

18718839? ago

Luckily I didn't waste my time with that. I read about that afterwards so I was warned before. Normally there are the worst musicans of the the participating countries. Possibly with individual exceptions every 10 years. It's hard to have a worse performance than all the others. But she did!

18718752? ago

finally, i sound better than a legend. should I be happy? oops my bad, just heard me sing in the shower. neighbors heard a cat howling and were worried. there is no J in Hebrew.

18718722? ago

🐶🐶 rooooooo roooooooo arrrooooooo🐕🐕🐕

my dog is pissed off at me..

18719452? ago

I've heard High School Choirs sound tons better.

She needs to have her throat removed, never to do that shit again.

18718546? ago

The demons feeding her are no longer available.

18720379? ago

Probably kicked her to the curb. No longer useful.

18719476? ago

Finally someone who knows what is really up with her.

God and Satan can't be in the same place at the same time.

One of them arrived, the other is leaving. Taking all the helpful demons with It.

18724403? ago

God and Satan can't be in the same place at the same time? You don't know what you're talking about.

"Now there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord, and Satan came also among them. And the Lord said unto Satan, Whence comest thou? Then Satan answered the Lord, and said, From going to and fro in the earth, and from walking up and down in it." --Job 1:6,7

18718527? ago

She used to fuck Dennis Rodman

18719517? ago

And Vanilla Ice! And 2Pac!

18718266? ago

she has been starved of Adrenochrome and its taking a toll on her voice

18718377? ago

That was my first thought, too. She moved a bit like HRC when she's running out that stuff.

18718396? ago

Hollywood is addicted to the stuff. This world is a nightmare. I hope we can be saved.

18718137? ago

That whole routine is similar to her tour 30 years ago. But it seems to have more of a satanic influence with the eye patch and gloominess. there was a Neon cross onstage before when she was doing that song, now its removed. I'm sure the Eurovision producers would not let a "offensive" cross onstage though.
Is the eye patch,or black eye some kind of a initiation or promotion into the cabal? They're so overt about it now.

I thought her career ended 10 years ago. Can it end more?

18723950? ago

Masonic Eurovision Ritual Exposed numerology '11' symbolism. Madonna illuminati Eurovision, Templar Freemasons Transgender Apocalypse future https://www.voat.co/v/UnpopularAnon/3230870

18718086? ago

Sounds like a bad recording

18718184? ago

This is why I added the second version with clearer sound. You'll notice she missed every note and didn't get enough air for a whole line of text.

18717918? ago

https://www.bitchute.com/video/IxmYhq00cMEE - ( Madonna's Career Ending Performance At Eurovision )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/6Vsuc0Ygj9F8 - ( Madonna's Career Ending Performance At Eurovision )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/VVYpnK4iyeR7 - ( Madonna Falls Off Stage Brit Awards 2015 Living... )

https://www.bitchute.com/video/Qo4L1PTHxhqK - ( Eurovision 2019 - Madonna - Like a prayer )

18717854? ago

Satanism much?

Girl, bye

18719074? ago

Cabal-covered eye, horrendous cape thing with all sorts of evil looking crap. Symbolism will be their downfall.

18719888? ago

listen to the lyrics..

o god I think I'm falling

she ain't talking to God

midnight hour I feel your power

oh yeah?

like a dream to me

because it is your imagination bitch.

believing our voices without realizing self as creator is retarded.

18717816? ago

i didnt plan on drinking this early, but i need a double scotch after that. i cant un-see or un-hear it now....

18717850? ago

I'm so sorry ;-) Did I forget a 'terrible sound' warining`?

18717887? ago

i kinda figger'd what i was getting into, but YE GODS.... that was fuckin' wretched. the only thing it was missing was a platter of aborted baby parts for Hors-d'vours

18718121? ago

The cameras did not show that. Luckily it was censored this time.