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18711959? ago


Shills are desperately attempting to manufacture a "censorship crisis" so they can incite users to attack us for violating Voat's free speech principals.

The moment the QRV mods start removing these cartoons, the /v/ProtectVoat community will throw a bitch fit and we'll be flooded with attacks by Voat users believing they are defending free speech. The shills will use alts and bots to create more spam during the chaos and down-vote bridge QRV until our community is destroyed.

Older Voat users have seen this tactic played out many times in the past, most recently at /v/TheUnexplained and /v/Aww.

Porn cartoons are not illegal because those children aren't real. This is why the QRV mods are not removing them.

Emotionally mature adults can ignore these naughty pictures because we know they won't hurt us.

Voat admin and QRV mods know this is a shill game that can't be won, so it's better to just let the useless shills bash their heads against the wall rather than give them what they desperately want.

18712450? ago

No we should censor here. This porn will be used to show that we are "bad people"

18712486? ago

You desperately want QRV censorship, hey?

Obvious shill is obvious.