18714269? ago


Obvious Shill Post

18713793? ago

SBBH are all pedos.

18713644? ago

you tell this shill where the other Q subs are and they will have porn also.

18712627? ago

Well it requires,paradoxically, that people like you not be posting in it so i don't know how to help you. You could try to stop posting pedo cartoons, i suppose.

18713261? ago

No thanks

18712622? ago

Oy vey! You should all not look at QRV, you filthy goyim!

18712123? ago


18712052? ago

Oh boy, college is out and here come the Gen Z lemmings doing their professors bidding. Some are getting paid. Check out the ads in your local cities indie publication ( creative loafing in the Tampa area, for example.) The same 18-30 year old posts the porn, then comments on it , then forwards it to any and all government agencies they can.

Welcome to being relevant and a threat to their generations old plan.

Keep shilling, soy-boys and girls or whatever fucking made up gender you are today. You put a smile on many a goat’s face. Your role is vital. You aren’t trolling the PokeMon fan club site, are you? Why bother...

18711968? ago

Mike from V/loli here. We have a lot of crossover between our users and the users here.

18711965? ago

Have you seen a pædo cartoon reach/hot, if so, link it.

Maybe /new is too raw for you...

18712298? ago

nobody clicks anymore give it up jew

18712347? ago

See all the posts in GA about how this place is flooded with porn. The boomers are unable to let it go. They need to take their medicine

18712492? ago

Then go over to GA and give it to them. Bet you don't--chicken.

18712510? ago

It’s just not practical. They would downvoat mean and it would be harder to post quality tranny/gay porn here.

18712602? ago

What good does it do to post it here when you are mad at boomers at GA?

How is that giving them their medicine?

18712635? ago

I don’t really know. I’m just kekking around

18712922? ago

I understand the fun of trolling people but I don't understand helping the Jews spread their weapon of porn.

Is that really the only thing you can think of to trigger the boomers?

18712969? ago

It’s the only thing I’ve found that consistently gets em goin?

18713164? ago

Just look at how triggered lauraingals boomer got yesterday on GA. Most boomers think just like her.

That's where I would start if I really wanted to piss them off as they are getting used to just down voting and ignoring the porn.

18713223? ago

Laura went bonkers after we were pinged her username in every porn post. Then the GA mods turned against her. Now she’s officially labeled a shill by the GA mods.

18713361? ago

And she deserved every bit of it and more, yet she posted again today and nobody said anything.

I was scrapping with one of you guys when she made her stupid post yesterday, because what fun would it be for you if you came here trolling and got no resistance at all? The Native Americans used to judge their strength by the strength of their enemies and you guys are master trollers so I think you deserve a little push back, amirite?

And after reading her post I was like no wonder you think we are all idiots over here.

Anywho she is a damned Jew troll and there is a lot more of them blinded boomers to trigger if you could just find the right way

18713389? ago

The username ping is a nice feature. The issue with the porn tactic in GA is the mod team. They’ve been assuring everyone for weeks that they will remove any porn.

18713497? ago

Yeah they banned Zyklown_b for a nude picture and then banned Zyklon_b for 'spamming' so I agree the ping feature works very well.

I think it would be entertaining to trigger the blinded boomers the same as laurapornlover and get them all in a big fight again.

That's the ultimate troll, get them fighting each other over religion and leave them to it.

18713561? ago

We started replicating the format of that boomer love guy’s regular post here. I liked him, but eventually people started assuming his legitimate posts were porn bait threads. That was a good one. LMAO

18713634? ago

Haha I thought something was strange about that guy.

I reported him a few times for upvote farming, if I knew it was you guys I would have just let it go.

18713641? ago

His “Please Upvote” comment in every thread

18713656? ago

Haha yeah like the upvotes mean anything. I just started ignoring him.

18711959? ago


Shills are desperately attempting to manufacture a "censorship crisis" so they can incite users to attack us for violating Voat's free speech principals.

The moment the QRV mods start removing these cartoons, the /v/ProtectVoat community will throw a bitch fit and we'll be flooded with attacks by Voat users believing they are defending free speech. The shills will use alts and bots to create more spam during the chaos and down-vote bridge QRV until our community is destroyed.

Older Voat users have seen this tactic played out many times in the past, most recently at /v/TheUnexplained and /v/Aww.

Porn cartoons are not illegal because those children aren't real. This is why the QRV mods are not removing them.

Emotionally mature adults can ignore these naughty pictures because we know they won't hurt us.

Voat admin and QRV mods know this is a shill game that can't be won, so it's better to just let the useless shills bash their heads against the wall rather than give them what they desperately want.

18712450? ago

No we should censor here. This porn will be used to show that we are "bad people"

18712486? ago

You desperately want QRV censorship, hey?

Obvious shill is obvious.

18712000? ago

Yes, QRV wants to create an atmosphere that accepts pedophilia cartoons, I know, thanks. Some suggestions of alternatives would help now

18712106? ago

Reddit would work great for you. Even better, the Huffington post Comment section.

18712035? ago

Drawings can't hurt you.

Pretend you're an adult with emotional maturity and just ignore the naughty pictures.

Problem solved.

18712117? ago

Sticks and stones break my bones, but it’s words that truly hurt me...

18712057? ago

Or we could get rid of pedophiles. I'm glad it helps you sleep at night knowing they feel welcome here

18712331? ago

Loli Spammer here, is there anyway we could find some common ground? What if I just spam loli from 5pm-11:59pm?

18712138? ago

I don't care about silly drawings or the thoughts in other people's heads.

18712291? ago

Cause you're a dumb fuck fer real.

18711951? ago

Why would you want to let the shills win, rather than just down-vote the naughty pictures?

18712649? ago

because shill

18711945? ago

They don't support pedophilia, you fucking hooknosed pharisee.

18711938? ago

QRV is the only Q approved sub here. You have to wonder who exactly is doing the attacks and what they have to gain

18712653? ago

OP is.

18712646? ago

fuck that clown town

18711949? ago

Men posting as women?

18711956? ago


18711910? ago
