18705978? ago

I despise vegans and their bleeding heart idiocy that says we should spare a cow but deny human beings their natural diet. Anyone who values animal lives as equal or greater than human just KYS

18706556? ago

So the fact that they print meat with a machine and it causes cancer doesn't bother you. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cFwwn8pN76M

18707604? ago

it's "meat" for vegans. Exactly what a moronic ideology that worships nature and yet has nothing to do with it, deserves. Meat from printers and fake ass vitamins from bottles. Meat i eat will always be coming from an animal.

18705798? ago

I agree.

18701787? ago

Parents who let their kids on social media should be prosecuted.

18707422? ago

Don't change the subject. Veganism KILLS children.

18708325? ago

LOL, I don't even know what you are talking about.

18702875? ago

Parents who shove screens in front of their kids so they can shop in peace should also be prosecuted

18701762? ago

"Mommy, why do the other kids get to eat Quarter Pounders and I have to eat tofu?"

It's like a guy I know who forbids his kids to watch TV...I understand his logic, but imagine how the kids feel in school when everyone is talking about their favorite show.

18704518? ago

Those kids will grow up and become TV junkies. UNLESS the parent really explains things. Mine didn't, and I became such a sheep when I grew up. It lasted too long, way too long, but I'm over it and woke up now.

I do wish my parents had explained, even a little bit. All I got was excuses -- no cartoons, we have to clean the house. No,you have homework. It's too nice to stay inside and watch TV. and on and on. We were allowed MASH and the evening news. As a HS grad, waiting to go to college, and 18 yrs of age, I was not allowed to watch "Mama's Family" on TV, for 5 minutes before "Fame" came on... I will NEVER forget that evening! And then my mom thought I was upset because I was going to be leaving the family soon.. Funny thing is, it is all reversed now. WE never have the TV on, and now my parents DO. So weird.

18702920? ago

Just because everyone else is doing something doesn't mean it's right.

18704831? ago

No, but how do you deprive a child of a cheeseburger...that's almost a form of abuse.

18707624? ago

That's 100% abuse right there.

18701720? ago

How about parents who allow their 6 year olds to decide their gender? A little boy picks up a doll and next thing you know his mother is dressing him in drag and changing his name from Timmy to Tammy. Fucked up...these are parents who should have their kids taken away.

18704733? ago

I'm all for lgbtq+ people ... as they enter young adulthood and eventually adulthood ... Not as pubescent/prepubescent children.... so fucked up to force any gender or sexual identity onto kids, let them sort that shit out for themselves once they come of age.

18702271? ago

Years later when the kid grows up gonna be pissed when he finds out mommy permanently removed his junk

18701267? ago

Children NEED meat or their brains won't develop and their hormones will be off, not to mention deficiencies in their bones/teeth/healing times.

For anyone who disagrees, find someone who was vegan for an entire decade.... they will look much older than they should and have receding gum-lines and perhaps even a chipped tooth from the loss of bone-strength.

18703055? ago

Bullshit. I've been vegan for almost a decade and I'm more healthy at middle age than I have been my entire life.

I have less nutrient deficiencies than I had before.


Several time Ironman finisher on a vegan diet who previously was anemic with hypertension.

Not bragging. Just stating facts.

18707464? ago

If you are really a vegan, then you DO have nutrient deficiencies. You cannot get vitamin A. Or B12. Or D. Or F or K2. You cannot absorb calcium or zinc because the ANTI-NUTRIENTS in plant foods block their absorption.

18728698? ago

Vitamin D comes from the sun, so I dont know why you think I have that problem, which helps the body absorb calcium. There are plenty of plant based foods that are rich in calcium. And since I have no calcium deficiency at middle age, I'll trust what my blood work says, and not that of internet warriors. There is also sufficient evidence to prove that the acidity in dairy products actually leeches calcium FROM the bones. If animal based calcium is so great, why does everyone end up with osteoporosis? Weird.

One tablespoon of chia seeds or flaxseeds take care of the fatty acids you say I cant get from plants. Oh and it's not from fish oil made from hatcheries loaded with disgusting bacteria.

Kumbucha, tempah, etc. Have K2.

Keep talking.

And no I do not have any deficiencies. I'd send you my blood work but that would be doxing myself.

You stick to Burger King and I'll stick to a plant based diet and continue to push the limits of what this middle aged body can do. I'll let you know when my next Ironman rolls around.

18705926? ago

Fuck your cult and your propaganda and your lies. You live out of a bottle of b12 supplements that aren't, i might add, real b12, but some reasonable facsimile thereof ..pretending you're eating a healthy diet while you're just as dependent on the drug store as any diabetic. You people are truly sick in every sense.

18728477? ago

Half of the entire population is deficient in B12 due to soil being degraded. B12 is bacteria found in soil. Mono cropping etc have led to B12 deficiencies across every spectrum of diets. Research is your friend retard.

And no I dont live on supplements or the drug store. Eating every color of the rainbow from local organic farmers will change your life.

A simple search of vegan athletes will open your eyes, but you do you and stick to Burger King. I don't care.

18729418? ago

You do not live without b12 supplementation and plants have never, ever contained b12 no matter how much the soil has contained. You can not eat enough dirt straight from the ground to get it either. You are 100% full of shit. That is a fact i can prove so go on and try me.

18738774? ago

Half or more of the population is B12 deficient.

Half of the population are not vegan.

Everyone needs a B12 supplements.

18739789? ago

The population eats trash. They've been told meat bad, they've been told fat bad, they've been grain fed like market hogs on boxes of substances that barely pass for food. We don't have a population of omnivores anymore. That's the problem.

I raise my own meat. i'm not b12 deficient and i don't take anything from a bottle.

18739898? ago

Well on that we can agree. I'm not anti meat. I just made a personal choice to not eat it.

I dont raise my own meat as of yet, but intend to for my family in the near future and have been working to self sustainability. I have no issues with anyone who hunts and/or raises meat for survival.

Perhaps in the future when I reach that point I may eat meat again. But with the current state of affairs I wont, and wont support slaughter houses who inject meat with hormones, antibiotics, etc.

18740036? ago

You can find meat raised by family farms on Craigslist. I came out to BFE to raise my own because i believe in preserving the right way to farm. I only medicate with natural treatments. No vaccines, no chemical wormers. My animals are shiny, healthy and free to roam a 30 acre pasture eating what they like. More people should do it. It's the answer to a healthier nation and the Right answer to the factory farm concerns. There is no viable future in a world full of vegans..not even for the farm animals. People believe it would end suffering but it only ensures their demise and Ours.

18704573? ago

Can you share how you helped the hypertension? My spouse has done everything, and the bp remains high.

18729042? ago

The best thing I did for myself was to start juicing raw organic dark leafy green veggies. Throw an apple in the juicer and it will make anything green taste good. Celery juice is very good for blood pressure. I have a heart defect and if I can manage mine I feel there is hope for everyone to at least give it a shot. If he likes cayenne pepper, sprinkle some in juice (or anything else) and give it a little kick. It's a proven blood pressure reducer too.

Eat as much organic, raw food as you can manage.

Cardio heart training helped me too. My blood pressure went down and my resting heart rate which used to be in the 80's now hovers in the low 40's.

Eat as God intended. Let food be thy medicine.

I'm not a liberal idiot screaming from the rooftops. I'm a red blooded ultra conservative American. It's not a political game for me. It's just that I was sick, and overweight and decided to give it a try for 30 days (8 years ago.)

Good luck and God bless you!

18729525? ago

Thank you! I will do my best with this, although hot is not for him, lol. I, on the other hand, will put jalapenos on almost anything.

18700913? ago

I don't know.... my 18yo granddaughter is vegan and has been staying with us while her bf is in marine basic and advanced training. She shares a bite of what she makes and it is delicious. I would never know it is meatless. I told her to open a vegan restaurant. As far as kids go, I bet she has a plan for that too...

18700217? ago

They need seafood more than anything else for a developing brain

18700173? ago

You should have your goddamn dog or cat taken away, let alone a child

18701808? ago

you would think there's an agenda behind all this weird stuff in the world? https://voat.co/v/AnonTalk/3190829 Easter, Famed music festival, 2 separate compounds. Expensive to rent off season, nerve center of Bohemian Grove. There is a tunnel...a good half mile apart, fully lit, runs between locations

18699965? ago

"They should also eat more waffles"

18699301? ago

Parents who raise unvaccinated children should be shot.

18700324? ago

Rabbi's who mutilate & suck baby dick should be shot.