18706303? ago

The one picture I saw on BreitbartI'd say in the neighborhood of 400-500 The blue shirts dominated one side of the stage. Maybe 150. The front of the stage was only 2 deep 150 or so.

18702895? ago

Looks like about 1500 to me at the most. Some of those pics have people only a few deep. Keep in mind most are published that convey the message it was well attended, so it's likely lower than the images portray. The wide-angle crowd shot looks like 1000-1500.

18701239? ago

I guess the number depends on size of green screen and those paid to attend..

18700321? ago

Wow...some people will do ANYTHING for a free t-shirt.

18700255? ago

And some polls show Creepy Joe winning in 2020...absolute bullshit! We still have a year and a half until election day, by this time next year Biden will barely be able to walk up to the podium...the old fuck jumped in WAY too early.

This is what makes me wonder about Hillary though. I think she's sitting it out to let the other 400 Democratic candidates eat one another up and exhaust themselves. That would be the smart thing to do...she's certainly not healthy enough for 18 months on the campaign trail (she doesn't want to be tossed into the Scooby Van like a sack of potatoes again), and it will significantly reduce the expense (she doesn't have another billion dollars). Don't be surprised if this nasty old bitch tosses her hat in the ring at the last minute, maybe even naming Biden as a running mate.


18700095? ago

I don't trust any numbers given by the MSM when it comes to politics.

Still recall polls showing Hillary having 90% chance of winning...

They think we don't remember.

18701894? ago

Conveniently having it at the Art Museum by the Rocky steps on a spring, nice weather Saturday. Easy to get thousands already there to mosy on over. He does this on a weeknight and it would be empty.

18701960? ago

The "wave" he's riding will hit the jetty long before it reaches shore...remember how Jeb Bush was looking early in the 2016 race, and we know how THAT turned out.

18699667? ago

Probably just a bunch of prison inmates given day off and DemoKKKrat t-shirts to wear. And some mentally deranged feminists too.

18701746? ago

Probably true!

18699424? ago

We will be at Trumps rally tomorrow. Everybody I know has tickets for it. I just hope we get in.

18699390? ago

Haha. I would say 100. They probably closed off part of the building to make it look more crowded. That is what they do, remember.

18699365? ago

Not enough. Bussed in, bribed with free blue t shirts and snacks/food to get on the buses. Each given 5$ when returned to the neighborhoods if they jump aboard the buses. Think migrant caravans. Paid to make the trip with freebie carrots at the end. Plantation owners still ruling their slaves.

18701756? ago

So true!

18699179? ago

2,000 is a hl of a lot for a Democrat rally. We might be in trouble.

18699001? ago

People driving by the site were counted.

18700282? ago

As well as everyone living with a 10 mile radius.

18698862? ago

They were told there would be cookies and punch.

18699196? ago

Pie and punch, butthole.

18699002? ago

Thankful Cookie Monster didn’t show

18698694? ago

How many Russians and Ukrainians were there?

18698566? ago

Biden (similar to bidet) is probably not his real name. He also appears to have jewish ancestry,


18699848? ago

See, this is how to properly promote another channel. We are all in this together and more information is more information. Thank you.

18698498? ago

Between 15,000 and 30,000 would be my guess.

18700090? ago

150-300 is more accurate hahaha

18698657? ago


18698270? ago

The sad reality is Hillary is likely planning to run and these noobs are just collecting donations that they will give to her.

18698257? ago

Jews are claiming the count was six million.

18698305? ago

Lol, too funny