18705865? ago


18705070? ago

ya'all ned guns. lots of guns. kill the sand-niggers & the cops too, remove the monarchy. like, with beheadding.

18704674? ago

Shortest joke in the world...”Two honest politicians walk into a bar...”

18699261? ago

when will the British men fight back?

18698509? ago

"Freddy" "Mercury" was a Paki.

18699266? ago

He was a Zoroastrian (Persian) refugee from Zanzibar, actually. Educated in Anglican schools.

18721268? ago

yeah, well, i only watched the movie, kek

18728873? ago

For a true kek, shouldn’t you say ‘pirated’ the movie?;)

18734381? ago

sure, i could have lied, but i didn't, kek

18697667? ago






18697489? ago

ya all need to learn how to make & use guns.

18696540? ago

They didnt do it in Texas and there is a clear reason that shit doesnt happen in Texas.

18696538? ago

BS shill post trying to still racial hatred.

Q3018 - Patriots have no skin color. Q3017 - Patriots have no skin color. Q2436 - We do not look at race, We do not look at skin colour. Q2386 - This movement has no skin color. Q1252 - PATRIOTS HAVE NO SKIN COLOR.

18696508? ago

Recall the saying, "Six against one, nigger's fun?"

18695992? ago

They took your guns. Study this Americans. They take your guns, expect the same. Better to die on your feet in a pile of brass, that this. Out of my cold dead hands is the ONLY way you will disarm me.

18701264? ago

Why They MUST Take Your Weapons: The Red Terror is Coming to America

Terrorism is a word originally coined to define the actions of a State against its people for purposes of fear to further an agenda or for mass murder. Terrorism: Government by Intimidation. – Oxford Dictionary

This is a very important read. Read more HERE

18704691? ago

Does oxy-clean get that out?

18698542? ago

Politicians are just puppets or "actors". Check out the following link to find out why.


18695399? ago

Hitler bombing that island to rubble would have been a better end for them.

18701157? ago

As long as one nations still stands, maybe there is hope for Aus and USA?

18695334? ago

Londistan is not a safe place to travel.

18695095? ago

Then start doing this to your politicians you limp dicked uk sheeple.

18696531? ago

Squeeze the Reptilian zit at its center to expose the den of vipers and their Globalist World Bank venom. Start this process by exposing the Royals. Come out, come out, you slit-pupiled motherfuckers!

18703907? ago

They've been turned into a newt!


18704721? ago

...But they got better

18700830? ago

Doesnt matter if they are exposed if people dont do anything about it/them.

18697044? ago

Actually, reptiles aren't slimy - they have quite dry scales. Hopefully, they'll soon be on the scales of justice.

18704315? ago

I saw what you did there. Nice.

18695137? ago

Your country is being overrun. What have YOU done?

18695237? ago

Redpiling a shitload of normies for starters. Lot of people here who have been voting socialists a couple years ago are now very right leaning after countless debates with me.

Also for the more extreme leftards there are things like constant bullying to the point of them leaving any discussions since it´s not fun any more when someone else does to them what they like to do to others.


18696436? ago

Keep up the good work. Your children depend on it. BTW, when will Brits start doing reprisals for all the rapes and murders?

18697033? ago

There are a lot of awake Brits but not enough yet. I write a monthly "secret" blog about this stuff but so far only 500 readers. Still, that's 500 more "woke" than there might have been. And the Brexit crowd is increasing in size. Many of them are "woke".

18697595? ago

You're welcome to post on my subreddit. I have about 700 subscribers so if that's useful to you, I am glad to help. Free World News: https://www.reddit.com/r/freeworldnews/ You are welcome to post your weekly blog and any news stories you would like to share. You can post the link or do a direct text post, how every you like. We've kept it the rules on posting very relaxed. Please feel welcome.

18695416? ago

Are you in ((( USA ))), cuck? 65% White, "muh guns" didn't help you, little wimp

18700887? ago

Is this attempt at typing something comprehensive or is your mom standing next to you helping you out with a dictionary?

Yes, the guns didnt help what so ever..that is why the entire globalist system is being utterly hysterical about trying to get them banned.

Next time try to think before your chav fingers touch the kboard. Is it going well for the UK limp dicked mangina population with zero weapons and a perpetually pissed on brexit?

You DO know what brexit is I hope..with your cerebral qualities so far displayed one wonders of you can even manage to eat on your own.

18701106? ago

The IRA has guns, you fucking cuck piece of shit. 🍀

18701650? ago

Ah, the IRA is = all the UK people. Check! Is this you on drugs or did you manage to stay sober for this latest of genius replies?

I guess you accidentally managed to bump into the hand break of your wheeled house during one of your feverish mastrubation sessions in the front seat.

Try not doing that again, the collateral damages of the other trailers down the hill can be to much for your welfare to cover.

You know you can mastrubate behind that bush right next to the collective latrine on your camping grounds istead right?

Best of luck :)

18702120? ago

Learn to read, retard cuck 🍀

18713695? ago

5 words..in a row?

That must be your record for this week. What happened, did you actually manage to take some of the correct pills today?

Eagerly awaiting your next attempt at speaking :P It might help if you bang on a drum or two.

18717603? ago

Writing, not speaking, dipshit

18718212? ago


I´m sorry if you are unable to understand the concept...shit for chav brains :)

It must really suck being you while attempting to think. lol

18718310? ago

No, you're just retarded

18718524? ago

Ah, the genius level argumentation and rhetoric keep on piling up.

You must be the black sheep of the trailer clan. I wonder if you can recall all the names of your 20 siblings.


How about if we "just" take the ones not in prison?

18718551? ago

You thought writing was speaking, dumbass

18718640? ago

I "thought", something you clearly cannot replicate.

Your attempts at "thinking" made you "think" that non literal things are literal. Small children usually evolve out of that level of retardation but I guess you got stuck at 4 somewhere above Bubba and under Tyrone.

Let me guess..you are from that southeastern Turkey village eh?


18718696? ago

You didn't know the difference between writing and speaking, shit for brains.

18722946? ago

Course I did but keep up your trailer face saving attempts there Tyrone :P

Let me know when you have grasped the concept of non-literal shit for brains.

Boy you really missed out in the genetic lottery when they handed out brains you poor, poor imbecile cretin.

18722977? ago

Dipshit, you don't even know the difference between writing and speaking. Even children know

18724837? ago

Are you here again debasing yourself on all four?

Difference between literal and non literal, even a teenager would know tha..oh wait! It´s you! LOL

Fucktard galore :)

18698007? ago

What does it mean to be "White?" Racial identity? What national origin and how high a percentage required? Because if you've been in North America for 300+ years, there's a high probability that you've got Native American ancestry regardless of your hair, eye and skin color. Possibly even Sub Saharan African, even if it can only be detected through a DNA test. Cultural? Value system?

18695118? ago

Your country is also being overrun, cuck

18694741? ago

UK men are the most gutless pathetic men on the face of this planet, you should be ashamed

18697294? ago

Wow you are pathetic the same thing is happening to you the only difference is you got someone in power trying to stop them.

18697438? ago

being called pathetic by someone in the UK, ok then

18696550? ago

Been in a Walmart lately?

18696569? ago

at least they sell guns

18704331? ago

yeah, but they have cameras everywhere in that section of the store and they sell all their data to Bloomberg and his minions. I won't buy anything from WallyWorld. What a POS that whole company is. I'm loving the China Tariffs. They will screw walmart to the wall.

18695114? ago

100 plus years ago Britians were the dominant power on the planet and had an empire to match

now they're handing over their country to invading Moors - while the elites they put in public office engineered it - and their worthless royalty watch indifferently from their luxury

the socialism of their health care system and surrendering all their guns - sign post on the way to elimination of a national people

18700865? ago

Did I hear the newest royal baby was to be raised genderless or was I trolled? I think the UK politicians are all compromised deviants and I wonder if the "waning" relevance of the royalty is itself disinfo

18694582? ago

These white coward pussies wont even fight back. They deserve everything they get

18698996? ago

I hope I'm alive to witness the moment the muds storm the palace and throw out the royals. Fabulous entertainment.

18699557? ago

Yes! Those weakling cucks deserve everything they get. If you aren't willing to fight for what's right, and fight against evil and join it instead, they deserve it

18697626? ago

Not true, the sandniggers like to ambush 7 to 1. They hunt in packs. 1 on 1 is no match for that guy.

That said, whites should start going out in packs. If not, go somewhere reputable for personal safety until this huge societal mess is cleared up.

Secondly whites should start to breed more (minimum 5 kids per dad) and this problem will be over in 20years.

18699577? ago

Breeding wont help unless truth is taught from the beginning. Otherwise, its just more cannon fodder. White people shouldn't allow any non-whites in their lands.

18695527? ago

Conditioning hasn't been broken yet. Organized white men are the most lethal fighting force in the world.

18696556? ago

Not in Walmart

18695151? ago

Your country is being overrun. What have YOU done?

18697505? ago

i put bacon & ham in halal & kosher section & proudly carry a S&W 659. ( i also make little bags of dope that are actually lye, & leave them out front of the dealers houses)

18694517? ago

Isn't this what Q wants? Q wants all races mixing together (as long as it is ~legal~). We will not be divided and all that shit.

18704391? ago

No - that's not what Q is saying. Divided means hating each other. Look, we are all mixes of something. There are Amazon tribes and the Hawaiians on Niihau. But even the latter are a mix of Tahitians and other Polynesians who decided to call themselves "pure Hawaiians." This is why I wish the DNA projects weren't so nefarious. It would be fun to map our ancestors' journeys across the planet if the fuckers in the DS weren't using the information against us.

Also - as a point of fact, Race is a social construct. It's more accurate to look at it as a difference in family lineage, tribes or cultures. Kind of like dogs - some are Pitbulls, some are Poodles, some are Bassett Hounds. And then you have the different mixed breeds. There are more mixes than pure. And it's just no big deal.

18710678? ago

You just agreed with me. Pakistanis have no right to live in England. Nor do Bangladeshis, Egyptians, Nigerians, etc etc.

They are not England. They do not belong.

You Q-tards are proposing a world wide Tower of Babel. A one world order.

Europe is for white people.

18697765? ago

Judge with logic not sentiments or feelings, Treat causes not symptoms. Destroy the cabal & puppet MSM not those who have been deceived into sheer hatred & violence.

These sandniggers had bombs dropped by Blair & Bush on their homes in their pre-teen yrs in sand-nigger-land, killing their parents and rendering them homeless. Then they came over with all that hate.. western civilization is currently in deep shat!!

18693884? ago

Nigga by any other name is still a nigga.

18696478? ago

Even black people call them sand cockroaches. People of all color know a nigger when they see one.

18696575? ago

Nigger is a life style you fucking coward

18697833? ago

Just like gay used to mean "happy" back then, Nigger used to be a derogatory term for Negro. Today, gay has been hijacked by fags and pepe is trying change that narrative.

But nigger has also been hijacked by freespeech to denote sub-humans and also as a tease sometimes and it will never be changed.

So you are right my nigga.

18698639? ago

i wonder -- might it not be true that "language evolves"? perhaps it's just "infiltraitors (spelling intended) ruin everything" and language is one such aspect?

i mean, they've perverted the education system to make us believe we came from monkeys. i now know that creatures do not evolve (although they do adapt! -- learned that in high school biology with fruit flies, although the "lesson" was "evolution!" not "adaptation" (which was a great movie, but i digress)).

similarly, there are "waters above" and a firmaments keeping us dry.

18697524? ago

niger is a sub-saharan anthropod from central africa.. the fucking country is named niger. nigger is simply a variant. read a book that hasent been re-written by a nigger or kike

18698624? ago

i was reading "tom sawyer" on the subway in boston, decided to stop doing so in case someone looked over my shoulder and saw "nigger" all over the place...

18698631? ago

ah... real literature, from a real person. sam clemmens was a great man.

18694464? ago

Nigger. You're allowed to say nigger here, you don't have to use their retarded vernacular.

18697636? ago

Fuck off free speech includes free-typing ma nigga!

18695969? ago

"Sand-nigger"", I believe is the correct term for these degenerates.

18697510? ago

you are correct, sir!

18694526? ago

Nig nog.

18693810? ago

This is the type of shit that WILL create racism (which is what they want).

It's a complete fucking joke.

18694588? ago

Create racism?? Niggers created that loooong ago

18693833? ago

Multicult doesn't work.

18696046? ago

Tell that to the Russians.

18698613? ago

I'd need to learn their language, if not their culture, in order to wordcreate effectively like that.

18696240? ago

Russia is 83% white.

18696480? ago

Russia has 4 main religions. Christian, Muslim, Tibetan Buddhist, and Jewish.

The Muslims are the majority in the republics (oblasts) of Chechnya, Dagestan, Ingushetia, Kabardino- Balkaria, Karachai-Chercassia. Chechens have their own elite special forces battalions and are playing a major role in the fight against terrorists in Syria.

Buddhists are the majority in the republics of Buryatia, Tuva, and the European republic of Kalmykia.

Yakuts and other indigenous groups make up around 50% of the population of Yakutia. Chukotkans and other indigenous groups make up around 35% of the population of Chukotka. Chukotkans are linguistically and culturally related to the Inuit of Alaska, the Canadian Arctic, and Greenland.

18696527? ago

Russia is 82% ethnic Russian, the point stands. If America were 82% ethnic european instead of 59% it would be easy to manage natives and blacks. Race is not skin color, albino africans are not white people.

18696737? ago

Russia doesn't try to "manage" its minorities. It lets them manage themselves.

18697495? ago

Thats how it used to be with Jim Crow. Jews changed that just like they brought communism to Russia.

18693704? ago

Tony Blair, in particular, deserves the sum total of all abuse suffered by grooming gangs.

18696778? ago

Tony B'liar deserves everything that's coming to him. He was the first politician that I ever voted for because, at the time, I was fooled into thinking that he was "for the people". He had a nice smile. He was a local (to me) man. Wanker. And they shot up that school in order to steal our guns. (To be honest, very few people owned guns anyway, unless they were in a gun club. They weren't popular.) But my neighbour had his taken away and he got his retribution against the government in ways I won't describe here. It landed him 18 months in prison for "terrorist acts". He's a straight, white, beer-swilling male. At the time, I thought he was an idiot. Now I lick his boots. So please don't think that ALL Brits took the gun-stealing lying down. It's just that there were too few gun owners in the UK already and "normies" thought they were idiots anyway. They had zero support from the community. Easy pickings. That why it only took ONE school shootup.

18704300? ago

And yet Brits who come to the US for holiday still heap scorn on those of us who own guns and enjoy going hunting and to the range. The brainwashing worked well in Britain. We should all watch and take note. It's subtle how they do it. A comment here, a photo there, a little story over here that seemingly has nothing to do with it, but guns or resisting the govt are mentioned with derision or scorn. Ever since I got into this community, I've noticed the micro-messages we are given minute by minute. It's stunning, really. Goebbels would be proud.

18706573? ago

The UK really understands how to turn the population into a jeering mob that will feel immense satisfaction and self-importance while oppressing themselves. The [Tavi] mentality.

18693767? ago

The British need to learn from the Irish militants how to fight the traitors.

18703078? ago

They are too busy slobbering all over the first mulatto royal baby.

18697537? ago

car bombs may make a come-back?

18696258? ago

Fun fact, did you know the British military Intel services where the first to come up with the idea of a "suicide bomber" (When they (documents declassified by now) bombed Irish pubs etc, and needed a cover-story.

18697545? ago

does it pre-date WWII? kame-kaze ring any bels?

18698524? ago

certainly, when they hit the church tower, kek

18698562? ago


18698556? ago

whats gonna happen when an islamic suicide bomber gets its hands on one of UK or Frances nukes?

18698691? ago

they'll realize nukes are a lie?