18710214? ago

Symbolism will be their downfall.

18701435? ago

Shoot to kill intruders

18691021? ago


18697358? ago

Sounds nice! Like this?

18690401? ago

"They" are toast....the chans will shred every faucet of their lives and expose it to the world.

18693296? ago

I'd image Elle Reeve's got pretty good opsec, but the producer might not be used to the game. Popcorn time.

18693447? ago

We'll see...8chan anons are freakin amazing at finding information.

18687531? ago

this is why you always have a loaded gun in the night stand..

18687219? ago

Wish they'd break into my house - except I'd be stepping on their skull fragment shards in the carpet for the next 15 years.

18686443? ago



18686274? ago

This is why you stay strapped all day

18684960? ago

If the authorities have been notified, does that mean they were arrested? Not that this matters, because if they're a soros financed group, he'll most likely pay their expenses.

18685120? ago

I hope they were arrested but I found nothing about that. And on the Philippines they don't like Soros!


President Duterte hasn’t forgiven the globalist financier. The man dubbed “Duterte Harry” by the Filipino people is also wise to the Soros agenda of divide and conquer and his brand of media manipulation.

The Philippine House of Representatives approved a proposal last week to reinstate the death penalty, and the president took the opportunity to fire a warning at George Soros: “There is a special place in hell for you, idiot. Set one foot in this country and my duty is to make you go straight there.”

18693233? ago

Unleash the Duterte!

18692118? ago

I did not know this. I love this. This is fucking awesome.

Big ✊

18685332? ago

It's beyond me why this guy is still breathing. Why do we protect this monster? I would love to see extradition requests from several countries, US chooses the one with the most severe penalties, and ship him off to meet his justice. It's obvious the US is never going to rein him in.

18685423? ago

Agreed. Soros also is the one behind the millions of "migrants" flooding Europe. He started several wars.

He is probably the most evil person in the world.

18684420? ago

When oh when is that Soros cunt plus his evil spawn going be eliminated and obliterated once and for all ???

18685008? ago

im more wondering when soros is gonna die, i mean he is ancient

18685286? ago


18684369? ago

I shoot first and question later. My rule on break ins. I've been with family who had someone break into their home before, and the Dad of the family shot the intruder. He died, but the Dad had a bunch of emotional problems afterward and had to go to therapy. Me, I would have slept like a baby and not even cared. Like I'm going to let the fuck who breaks into my home impact my life anything greater than one afternoon.

18683715? ago

Death to all MSM Journalists/activists.

18682993? ago

Soros shouldn't be allowed to use his stolen wealth like that.

18682924? ago

the chans will not be happy about this.

18683008? ago

Yeah, they surely strike back now!

18682792? ago

POTUS AND Q- pls protect jim

18690564? ago

Pathetic Porn Post

Chicks With Dicks

18682593? ago

Journalists Communist Whores

18693217? ago

One of them is the thot who was given a ridealong by the feds nazifags at the Charlottesville Unite the Right rally, helping Vice frame the event as Historical Evil. How fucking dumb do you have to be to let a Vice reporter embed with you?

18683109? ago

Yeah I wasnt discounting the pizza header being an attempt at trolling especially since shes made her twitter private since the break in, so its the only thing people can see. Its quite hard to summarise all that in a post title though;) https://voat.co/v/QRV/3226471/18681192 However I think its very notable that they broke into his home. Since when do reporters do this and what were they looking for or hoping to achieve?

18683187? ago

whats this about @salvia_d @carbolymer ? @flyingcuttlefish @Wazhappenin1 @madmalloy silly Vice media games

18683950? ago

The only thing I can think of is the facts that Jews hate free speech. And I'm sure 8 Chan has all sorts of free speech issues...I've never been on any Chan website...the tribe is making an endgame push. Poland Germany America Iran Africa south america.

Just shows how desperate they are...panic mode has set in.