18698403? ago

As a Native Texan, I am Texan, then an American. God Bless Texas.

18705455? ago

As someone who grew up elsewhere but has lived in Texas for 25 years, I am Texan, then an American.

This state saved my sanity. I just breathe easier here where the air of freedom is strong.

18693604? ago

lawsuit from Hispanic and voters rights groups

Honk honk

18693310? ago

I’m proud of my state for showing some balls in standing up to say No to the bull—-!!!

18691231? ago

I love my homestate. I've had the honor, and pleasure, to live in Texas as well.

18690237? ago

Best country in the US.

18689858? ago

God bless motherfucking Texas!

18688526? ago

Wait, what was the settlement reached? Sounds like they aren't purging the 95,000 then.

18686776? ago

A fun fact that stands to become explosively relevant:

Texas, according to the annexation agreement, has the right to divide its territory into up to (4) individual parcels that are fully eligible for independent statehood within the Union.

I submit we name them West Texas, North Texas, East Texas, and Still Texas.

18686571? ago

There are still some huge RINO's in the legislature - but the Soros paid GOP Speaker is gone. Unfortunately, not enough TEA Party types could get REAL property tax reform done (among highest in nation despite zero income tax), but it's a start.

don't think the move to transfer ALL Texas' gold from the FED to our own depository 2 years ago wasn't orchestrated with White Hats. There are some other very curious things happening that suggest Texas has set up huge traps for liberals trying to turn Texas blue...

18686995? ago

No state income tax was voted down by a slim margin. Would like to see the sauce on those traps.

18686154? ago

Thanks for sharing patriot!

18685756? ago

Texas has its own grid, gold, and guns.

Now it needs more libertarian, independent, Texans.

18685739? ago

Oh fuck yeah

18684637? ago

Texas is so awsome??? I live here btw i got a class B misdeamnor assualt. The wisdom of texas is that now i cant have a concealed carry for 5 fucking years! I did my probation i paid my fines i have been punished in the eyes of this retarded judicial system. YET they tack on a seperate 5 year fucking infrigement of my constituional fundamental god given right to arm and defend my self! Cuckservatives abound every where. My crime lasted 5 seconds is the only thing on my record in 43 years and their idea of justice is to strip my constitutional rights for 5 fucking years! That is fucking insane.

18690117? ago

Perhaps if you weren't acting like a pissy-assed little bitch faggot, I could be convinced to give a flying-fuck. Poor me! Daddy was mean to me! Give me a fucking break with that bullshit. I suggest that you simply stop doing fucked-up shit. Maybe then shit will work out better for you.

But first, you are going to have to take that pity-dick out of your mouth, dude.

18695974? ago

Damn when you kikes get your numbers tattoed on your forarm you get real brave talk some real.shit. when your name isnt attached. Just like a kike you fucking pussy.

18698732? ago

Yeah. I got your number right HERE. Jesus, do ANY of you cunts speak actual ENGLISH?

18699929? ago

The top sign of trolls kikes jews shills is they attack the person either spelling or grammer or just strait up personal attacks and never focus on the actual post or content. Good work jew nigger go back under your bridge and count your shekles.

18707085? ago

Damn. I just have such a knack for making you inbred pillow-biters make fools of yourselves.

It's a Gift.

And by the way, I think it's spelled "shekel".


18707210? ago

You have yet to comment on the content.

18710686? ago

Sure I did.

I said "God Bless Motherfucking Texas"

Roll Motherfucking TIDE, bitches.

18687485? ago

Native Texan here... If your gun rights were involved you had to have brandished some sort of firearm. So the punishment fits the crime. Cowboy up and stop with the whining already.

18689627? ago

No it was a 5 secone bar fight. That being said i legitimatly thought the dude was going to sucker punch me. He is a known conman been sued multiple times. He got up out of a booth and poked me in the chest while cursing at me. By his testimony it lasted 5 seconds. I ended the fight quickly and left i didnt chimp out on him. So no gun was involved and complaining about a fundamentalnright being stripped for no legitimate reason is not whinning you stupid cunt.

18701519? ago

No stupid cunts here Patriot. So next time YOU complain re a law of the land add your sauce . Proof is always in the pudding.

18702465? ago

Not sure what you meant by your comment. And i can only judge your cuntness by your comment and it was very cunty indeed. But i feel we are on the same side in general so will let it go. Keep up the good fight.

18702994? ago

Agreed. Kinda hot and humid (not that that is unusual for Texas in May) add that to some wicked hot flashes and I will admit to a certain amount of cuntyness. Carry on Patriot.

18690166? ago

Damn. You are a whiny little bitch, aren't ya?

18695963? ago

Truth teller you kike faggot. Learn to human you filthy jew

18698726? ago

Learn to human? Perhaps you should "Learn to ENGLISH" cumdump!

18700003? ago

Yep im the one with a problem. You started everything with anger and hate and kike shill tactics. I responded accordingly when a troll shill kike attacks try to discover if it is a mistake and maybe it is a human but soon the troll kike will keep exposing it self as the filth it is. Have you once talked about the content of my post or what my comment was about. Here is how you human. I will give a rude example.

Human: hey dogleg your engrish sounds like a retaded chimp typing with one finger. Anyways i disagree with your comment because (A) and (B) now go practice english.

Me: ya my spelling and grammer suck im on a phone and no auto correct and it is a good way to spot trolls and kikes. Any ways good points i will look into it.

There thats humans communicating. This is you.

Me: making a point about something. Lets say point (A) with some spelling and grammer errors

You: (((completely ignoring the point A))) you stupid nigger learn how to english you stupid fuck go fuck a goat while stairing at a fatty you stupid useless piece of shit living in your moms basement.

Me: um would you care to comment on my point.

You: fucking nigger chimp idiot fool

Me: learn to human

18706921? ago


Your Honor, The Defense rests...


18707233? ago

Need names for you filthy kikes. So we know where to put the yellow star. Cant just put yellow stars to numbers

18710690? ago

Hate to tell you kid, not a kike. Never met one. At least not that I'm aware. We don't have them down here in the former Confederacy.

Jews may actually be exactly what you retards say they are. I just couldn't be bothered to give a fuck.

I had just as soon fuck with "Jooz'", but they are much harder to spot, because they actually speak and read and writ fucking ENGLISH.

I just do this because I enjoy fucking with retards because they say retarded shit. You "muhjooz" idiots were the first to catch my eye, and it was obvious, right away, that you turds just may be the most retarded backwards-assed sword-swallowing pillow-biters that I've ever come across.

So, it is with YOU neanderthals that I choose to fuck.

Maybe I'll write a book someday. I'll call it "Just Check Out THESE Fucking Turds!".


Roll Motherfucking TIDE, bitches.

18713883? ago

Bama the state with the highest average iq... muahhhhahaa jesus i couldn't type that with out laughing.

18715509? ago

Hehe. Hell of a Football team.

You're welcome any time. Just come on down in a few years when you are all growed up.

18686122? ago

I got lied on and lost my right for concealed carry for 10 years... btw I was found not guilty and have nothing on my record except I was accused..Had to agree to the 10 years so it wouldn’t show on my record... but I still love Texas. BTW the prosecutor was or Lt. Governors son. He is now a federal prosecutor and a Douchebag

18687466? ago

This shit is disgusting. There needs to be an alternate path to getting our god given rights back. Not even god no one should be able to tell me how i can defend my self. If civil war2.0 ever kicked off every prosecutor and judge and politician should have open season on them for pissing on the constitution on a daily basis.

18684164? ago

I'm so glad I live in Texas! ... Oh crap I just doxxed myself 😁

18686629? ago

We Texans dox ourselves willingly.

18683403? ago

I've seen the level of aptitude that politicians have. Their focus is not on actually doing their jobs, it's on playing the political system and taking as much of everything that they can out so they can gain the most for themselves.

I kind of honestly want to get into politics now, just so I can go stomp on their asses. I'd have Corey Booker and Kamala Harris screaming at me in no time, and I hope that I can use that to utterly destroy any attempt they would make in trying to gain reelection.

18684264? ago

If you can get in I'll contribute to your campaign a 34" big daddy softball bat.

18684442? ago

Way ahead of you. I have a Cold Steel 36" composite bat "Brooklyn Smasher" that was designed for fights and not sports. I need to tape wrap the handle end, but it's done me well so far.

18694874? ago

Wood is superior. You can't drive nails through metal.

18694920? ago

Wood or custom molded plastic. I was thinking about sawing a bat in half and making like a "Ripper" weapon from Dead Island in case of teh zombies.

18686833? ago

I traveled with a band who kept something similar in their van at all times—they called it the manager.

18692346? ago

Train with the thing and learn how to swing. As long as you know how to hit, nothing can go wrong.

18683479? ago

Hope you and a lot of anons run for office and keep draining that swamp.

18683451? ago

Don't go to any 'New Member Reception' parties - or any other social event. They drug & compromise members early on.

18683584? ago

Yeah, well aware of the indoctrination camp of ideas. If I go politics, I plan to do it being as much of an independent thinker as possible. Some things that I've been thinking about that would really help Texas would be to ban giving any homeless people money. You can give them food and grocery supplies, but not cash. I would also like to make it available for any citizen over the age of 8 to purchase a gun without a background check or ID. And I really want to make anyone with a CHL valid for completely open carry anywhere, including bars and restaurants that serve alcohol. I don't know who came up with the insane idea that people reach for their guns when they're drunk, they usually don't, they reach for the nearest bottle to use as a weapon first.

18743457? ago

you don't own my fucking money, fuck off

18743970? ago

I agree. It's not like I can stop you either. It really comes down to what should be enforced. Just putting the rule out there would cut down on the number of people who pay homeless. The whole idea is to keep homeless people moving constantly. They tend to settle and focus on areas where they are paid the most by lying. And the idea is pretty ridiculous. But the most important thing is to discuss a solution. There's no problem out there that can't be fixed.

18744092? ago

Wait, so you're okay with the Federal Reserve stealing people's property because of unconstitutional taxation -- but fuck if someone else tries to help them out?

Dude, you are seriously deluded. Read the Constitution and fix yourself.

18744612? ago

It's not a bad idea to read the Constitution again.

But I'm not being serious. I'm more focused on debating ideas. Like I said, I can't stop anyone from doing anything they want. That's freedom. And what made you think that I'm okay with the oldest cabal in America taking property away from people who did nothing wrong? Where do you get that idea?

18744036? ago


make an unconstitutional law, see yourself get laughed at.

18744525? ago

Thanks for clearing that up. I never politics was something to shoot people over. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

No shit it's an unconstitutional law, did you think for a second it was? Look at the other stuff I proposed, it's just as ridiculous as that. The whole point.

18682991? ago

If anybody ever watched these committee hearings, you will know how idiotic, moronic and low IQ most of these reps are.

And if they are Dems, women, jews, niggers, spics or gooks – then they're even more of an idiot.

Kamala Harris

Corey Booker

Jerry Nadler

Nancy Pelosi


Mazie Hirono

Ted Lieu

Chuck Schumer

Dick Blumenthal –––––––> they are all crooks, thieves and liars.

18683292? ago

You need to add racists, sexists, and group-haters to the list, and include your own name.

18691464? ago

You've obviously never listened to rap music, nigger, so who's the racist?

18683363? ago

America was built for white men.

If you do not know this, you are a kike, nigger, jew or a pussy bleeder.

18686512? ago

Shill much?

18686686? ago


18684684? ago

I understood that the red man came first in America.

18685787? ago

Yeah, so? They conquered and were fighting neighboring tribes for women and hunting grounds way before whitey showed up. They in turn were defeated by the white man who created civilization aka math, the wheel etc.

18684757? ago

the red man got kilt for not building teepee-shaped skyscrapers

18684394? ago

18684510? ago

hahaha didn't look!

@zyklon_b @whiteronin @gabara @c_corax

18685058? ago

I was just going to drink beer, but let me see what I can do!

18684617? ago

keep.em cumming

18683452? ago

You're a part of the Ramtha cult and you don't even know it 🤣

18683721? ago

^^^says the Qtard^^^


18683520? ago

Neon Revolt told me to join them

18682782? ago

Don't mess with Texas.

18686499? ago

I'm a Cali person, and I was gonna say that out of respect. You all go!!

18696467? ago

Remember us when you're retiring or moving. They are flooding TX with illegals to turn us blue. Without Texas' 38 electoral votes, Pres Trump would have lost. (((They))) have been trying to flip us for years.

Y'all: This is a wonderful state. Absolutely great price on housing so you get more for your money, freedom-loving people, great food. We need ALL THE CONSERVATIVES WE CAN GET TO FEND OFF THE INVADERS.

18686014? ago

18689494? ago

Gig 'Em, Aggies!

18687742? ago


18687805? ago

shills are now trying to discredit all links! Check out their new tactic. The ones posting porn are the same ones posting the alerts! https://voat.co/v/QRV/3226901/18687620

18697172? ago

Uh... not in my case. I post none of those images, but do post an alert if I find an xxx photo labeled as something patriotic.

Why can't the BO get rid of these porn posters?

18684546? ago

Don't click.

Pr0n tranny-porn.

18684564? ago

The shill who pretends to warn about porn, is the same who posts porn! Reported.