18658621? ago

I believe there has to be a mechanism that prevents the abuse that we've seen but also protects the actual investigations into terrorism germinating within the US. Something has to be done to stop this abuse by government on its people. Of course the first step is to keep Marxists out of the White House.

Open courts are not practical if you're trying to convince a judge to approve wiretaps using confidential sources as the probable cause. I could see Soros funding dipshits sitting in courts all day long just to report on such cases. With today's technology though, I don't know why there couldn't be a fairly large pool (30 - 35) senior federal judges of whom 5 are randomly chosen to hear each application and a majority vote required to approve the warrant. Without getting too far-fetched, I would think a secure, hardened and encrypted network similar to Skype could be created just for that purpose. Some algorithm would choose the judges and the application for a warrant would be presented. If a majority didn't approve the warrant, go back and get better probably cause. If they did, then at least it's not a result of schmoozing with a single judge.

18658115? ago

Boom week ahead!

18657897? ago

A "court" isn't secret in the first place. A court is by definition an adversarial judicial process where the accused has representation(either by themselves, or by a trained lawfag). The FISC is NOT a court. It is the government meeting in secret with itself to secure a (secret) warrant to spy on its own citizens.The judges are appointed in secret and their identities remain secret for their full tenure, as well, their tenure is a life time appointment. This is EXACTLY what dictators do, calling it a "court" is really just a formality to confuse the sheep.

18666367? ago

Great points here. Thank you Anon.

18650567? ago

In america our tax dollars shouldnt go towards bailing out senators and congressmens sexual assualt cases

In america we shouldnt have a special court to pay tax dollars out to people who sue vaccine companies

In america our goverment shouldnt support circumcision

But in JEWmerica this all makes sense

18649632? ago

And stop the dual role of the FBI.

18649624? ago

Damn Straight.

18649289? ago

That's too honest and transparent. How would the constitutional republic spy on it's citizens?

18648744? ago

Corporations should not have personhood. No rights. Rights only belong to legal citizens. No anchor babies.

18647044? ago


/every day I see my country slide a little closer to civil war

18647809? ago

The men I am around appear to have no interest in politics, or they are hiding it really well. Out of 30 men, 2 are awake and engaged, prepared and ready for anything.

18647506? ago

It may seem that way if you watch the news but there aren’t that many leftists capable of much more than killing babies.

18647009? ago

FISA and patriot act need to be repealed yesterday. We were told that the FISA courts would prevent abuses. That has turned out to be a joke.

18647843? ago

I believe someone knew the next level of spying that needed to be put in place to control us and events. In saying that, I question who was really behind 9/11 or perhaps who allowed it to happen. Americas are becoming wise to the manipulation.

18646860? ago

Where the outrage from attorneys???

This is long past one fix.

We need a new Constitution to establish a new Government based on principles of individual freedoms and equality under the law.

The current system prevents both from existing.

18647869? ago

We DO NOT need a new constitution, we need to learn about the one great one we have! It is based on 700 years of tyranny endured by the people.

18666438? ago

“We DO NOT need a new constitution, we need to learn about the one great one we have! It is based on 700 years of tyranny endured by the people.“

Perfectly stated anon. Completely agree.

Following the Constitution with a high degree of fidelity is our best hope going forward. Furthermore, it is imperative for us to do so as a country, if we are to have any hope of freeing ourselves from the corruption and injustices of the cabal / DS / CIA / MOSSAD / globalists.

Insist that anyone you consider voting for us ultimately aware of this necessity. Following the Constitution is the best path to Liberty and Justice for all.

18666560? ago

Thanks, it must be brought back to public and higher learning schools, if not, it is imperative that WE teach it ourselves. We will suffer and die from lack of knowledge if we don't.

18646317? ago

If you commit treason, take bribes, or commit other nefarious acts while serving in Federal,State,or Local Office of any sorts, you should be simply put to death. If you make some examples of the above, people will think twice before making the mistake. They all swore an OATH. The oath should be sworn on camera/vid and put in a file without statute of limitations if ever found guilty during their term(s). No more polyticks.

18649870? ago

Agree, but would add: not only "during their term(s)" but for all time afterwards as well. An oath is an oath.

18647898? ago

Exactly! What I see happening is everybody (so far) that IG Horowitz has called out in his reports have been largely watered down with things like, "Gee, x/y/z abuses and mishandling occurred" and so-and-so "lacked candor" in their testimony so we need to "change our procedures/policies on x/y/z to prevent this from happening again" and we need to "require training on such-and-such to improve adherence to these procedures."

I think the HUGE overriding issue is that all this corruption and treasonous actions we've seen in our govt keeps flying under the radar and being covered up by the traitors and are merely being called out for "not following protocol" or "mishandling" things or "making bad judgement calls" - all these bullshit, non-prosecutable crimes. So someone gets demoted or fired - whoopdee fucking doo. This shit needs to be categorized as CRIMINAL activities - not "lack of following internal procedures/protocol."

18646425? ago

You would make a good judge.

18645576? ago

Probably not happening.

Secret courts will remain as long as the rothschilds and their pedophile friends roam this land.

18645547? ago

Nullification. Fuck these agencies and departments.

18645379? ago

and televise all military tribunals

18645342? ago

Let’s have some secret courts run outside the government.

18649707? ago

not secret, open. i own commlawcourts. somethingorother, i need to check, and should do something with it, now seems a good time

18644903? ago

Truth, we've already seen how they can be perverted.

18644566? ago

The Constitution was put on hold back in 1913 with the passage of The Federal Reserve Act and the accompanying Broad Interpretation of The Commerce Clause. The entire 20th Century was Unconstitutional. Secret Kangaroo courts are only a tiny part of the problem.

18645355? ago

Everything is a distraction for the federal reserve

18651844? ago

I would support this. Not one single argument for the authority of the federal reserve has ever been presented. I support the complete dismemberment of it and anyone who stands in support of it.

18646268? ago

Now this is a statement I can get behind.

18644453? ago

I'm pretty sure that secret courts are unconstitutional

18644257? ago

If no name was really put to death then that happened in a secret court.

18656438? ago

One of many reasons I keep saying this needs to be done in the light, where all can behold.

18647477? ago

Not necessarily. It may have been military court and that’s a different ball game.

18648695? ago

If no one knows it happened then it was in secret.

18644239? ago

General Public = doesn’t care

Nothing will ever change.

War is needed.

18644069? ago

Behind closed doors is why the National Security assets have become weaponized. Pay to Play is the price the FBI charged to commit Treason.

18643942? ago

excellent post, excellent point. nothing should be done in secret. but Noname is gone, that was done in secret because those asleep cannot handle the truth. We must bring everything in to the light.

18643396? ago

The contradiction of a belief, ideal or system of values, causes cognitive dissonance that can be resolved by changing the challenged belief yet, instead of effecting change, the resultant mental stress restores psychological consonance to the person, by misperception, rejection or refutation of the contradiction, seeking moral support from people who share the contradicted beliefs or acting to persuade other people that the contradiction is unreal.[5][6]


18643828? ago

micro penis has a rash

18649668? ago

doo dah?

18643285? ago

FISA and the Patriot Act = Weapons against the American people

Proof that 9/11 was a False Flag

18648353? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real anons of the following.



18648049? ago


18647878? ago

I think Trump moving background checks to military was a step to eventually get rid of FISA and make it's need served by the military.

18649653? ago

it's a huge chessboard, wonderful to be able to watch some of the moves!

18645283? ago


18643736? ago

We need to extrapolate this fact to its natural conclusion ...

If 9/11 was a false flag, then those involved are guilty of treason

18650451? ago

Which led to Afghanistan & Iraq adventures. Does anyone recall Scott Ritter? He was hardly getting any air time even on liberal news outlets. Few gave him an outlet and I was lucky one time to catch him in a near rant that this was all fake, Iraq had not WMD's. No one paid any attention and he was continually ridiculed. That's how successful the MSM was at whipping up war frenzy.


18646439? ago

Everyone with any knowledge of this plot that didn't try to stop it should be hanged, including Israelis.

18647440? ago

Wasn’t Mueller head of the FBI and had been notified of the attack?

18713520? ago

Hang'em high.

18644029? ago

Why would Christian conservatives do this?

18644267? ago

Conservative will never do anything about anything! They are weak!

18644203? ago

They were not Christian.

18644387? ago

The author of the Patriot act is a devout Christian and member of the John Birch Society

18654977? ago

Rep. Jim Sensenbrenner (R-WI) is the chief author of the Patriot Act. He acknowledged the Act was never intended to collect data on all Americans. Regarding being a devout Christian he was a member of the United Episcopalian Church of No. Am. who converted to Catholicism in 2014. He is not a John Bircher but helped purge the state party of John Birchers in the 1960s.

18655361? ago

Your delusional if you think a Bircher turned on the movement.

18648592? ago

The Bible says for us to judge a tree by its fruits, and likewise judge whether someone is truly a Christian -i.e. a follower of Christ- by their fruits -i.e. their work / output / outcomes.

Someone claiming to be a Christian, and even with a lot of powerful and convincing language, should be looked at skeptically if the outcome of their work & their life is all negative.

If their outcomes are all harming those around them, they are likely not actual followers of Christ and are likely about as truly Christian as all the atheistic or worse "Bible scholars" who actually have disdain for Christians and hate Christianity.

18650340? ago

Birchers like Michele Bachmann and the Wallbuilders advocate for Christian sharia in this country and are widely supported by the Christian Right. They aren’t Christians?

18666360? ago

Building walls for defense is certainly Biblical and seems to me to be objectively moral and proper. Defending one’s homeland from foreign invasion is also Biblical and objectively moral and proper.

M Bachman I don’t know much about. You will know by her outcomes.

However, I will say that following the Constitution with a high degree of fidelity is certainly Biblical, moral, and proper. Furthermore, it is imperative for us to do so, if we are to have any hope of freeing ourselves from the corruption and injustices of the cabal / DS / CIA / MOSSAD / globalists.

Following the Constitution is the best path to Liberty and Justice for all.

18667426? ago

Wallbuilders is a Christian dominionist organization trying to implement Christian Sharia in statehouses.

18672950? ago

Given the global cold war that we are witnessing between the cabal and patriots, and the massive jeopardy we -as free Americans- are in if patriots lose, the threat of a nominally Christian organization that has comparatively little-to-no power or reach, that no one has even heard of, is not something that should keep you up at night..

Anon, if this is even on your radar, consider that you may be fighting for, or at least getting your information from the wrong side.

18672980? ago

US VETERANS are the “wrong side.” Really surprised and saddened about the response to this. Especially here.

18647454? ago

Facebook hired coauthor of patriot act to fight privacy regulations.


18642682? ago

Agreed. The FISA court is unconstitutional and needs to be abolished.

18647491? ago

The federal goverment in its entirety is beyond being constitutional. The people have no control.

Time for a new constitution.

18671842? ago

Don’t burn down your house to kill a spider

18649617? ago

No. Time for new government.

18643366? ago

Agreed. It's now proven that its purpose was subversive.

18642671? ago

they are taking your hard earned money, what else would it be