18641703? ago

Before Glenn Beck lost his mind, in the very beginning of Benghazi, he had operatives on his show and exposed this long ago. I knew very early on this was about an arms deal and Stevens was killed because he was very much opposed to it. Glenn Beck laid the majority of this out months after it happened. Anyone else remember that?

18641665? ago

Now now now. The guy who’s life was ruined for making that awful video is the real traitor! Axe obama!

18640889? ago

Yup. Honestly this what red pilled alot of people. Don't forget, it also aided in a smoke screen for some Money Dropping... 3+ Fold everything always.

18638560? ago

How does one get into the weapons dealing business?

18636724? ago


18636651? ago

CIA and Mossad = Al Qaeda and ISIS

18636492? ago

Oh my god.

18644463? ago

nice, image describes how US spy agencies overheard terrorists reporting after the attack, had used state department cell phones!

18634802? ago

Why am I not surprised at this? Maybe it's because it's the high regard I have for the two afore mentioned lumps of shit that are obozo and Sucubus Clinton! They have no regard for human life except for their own ,nothing you could tell me about these freaks of nature could possibly surprise me! Good work anon!

18634461? ago

excellent job anon, you make us proud. WWG1WGA!

18633960? ago

George Webb has some stuff on this last year - can’t remember when though. Reddit has a truth leaks sub that gets pretty detailed with sauce from Webb’s reporting and might have some articles.

18644424? ago

he jumped the shark in that hotel/elevator stunt

18633033? ago

Crime of the Century! Prosecute Hillary Clinton!

18632026? ago

On July 25th, 2012, a US Chinook helicopter was downed by one of them—not destroyed only because the idiot Taliban didn't arm the missile. The helicopter didn't explode, but it had to land and an ordnance team recovered the missile’s serial number which led back to a cache of Stinger Missiles kept in Qatar by the CIA.

Is this a different Chinook than the one Hillary sold the coordinates to that killed 38 people, 17 of which were Seals?

What about the M388's (Davy Crockett's)? It was my understanding that a transfer of 7ea - M388's went to Syria and one was used to kill 20 Russian troops (Iran has the remaining six). I could be mistaken but I though this was a major part of the Benghazi scandal.

18649621? ago

The M28/M29 "Davy Crockett" was a spigot mortar with an atomic warhead, the M388. The M388 was a modified Mk-54 sub-kiloton fission device. The M388/Mk-54 devices were reported to be dismantled in the period 1968-1980 when they made up the charge of the SADM (Special Atomic Demolition Munition), which were retired from the inventory ca. 1973-1980. The M388 weighted about 75 lbs and could be considered a "backpack nuke". I doubt that any of these warheads were transferred to the goat-fuckers. They were complex and difficult even for Army Engineers to arm, maintain or use, much less the ignorant savages, which were main reasons for their retirement. Also the "pit" or fissile charge decayed rapidly and would never have been able to detonate or fission after about 20 years.

18632642? ago

The Davey Crockett thing doesn't have much of anything to support it. It came from the chance boards, so take it with dose of salt.

The Stinger missile story does have evidence to support it, and does support the OP theory. It was in MSM news that the Stinger that hit our chopper had serial numbers retrieved from it... Then media silence.

18632552? ago

It would have to be a different one.

18631844? ago

Do you have a news source, to Verify

18632580? ago

Was looking and had to leave for a few hours. The more that look the better.

18631578? ago

Sauce faggot

18631534? ago

But we will only ever know 40%

The republic must be protected at all costs. Those of us who dig can find the truth but we will always be the crazy conspiracy theorists.

McCain is one example of how our enemies will retire.

18637621? ago

If this is true 40% . Then this same thing will happen again. Everyone must be made to understand just how bad these people are.

18640813? ago

I agree. I have been following Q from the first week and this has been my biggest gripe.

How tf are we supposed to prevent this from ever happening again when the history books will never show it happening to begin with. We can’t and we won’t.

The way I look at it is ‘fuck treason! These people are supporting the most evil acts known to man!’. Why wouldn’t we want the public to know the truth? Unless of course we need the power structure intact and undamaged for those in power after.

We don’t deserve to exist as a country or a people if we allow these things to occur. We are supposed to be shining a light on them yet POTUS never even mentions the full extent of the human trafficking problem. He beats around bush and makes it sound like the only trafficking that occurs is for the purpose of illegals getting into our country.

The elite pigs are buying and using children regularly. Daily in many cases. But let’s just act like it’s not happening and hope for the best.

If I was him I’d be publicly discussing what elected officials have received money from the cartels and other groups responsible. But nope. Not even that has occurred. Just keep playing the game.

18632630? ago

I hope his ghost hangs around and bothers his wife.

18632850? ago

His dog too

18631464? ago

I heard this years ago. Totally believable. Great explanation why we couldn't send air support. They could've shot it down and made a bigger scandal.

18632655? ago

Yep. Let's hope they hadn't been trained.

18631186? ago

Nice to know the truth... but, WHEN THE FUCK ARE WE GOING TO SEE ARRESTS??!!

18633703? ago

Exactly when the Prosecution is ready. Nobody gives a shit when you're ready. Spoiled brat.

18633910? ago

  1. Arrests
  2. GTFO

Arrests are all that matters. Not talking. Not predictions. Not decodes. Not unrolls. Not datefagging. Just arrests.

18637762? ago

Were you confused by my comment? Did you not read it or did you not understand it? Bitch all you want, but you are NOT in charge, you don't know what those who are in charge know, you do not operate in peril of your life or that of your family. You are not volunteering your free service to straighten out over 100 years of debauchery. The big boys have this. DECLAS brings down the House. Do you understand Q was NOT talking about the White House? Did I fail to mention, they don't give a shit about your time schedule or your impatience? Do you understand the difference between Strategy and Tactics? I understand it's hard to "Trust the Plan" when they won't tell you what it is, but they can't tell anonymous you without destroying all their travails. Is there a schedule? Is there a deadline? Of course! I even expect you're smart enough to figure out what it is! I expect you will be pleasantly astonished at the results, because you simply cannot imagine how disgusting this 100+ year affair has been for the entire world as well as the U.S. Nor can I - Yet. Relax and appreciate what they are doing for YOU.

18640353? ago

They are doing NOTHING for me.

My country has been taken over by Jews and Pedophile Satanists.

Hundreds of years ago, our forefathers would have grabbed their guns and fought back.

But, Americans are HUGE FUCKING PUSSIES now.

The NWO is coming and soon we'll all be enslaved under a one-world communist Government.

Trump / Q aren't doing shit to stop it.

18643806? ago

With your attitude, Why would they want to do anything for you! Why should they/ You're doing nothing for them either!

Your present leaders ARE doing something about your Pedophile Satanists, but obviously not fast enough for you. Nobody is going to wipe out thousands of years of (actual) debauchery worldwide on your RIGHT NOW schedule.

By that scale, HundredS of years ago, our forefathers weren't here!

Your assessment of the NWO and Communist Gov't is exactly what you WOULD have had with HRC. But you don't .

Your last comment is simply laughable. Either you don't have a clue what's happening or you really want to stay wrapped up in your out-of-date fantasies.

Suggest you go back to your video game and bitch at it cuz it's not doing anything for you either At least it fits your schedule.

18635655? ago

Umm, actually, it's CONVICTIONS & SENTENCES that matter. Just saying...

18640404? ago


Quit fucking around and fucking do something!!!!!

18636017? ago

Yep, CONVICTIONS & SENTENCES, not arrest and release after prosecution fails because corrupt judges are still seated. Clean out the judiciary first. (It's habbening.) The fuckwits who can't understand this should just carry on watching CNN (or BBC) "news". They are beyond all hope of rescue.

18631142? ago

But. The clowns base was right down the street. Not innocent in this either

18630980? ago

Nobel peace prize winning Obama had zero scandals

18632663? ago

Amazing right?

18630700? ago

Great writing. It followed a logical progression, and used short, simple paragraphs separated by spaces. No sauce, but it sounds plausible. Nice post.

18630686? ago

Is there a working link to the YouTube video that they blame? I don't understand this video narrative at all.

18632704? ago

That was a waste of time. Don't care anymore, it had nothing to do with it.

18630886? ago

When Clinton was on trial, she said they attacked our embassy because they were mad over a YouTube video Americans made or some bs like that. I thought when she said that, "that's the best lie you can come up with?"

18630648? ago

Perhaps this is why no military aircraft were called upon for help in Benghazi, because the administration knew that our enemies had Stinger Missiles

18630539? ago

I knew that. They never got permission for anything. They just did it. She had those men killed on purpose. Why did one of our Men get tortured for over 24 hours and killed? That's the worst thing that happened over there and the others died. Our military ignored stand down orders and that's why a few lived. Somebody needs to pay for what happened to that poor man that they made sure they degraded and THAT has Obama's name all over it. He liked degrading our Military!

18632729? ago

And none too soon can Justice be visited on 0bama.

18630983? ago

The guys that survived, had to find their own way home from Germany. Heard it from one of them in interview. Disgusting!

18630438? ago

Pretty sure that we were trying to get Stingers back....the rest....sounds plausable and more likely than the shit Hillary was peddling about some You Tube video making the muzzies crazy.

18630095? ago

Excellent read

Probably one or two details away from the real story.

We'll know soon.

18629967? ago


Replace Stinger with Davey Crocket and you're getting closer to the truth.

18632755? ago

Can't have those in muzzie hands!

18629348? ago



18629278? ago

Not exactly sauce, but corroborates a lot of this:


18632780? ago

Good to know.

18629033? ago

I have a pretty good idea what the content of the deleted Hillary emails is now.

18632787? ago

Right, amongst other shit.

18628854? ago

This makes sense, being it was those people involved. We know they do things like that. However, is this your theory or did you get this from somewhere?

18632803? ago

Stated found on FB right on top. Pet name Fagberg.

18644324? ago

not everybody knows your pets -- please, keep the name, but also explain what it is, perhaps in parentheses? just trying to help increase understanding, god bless

18628839? ago

totally makes sense and probably true.

18628824? ago

Definitely plausible, but I can only regard this as hearsay until I see some investigation results or maybe even a namefag journalist reporting on it. Nice find!

18632843? ago

Thought it was worth sharing, Anons scraping interwebs for more sauce, some seems to support this theory.

18632900? ago

Thanks, something that big I'm sure I'll come across. No need to update further

18628780? ago

I hope some kind of hell does exist and that black soul of Hillary's and Barry's burns in it for 2 eternities.

18628753? ago

I read this somewhere. Can't remember where.

18630426? ago

just search Mark Turi

18632337? ago

Yes was looking for some info on him. Found some info and some info links from 2 yrs old on Reddit.

18628675? ago

and here I thought it was because he was a jewish spy

18628595? ago

It was the State Dept., NOT the CIA, that supplied the Stinger Missiles to our sworn enemies, because, Gen. Petraeus at CIA would not approve supplying the deadly missiles,


18635007? ago

This is a great link, thanks. Glimpse of the efforts white hats in both the US and UK were making to check Obama & cabal from increasing the death & destruction they already caused in the Middle East.

18632872? ago

More sauce Anons, see parent!

18628266? ago

It really does make sense...even with no sauce.

18632879? ago

Check the response, more sauce.

18627967? ago

So THIS is why Clinton blurted the "We're all gonna hang" statement after Trump won. All comin' together, now -- Truth finds its way yet again.

18632902? ago

Right? Among other shit no doubt, rolling into many shitballs.

18627910? ago

All known but without media coverage, essentially worthless

18627558? ago

was Bergdahl another Blasey Ford?

18627834? ago

No, he was just a pussy that went AWOL who then became an excuse. Blasey Ford appeared to have been well-trained for her performance.

18627438? ago

Just wanted to remind real anons (as in, not (((Q))) team members) of the following.



18626886? ago

Hangable offense. It was days after Benghazi that I actively began to hate Hillary and Obama. Before I thought they were just schmucks. It is incomprehensible to me that we have citizens of such low IQ and critical thinking skills that they believed the Youtube video lie.

18631415? ago

ObamaCare made me into a Racist. Never knew that bloody pig fuck was alive until my badge of honor was bestowed on me,

18641811? ago

Geez. Nigger exposure made me “racist”

18644113? ago

I've met more White leaches than Black. I have chosen my community with great care.

18661016? ago

You must be black to make such an idiotic statement

18666936? ago

I live in a mostly White community. We have very few Blacks and NO Muslims. We do have an exclusivity of White Meth and opiate junkies. Too damned many IMHO.

If I was an Urbanite then I would have your experiences maybe? I do not project though, so please raise your debating skills out of the gutter so we can pretend an intelligent discourse.

18672223? ago

You have no experience so I can’t debate facts. Not to say there isn’t a swath of shitty whites. But the percentage of shitty blacks is at least 5 times as much. All the crime stats agree with me. I’d fucking destroy you in a debate pal. Don’t confuse yourself.

18675270? ago

I worked with educated blacks in Combat Aviation and urban feral's in Mechanized units. I also kept junkies alive for detox as a clueless do-gooder before growing up. Your problem is based on conclusions for only feral blacks while brushing off educated blacks with that broad brush stroke of yours.

18677314? ago

There’s simply so few of them. You’re so skewed from the daily reality. The fact is 70-80% of blacks are absolutely worthless violent animals

18682494? ago

Funny how that 30% are easier to find in my local than yours. It seems you are hanging with the wrong crowd.

18691628? ago

No. I am wealthy now and stay away from niggers. I grew up near them. Keep sucking that nigger dick though. You probably let them fuck your wife.

18696548? ago

Make it personal so we all can see your emotion based problem solving abilities.

18697119? ago

You love niggers. Not personal, just a statement of observation.

18702322? ago

Humanity has more good in it than you have forgotten. Take another toke and pass it along.

18712640? ago

See there’s where you’re wrong chief. Níggers aren’t humanity. They are a subspecies.

18719461? ago

Why yes, they include White Trash who Divide and Conquer. Wigger is it?

Say Hi to Soros and give your Master Rothschild a squeeze. Ever living squeeze with a vengeance.

18642419? ago

last person to steal a pool table from me, was drawn that way also

18632037? ago

A healthcare plan made you a racist?

What made you a idiot liar? The estate tax?

18644123? ago

According to Lame Stream Media I sure was.

18630155? ago

Ambassador Stephens didn't have much critical thinking skills either. He was part of the team that inflicted that barbarism on Libya and then it killed him.

18626762? ago

Good. Now prove it and put those fuckers in jail

18626745? ago

The real news is so much better than that jew garbage pushed by msm.

18628703? ago

Interesting that lowiq poster would misspell "lowiq garbage"

18626539? ago

sound 100% plausible and is the only explanation that covers all the bases

18648735? ago

So if I have a stinger the I've rendered the US airforce/navy completely impotent, as they can no longer fly?

Planes have antimissile systems you know,

18639576? ago

Agree, apart from making Patraeus as some kind of martyr. He's a deep state Satanist and one of the principle backers/instigators on the wars against Libya and Syria.

18636493? ago

Yes it does.

18631962? ago

This is a really dumb theory BECAUSE it tries to mash many, many things together by means of bullshit.

18630549? ago


18632688? ago

Your descriptive skills are almost as bad as seeing the actual picture lol.

18631377? ago

Thank you for the heads up. Hat tip. Sad to say, I'd rather perverts have the ability to post crap than an excuse to censor ANYONE. Including assholes who are insane.

18629692? ago

^^^Gay porn warning

18626534? ago

Wow! What is Fagberg? Source?

18627891? ago

Facebook. . . . My understanding was that the arms were being supplied to the Middle East, not Libya. But Khadafi supposedly was working to have gold-backed currency in Libya, which would have messed with deep state control of currency. So perhaps the recipients could have been rebels in Libya, working to overthrow Khadafi, which would serve the deep state purposes, and of course supply Hillary with more money (never ever enough). All theory - we need real evidence.

18626303? ago

They didn’t allow backup and rescue because they didn’t want any evidence or witnesses as to what they were doing there. It went bad and they wanted all of it destroyed.

18626300? ago

Unfortunately believable. I want to know how you know this or ask for a source but that would have it's own issues. Do your sources imply when and/or where we might expect the public to get the first glimpses of this story?

18628797? ago

I found this a few months ago also, somewhere. Blew me away too. I'll look. Don't think it was a popular website name.

18629468? ago

Just being curious. Don't look too deep. Having that feasible narrative gives us a frame to build on until we know better.

18626674? ago

Only seen on on FB, no sauce yet.

18633039? ago

More sauce!

18632542? ago

I wonder if Kahshogi and Turi were pals?

18626203? ago

Tall trees, short ropes

18631486? ago

Pay Per View for the Tribunal high lights with Judgment day perp walk.

Hillary must be present for each and every execution. If she is kept alive for the final Judgment then healing can begin.

Closure will be a few dozen generations behind, so our progeny can learn from our mistakes.

18627645? ago

Plan for areas with no trees, or military parade grounds, or the grass covered area surrounding Washington Monument, or West Lawn of White House: 10 foot 4x4 wooden post; using powered posthole digger, make hole 24 inches deep and insert post into the hole. Optionally, if a large number of Traitors are to be hanged, used 1 bag of quickcrete cement poured into the hole and then watered and allow to set.

Next, 4 each large eyehooks to support up to 300 lbs (usually used to hold up each end of a yard hammock); Detachable eyehooks are preferred since they are sold at home supply stores with heavy duty screws on one end and the hooks fastened to the screw with a detachable swivel similar to a climbers' carrabiner.

While using a an hand-held grinder with abrasive wheel, sharpen each of the hooks to a needle point. Attach the eyehooks to the post, about 2 inches down from top, one on each face of the 4x4 stud.

Escort The Usual Suspects (Klintoons, Obamaites, et. al.) to the posts with their hands and feet tied with barb-wire. They will have been previously stripped naked.

Read to them the numerous charges of their crimes to which they sentenced themselves to execution.

Commence a loudspeaker playing of Mrs. Kate Smith singing "God Bless America" at maximum volume.

Commence live-streaming HD video with stereo sound as the Traitors are lifted from the ground; their head should be bent upwards so as to permit the insertion of the hook into their lower center mandible. This will insure not piercing any vital arteries and will also pin their tongues to the tops of their mouths.

Continue to lift and hold up the Traitors and attach the carrabiner to the screw-eye. Very slowly lower the Traitor to engage the hook. Allow them to hang from then on.

Disregard their pitiful screams (more accurately, gurgles and throat noises) begging for mercy and step back quickly to avoid the noxious expulsion of bodily fluids, blood, feces, urine, or semen in the cases of Hussein and Michael Obama and Billy Boy.

Move on to the next post, set up about 5 feet away. Repeat as long as we have Traitors.

Algorithmic Solution:

GOTO TOP (begin all over again); LOOP 1*1,000^1000n to the nth LET END = Entropy at DeathofSolarSystem) END

18637908? ago

I wish I could upvote this more than once!! Sadly it will never happen this way, if they are tried and convicted of such things they will spend their days in a country club prison eating steak and lobster. They will never see the type of a jail we regular folk would see (for doing a whole lot less). We truly have a two tiered justice system and that needs to get fixed fast!

18634885? ago

I'm there! With popcorn!!

18626094? ago

So, Gen. Petraeus got blackmailed too.

18628627? ago

Screenshot possible from Lifelog?

18633016? ago

You can find it there quoting for search