18641994? ago

I thought this was a repost from the 1920s.

18641144? ago

Common sense fails in those who are aroused. Cross Dem legs.

18637738? ago

That is exactly what I have consistently said from day 1: Don't want to get pregnant? Close your fucking legs then!

18634785? ago

That is because Alabama just made a law which is unconstitutional....

Meaning: freedom of citizens need not be enumerated, the power of government... Yes.

Dr Ron Paul would say: you cannot legislate morality. Freedom is for moral people.

18635429? ago

It's not a morality issue, it's a killing of a human issue!

The baby has rights and deserves freedoms too!

18637290? ago

I can see your point of view.

Shitting is also a human issue. It does not mean you can simply defecate in the mall or in public on the street and leaf it there. Pissing is also a human issue. Some people are carriers of Bilharzia and are walking biological time bombs. Especially in Sanctuary cities ....It does not mean you can simply piss anywhere you like. I am sure you can see the difference between defecating in the mall and the risks associated with that and another human issue: abortion.

The destruction of the Ghadaffi regime was also presented as a human issue. Under this guise, the worse and hell hole situation was created with thanks to Hillaryous and Bath House Barry, Sarc Cozy et all, causing a flood of refugees from Africa and the middle East into Europe. I am sure you can see the difference between this human issue and abortion.

Personally, I am not a proponent of abortion, although I see both a natural and unnatural forms of premature termination. The process is fertilization (sperm enters egg) -> nesting (conception) -> first 3 months -> 9 months -> birth -> child survival -> gown up survival.

along this timeline there are both natural and unnatural causes of death, not the least governmental overreach. As Zerohedge realistically observes: on a long enough timeline the survival rate for everyone drops to zero. Life is not holy. The only species selective about what lifeforms are holy enough to warrant protection are humans. And they are even selective within the species. At best it grows from a biased point of view.

Abortion has ALWAYS been considered a liberty under common law. And therefore a morality issue. If your morals are shaped by a certain Christian view, then for all intends and purposes, you, in your personal life, will not choose to have one. You will accept what you see as your responsibility, accept the child as a divine gift, get through it with the help of family and God, and when it reaches military age, allow it to be send off to fight a ZOG war. And I am not being facetious here.

Insisting on " the baby has rights too" , you are not considering Natural Law on which the rights of citizens, to which the government is charged to protect, is based, needs no enumeration. The Bill of Rights, are not the enumeration of your complete rights. They are enumerated to force the government to at least not infringe upon those, but all rights are reserved unless expressly enumerated.

The underlying issue: When does a baby become a life form imbued with all rights, privileges and protections as guaranteed under the constitution, meaning governmental protection? As it is now: AFTER life birth. It is added to the census, it is given a name, a birth certificate, a social security number, etc. And when it is born on US soil of two US citizens the baby equals a natural born citizen eligible to run for President after the age of 35. The former is a practice as old as the first census.

The question then from a constitutional point of view is: should the .gov taxpayer expend money on medical procedures related to abortions? Obviously, that question should be answered with no. Unfortunately, this is what the activist justices of the Supreme Court have held in Roe v Wade. Personally, I salute the guy who refused to pay his taxes unless the .gov funding for abortions is resolved.

I would encourage you to read the damn Roe v Wade decision, and from there " The Law" by Bastiat.

18688515? ago

Omg. Finally a fucking brain here. +1. But don’t expect too many. May of the douches here actually hate women.

18640123? ago

life is not holy.

Yes it is.

allow it to be send off to fight a Zog war.

Never!!!!! My children are being taught by me to know the truth about wars and they already known they will not participate.

I'll read the Roe v Wade decision. But that whole case was a farce! Jane Doe later spoke out about she ha been manipulated and used to push that agenda.

18643955? ago

Yes it is.

Says who? At best you can say, based on your religious views, certain life is holy, and certain bodies are holy. Paul even said so quite clearly in Corinthians: the husband is sanctified because of the (christian) female otherwise your kids would be unclean. I am paraphrasing here, but you will b able to find the actual wording. He even advocates the view that your bodies are holy as the holy spirit dwells in you. With these views it becomes quite clear, those in which Gods spirit does not dwell, are not holy, and those who are not Christian are not holy. Interestingly, Jesus argues that "holy" is being used as a shield. When a Jew would declare: I have thought to give a certain amount or thing to the temple, it had become grounds to withhold it and not care for destitute parents.

When you behold the vast diversity of life, some life to protagonistic to life, other life is destructive. Within your DNA is hidden the process of allowing a child to grow, the same mechanism that allows cancers to grow, that kill you. The same goes for bacteria. Without a healthy colon, you would die, or at the very least have digestive problems, like sensitivity to grains, nuts, milk, etc. Those same bacteria, when applied to your eye, will render your eye useless. Your body contains a defense mechanism against certain viruses and bacteria to keep you alive. Parasites will live happily in your body, as long as you nurture them with what you eat. Your mouth contains bacteria that destroy your teeth. Thanks to Anthony van Leeuwenhoek, we began to understand oral hygene is essential for keeping your teeth in good shape.

Life is everywhere. Some life is furthering your health and your life, other life not so much. We happily kill all life that is a threat to our existence. And sharks do not consider you holy when you are bleeding in the water. They'd rather take a bite. The same goes for vultures and crows.

At best, you can maintain that certain life is to be considered holy if and when you adopt a certain point of view. Which means, your claim grows from a self serving point of view and is completely useless for the discussion at hand.

What I find interesting, you did not comment on the finding on the Scotus regarding abortion being a reserved right. If you have read the actual ruling, you should have also known why Scotus came to that conclusion, and why it ties back to Natural Law through Common Law. I take it then we have no divergence of opinion there.

Yet, that finding is KEY! The farce, to use your verbiage, is in the second part of the ruling concerning states interest, and the position a pregnant citizen has in that regard.

You would agree that Liberals have, with force I might add, used government to infringe on reserved rights. Perhaps I am even preaching to the choir when I say that the reason governmental powers are enumerated, listed, to use modern vernacular, is to limit government interference in the enjoyment of liberty. The reason this Constitution is as it is, is found in the simple reality, the articles of confederation left the central government weak and ineffective to pay back debts, incurred during the revolutionary war. Yes, we are talking taxation and money.

And this is exactly where the second part of Roe v Wade is all about: states interest. Originally, states interest would be confined to protecting the rights (read liberty) of citizens. You might even include born children although their rights are somewhat limited for good reasons: Voting rights are not extended to children. A child cannot become president. Not even one who has ascended to the right of voting, as the constitution prescribes a natural born citizen over 35 who has resided in the US for a determined period of time.

To protect the rights of a pregnant female citizen a state can proscribe HOW a medical procedure can be done. Given the history of abortion, it becomes clear that a sound and safe medical procedure is far preferable over a makeshift, dirty, unsafe procedure. This also is contained within the investigative part of the ruling.

What liberals have done is demand .gov money, tax dollar money to fund their pet project. That is not the province of states interest. The determination that an abortion can be performed without much a do in the first trimester, is at best, a temporal and biased point of view, as medical prowess will develop. This is evidenced by the NY state Law allowing late term and post term abortion.

The same can be ascertained with premature birth babies, of which I am one, by the way. I would probably have not survived were it not for medical prowess of our western civilisation. And the term on which a premature born baby can be saved is kicked back and back, physically speaking. Whether it is emotionally and mentally healthy and viable is a different matter. But simply perusing this topic, you will agree, we learn more everyday to accommodate life to the best of our ability.

You will also note how shifting this view is. What is deemed possible today, is old news in the morning by further development of medical practice.

In order to move away from shifting technical ability, there is a principle of law, based on natural law, acknowledged in common law, and that is: abortion is a reserved right as per the 10th amendment. End of story.

You may not like it. You may even detest it. I am not arguing that. And it also does not require you to change your views regarding life, whether it is to be considered holy or not. What we cannot disagree on is liberty. Either government has limited enumerated powers or it is all powerful. Anything in between is a shaky shack, a slippery slope that changes with the sentiment of the age and what is in vogue at any given time. (See Washington Farewell Address, etc)

And to make matters worse, what you have witnessed over the past decades is a constant erosion of civil liberties under the color of law. Case in point: freedom of speech, freedom of association, freedom of the press, freedom of travel, freedom of conscience (religion or the lack thereof) . Let's not speak of probable cause changed to reasonable suspicion! Potus even had to declare: "your guns are safe!". Amazingly, while the 2nd specifically says: this right shall not be infringed, leading to the question: what part thereof do you not understand? (you, not you, but the rhetorically you). Note, how law and regulation is used to infringe upon it.

The hypothesis of states interest, note not states rights, is being used to infringe more and more. Instead of protecting liberties of citizens, it becomes: to keep you safe. At the same time, the state is all to eager to take your possessions, to infringe upon your right to life, under color of law. What you earned, is an expression of the exchange process of using your life force to transform a piece of nature into a useful product for your enjoyment, or to exchange that for a medium of exchange that will serve your pursuit of happiness. By using the force of law to deprive you of a part thereof, especially for the purpose of funding a procedure you absolutely detest, is absolutely immoral. (this goes for the Federal Reserve Note and the connected IRS/ social security ponzi scheme as well).

By the same token, you using the force of government to superimpose your view of life upon others who are not so inclined, transgresses against their liberty. And is equally just as bad and should be deemed unconstitutional (Alabama).

This is the central point and has put everything upside down. The people have unlimited rights, as they are the ones whom are endowed by their Creator with inalienable rights. The government is an institution of men and can be abolished for good reasons. The view, government is instituted by God, like Paul is arguing in Romans, is completely overturned by the enlightenment. To underline this issue, take a moment to read the Dutch Act of Abjuration (1586) in comparison with the US Declaration of Independence (1776). Do you see the difference?

And I notice both sides (in the abortion debate) are arguing an issue, that is only a sideshow to the central point, while eager to transgress against it.

It is lamentable that Scotus made a farce out of their ruling by introducing states interest out of thin air and relegating a citizen to become warden of the state. And the feminists do not have have a fucking clue how stupid they sound.

So yes:

  1. Defund public money from these kind of procedures.

  2. Allow insurance companies to compete across state lines, and not forcing them to make it part of the package.

  3. Private money ( first amendment: right of association) can be used to fund abortions

  4. You can use your money to fund adoption and offering alternatives, even taking in those babies (+mothers?) who would otherwise be aborted. Put the money where your mouth is.

  5. Government can still proscribe HOW a medical procedure can remain safe and accesible.

On a personal note:

Our first "baby" had to be aborted for medical reasons. A tough decision with emotional impact. Our two other kids are fortunately healthy and happy. And it still saddens me, my girlfriend had our love child aborted, although she would have loved to have my kid(s). And our mutual 4 children were very happy with the idea of a second round. But I do recognise her right to not have this limitation on her liberty at the age she was (post 40 with all the risks attached). So, no, I am definitely not in the pro abortion group from a personal standpoint. From a liberty point of view, I am. And I am quite aware it will earn me kicks from both sides.

18688643? ago

Love this. Thank you.

So Sorry for your loss.

18650056? ago

Finally! Someone who is making sense! Thank you so much for this post. I have been losing my mind over this. No one seems to understand what you have just enumerated. Profound "Thank You's" x1000.

18633002? ago

What about lasagna and taco niggers (Italians and Sanglishes)? The Catholic church told them they can't use condoms. What do?

18631625? ago


Personal Responsibility Above All Else

If it was up to me any woman who said she wanted an abortion would be put down.

18650094? ago

Regardless of the circumstances? If so, and it was up to ME, any MAN who said she doesn't have a choice would be put down. Though I do agree with the personal responsibility part of your post.

18650920? ago

Clearly circumstantial. Incest obviously.

Rape isn’t an excuse for an abortion. You know the moment you’re raped. Report it. Go to ER. Plan B.

If you wait then the responsibility is on you.

18651101? ago

Unfortunately though, in cases of rape/incest of the young, they may be too frightened to say anything. Then what? Man, I hate this subject.

18631439? ago

Cheap BC: Need only 1 Paper clip. Take paper clip, insert between woman knees, hold paper clip between knees and don't let fall out.

---But really, there are plenty of ways adults, ADULTS, can enjoy sex safely and responsibly. As for the Children, they have no need to be having sex. They are not responsible and they have no need. Nuff said.

18631261? ago

Right!! And they claim to want control over their bodies but the can’t even prevent getting pregnant. Real dumb ass bitches.

18650122? ago

Actually, most of the DO prevent pregnancy. Be prepared though fellas, if all the states glom on to this who "full-stop" abortion ban thing, it will probably mean less sex for you. Guess prostitution will explode again.

18630647? ago

Dont get us pregnant, you dumb bastard.

No really, only the low IQ people are irresponsible like this. Well, I should say, the low IQ women. Men really don't give a shit most of the time when they're getting their dick wet. They forget it matters, want to believe whatever the woman says (oh I can't get pregnant! I'm on the pill! Here, use THIS condom I keep on me totally doesn't have holes pricked into it with a pin, Just pull out! I'm not ovulating...) and just get it on.

Thats the sad thing about this. Abortion basically only stopped low IQ people from reproducing exponentially. Abortions will still happen behind closed doors, they will probably botch it worse than before (causing more innocent suffering) and the black market will increase the prices for the elite to get their baby body parts.

I'm not a brilliant person by any stretch of the imagination, but my mom had an abortion at 16, and didn't with me because she thought my dad would stick around. He didn't but she didn't know he wouldn't until after I was born. I consider myself more intelligent than she is (due to my dad's genetics) and I also consider myself a positive addition to the white race. So there are times where less intelligent people will have offspring who do well, and there could've been those aborted... But by far, the odds are not in their favor.

This entire subject is disgusting. Abortion should be legal, as well as drugs, as well as the right to take care of pedophiles. But I'm not the one making the laws.

18629901? ago

this isn't q related. so fuck you, go to reddit you fuck!

18637729? ago

Considering what's behind all of the ds bs this is very much q related. Sex, babies, all of it. The entire thing we try to figure out is about people getting bribed bc of seks, sex scandals, childrapers(from baby-on) seks as tradedeals, bussiness no.1, Planned Parenthood, the musicindusry seks banner vids, there is too much connected directly to seks to neglect. Actually, if there's one thing we should look into it IS seks. If seks wasn't such a yuge hang-up for humanity, we wouldn't be in this mess in the first place.

18630451? ago

It kind of is. Q clarified themselves as being pro-choice. They are specifically concerned with the illuminati agenda of planned parenthood.


18629884? ago

I was 15. It was 1982. I had just spent the night fooling around with my girlfriend who lived in another town. Heavy petting, but no slipping her the Johnny. We were both too scared. There were a lot of used tissues on the bedside stand, and that bleachy odor was in the air. Her and I were in the shower and didn't know that my dad is just home early in the house from his golf game. We both hear him say, "When you come out, I want to talk to you both." He waits for us to get dressed, then knocks, comes in, picks up a tissue, and has a sniff. Grimaces, and takes one look at us both I'll never forget, tells my girl to go home. Then he walks out. Later, he cornered me outside as I tried to make a run for my buddy's house: "Listen up. It only takes one, just one sperm to reach the egg. You don't even need to have penile penetration." Later, I was laughing about it all with some good friends. I got off easy, and was all smarmy about it. "PP" became a buzzword around my school. About two weeks later, a condom I was carrying to be used for our first time disappeared. I was in a panic looking for it. My friend scored one for me from his older brother. I discovered to my horror that it fell out of my pants pocket in the wash machine. I got into big trouble with my parents, was grounded for a weekend, and couldn't see my girl for two weeks. When I saw her that following weekend at a keg party, she was with another guy I knew from her high school making out on the hood of his car in full view of everyone there. We all had a brief confrontation that was quickly stopped by other friends. They pulled me away, "Dude, just forget about her." I guess she got one of the sperm on her later that night, too. Nine months later, she gave birth to a 10-pound baby boy. Although she had ambitions to go to college, looked really nice and all, she never made it. I was lucky. I went on to college to get my Bachelors, the a Master Degree. And so now you know the story of "Penile Penetration." So stay responsible, you fucking dumbfucks!

18629619? ago

Best thread title ever.

18628994? ago

Man should overcome their Stupid Braindead Dick Issue to want to ejaculate inside a woman if they don't want to have a baby with her. She's not getting pregnant from the shower curtain, FYI.

18635421? ago

No, it's the dick she allowed to invade her vagina that did it!

Say no to dick invaders and you have nothing to worry about.

18637437? ago


18640031? ago


18629704? ago

It takes two to tango, cunt

18637424? ago

exactly my point , dick

18628865? ago

Duct tape your legs together, please!

18628765? ago

Yeah!! Make those darkies pull out and squirt it on your back!

18628693? ago

OMG, this post is an invasion of incels, white ethno machos, and dinosaurs that want to turn the clock 60 years back. have fun with your group wanking session, boys.

18635481? ago

Have fun with your cats and your lonely tears!

18628484? ago

This is one of the defining characteristics of women.

Women have more to consider when allowing a man access. Men can walk away and impregnate several others the same day. It's is a many year investment for women.

We try to artificially balance the responsibility out in defiance of our nature. Insane people tell us to be angry at the universe for its design, and demand "fairness"...

There is only one "fair", and that is equality under the law of each sovereign individual. There is no other "equality", and there is no other "fair". Anyone who says otherwise is trying to sell you something, and recruit you as a useful idiot in violating true fairness & equality.

Women, here's the unpopular reality... for most of you, happiness will require family. Family requires a healthy marriage, and one stay at home parent. Healthy marriage requires two people of quality. The best way to marry and stay married to a man of quality is to be in your peak fertility, and be a virgin.


The more you learn, the more you learn that traditional is for a reason. For good reasons.

Listen to some fucking MTV show, and a bunch of prostitutes, out to sabotage us by destroying our families, at your own peril.

There will always be some young ladies who know better. They will always get the best husband, have the best families, and the healthiest, happiest, lives.

Again, ignore all this at your own peril. Quality young ladies won't. Your window of opportunity will close with your first bad decisions, or when you're 25 years old, whatever comes first. You can watch and be a miserable, envious, punchline, prosititute for your remaining cat filled 80 years.

Oh, by the way.. another thing they won't tell you.. you can have it all, but your eggs and marriage/family potential are very fragile, and have a time limit. Spend your first 35 years creating a family, and the rest of your life running a business, traveling, as a perpetual academic, or whatever the hell else.

Spend the first 35 years pretending you're the exception to the biological rule for women and happiness, and good luck. You're going to need it.

Check out happiness for women from 35 on, when they are unmarried.

18629872? ago

Several of my 30+ year old friends/acquaintances were very surprised when at 30,31,32 the male attention dropped off drastically. All the 20 something girls think it won’t happen to them and they will be young, hot and immortal but just you wait 30 comes and you’re pulling from the dregs of available men. The ones with commitment problems, Peter Pan complex, infidelity issues and so forth.

18629930? ago

Stefan Molyneux asks women who are over 27 to describe their ideal man. Once they have, he asks what kind of woman that man could get.

You can hear their instant realization.

18627730? ago

I always recommend that women never drink anything with alcohol in it unless they are with someone they trust. I know a girl who was very surprised to be pregnant because she didn't think she had done anything to get pregnant. Of course she did NOT have an abortion and has a wonderful son going through his terrible two phase.

18635458? ago

That's awful! But thank God she didn't abort her baby.

18627729? ago

There is no reason for anyone to get pregnant if they dont want to. There are many methods of birth control available nearly all FOR FREE at your county health department. The morning after pill should be reserved for rape victims, both adults and children who have been forced to have sex. As for the stupid bitches comment - boys and men need to keep themselves zipped up - a female does not get pregnant alone. I am not anti abortion, I am anti using abortion as birth control.

18627724? ago

Isaac Kappy here. Every girl that had an abortion, and died, is burning in hell right now. I should know, I’m burning also.

18635465? ago

Haha! That's funny shit!

18627710? ago

A friend of mine said her girlfriend got pregnant by accident. I asked if she slipped and fell on some guys cock.

18653901? ago

She slipped and fell on an already hard cock and the guy came instantly without knowing she was on top.

18627549? ago

Media matters shills are out in force today.

Must have been bad news for Demokkkrats recently.

Oh look that's just what happened.

And those who are raped?

18630956? ago

Morning after pill.

18641663? ago

Suppose they don't have access to any medicine.

18641926? ago

The only way they wouldn't have access is if they are being held captive or stranded with no way to get help. There are clinics all over that provide free service to women.

18642151? ago

You're artificially constraining the possibilities to get to the answer you want, rather than where the evidence leads.

You can't claim "the only way".

Suppose a woman is drugged and raped while unconscious.

Suppose weeks go by and it is only after she realized she missed her period for a week or two that she learns she is pregnant.

Morning after pill won't work.

The point is that you have to ANSWER a what if scenario of a pregnant rape victim, and not trying to explain the possibility away.

This is not about you trying to explain away a very real possibility.

Imagine it's your wife who was raped.

Imagine she is now 1.5 months pregnant.

Imagine she wants to abort the fetus.

If you can't face and own up to dealing with a harsh case, you have no business in the conversation.

18644439? ago

What evidence?! And bullshit. I have just as much business in the conversation as anyone in this anonymous forum... The above is a possibility I had not thought about, therefore I was not "artificially constraining the possibilities to get the answer (I) want", nor was I attempting to "explain away" anything. High and mighty, much?... I know that I myself would not advocate for killing or be able to kill a baby, but I also know that others are not able to cope with tragedy as well as some, even to take care of themselves while carrying the child to ultimately give up for adoption. I have personally never stated that a rape victim should not have an abortion due to many factors, and it is my understanding that statistically those cases are few... When the victim knows rape occurred immediately, the morning after pill is the best option. There is no argument there.

18651186? ago

Lots of evidence.

18629752? ago

those who are raped

Very rarely get pregnant, and besides, why would you advocate killing a child for something he had nothing to do with? Shall I spank my son because some kid two streets over kicked a dog?

18629792? ago

And if they do get pregnant?

You're deflecting and dodging.

18629866? ago

This part, from my comment that you obviously didn't read:

why would you advocate killing a child for something he had nothing to do with?

...would indicate my belief that abortion is unacceptable even in cases of rape in those exceedingly rare cases where a pregnancy occurs.

Bear the child and put him up for adoption. Why is dismemberment and murder of an innocent child the only solution for someone who got pregnant through rape?

18688456? ago

Why would you ever allow a child to go through CPS knowing what you know now? Adoption is basically giving them up into slavery. Well done parent.

18688597? ago

That's not true every time and you know it. Fucking disingenuous qtard.

Even if 50% of adoptions are bad, that's better than effectively 100% of aborted babies dead.

Besides, maybe we fix the adoption system along the way? End the trafficking in children? Hey! Isn't that what Q is supposed to be doing? I guess you don't trust the plan! Oooooooh I'm telling Q on you!

18691725? ago

Why are 100% of abortions bad?

18641856? ago

Why should a victim of rape be forced to carry until term?

You never answered this.

18650352? ago

Forget it. You can't reason with these types of people. To them the filthy seed that was forced upon the innocent has more value than the innocent's life, apparently. According to these people, raped girls/women are worth less than other girls/women and we should probably just stone them to death for their transgression of not being able to prevent being overpowered by a filthy fucking animal.

18643872? ago

Why should you not be imprisoned for Hillary Clinton's crimes?

Because it would be wrong to punish you for someone else's wrongdoing, yes?

That is my answer, and has been through this entire comment string: the child should not be punished for the crimes of another.

Don't kill an innocent child; kill the rapist instead.

18651200? ago

You still haven't addressed the stress test of your professed convictions

18651536? ago

I've explained myself quite clearly. You are moving the goalposts, just like a good qultist.

I accept your surrender. We're done here.

18651816? ago


18627525? ago

Well, the bitches won't get pregnant, if you dicks will stop screwing them!

18629770? ago

Close your legs, whore.

18650386? ago

Keep your fly zipped, asshole. If both do these things all will be fine.

18627624? ago

Margaret Sanger would be proud.

18627419? ago

80% of abortions by less than 15% of the population. 80%of those are unmarried blacks.

18627639? ago

Margaret Sanger would be proud.

18627394? ago

More abortion sperging

18627369? ago

Two Sperm swimming like crazy

!st Sperm turns to the 2nd Sperm and says " Are we getting near to the Egg now ? "

2nd Sperm replies " We've got miles to go yet - we've only just passed the Tonsils ! "


Modern Birth Control 101

18627425? ago

That's a birth control method I can get behind.

18635472? ago

Speaking of behind, that's another form of birth control as well.

18627318? ago

If you climax in a girl, you are a fucking dumb ass unless your married and want kids. Rules to live by: Never Climax inside a girl unless you are ready to have a kid and marry them right after.

Good luck goats!

18688476? ago

Pulling out doesn’t work as well as people think. Look at all the kids born in the 70s.

18626763? ago

Choosing to have sex or not have sex is really the only "choice" a woman should be able to make when it comes to getting pregnant.

18626985? ago

You can't choose being raped, hence why women should carry concealed and carry more than one weapon.

18626734? ago

Hey libtards... put up a profile on tinder and fuck a conservative. Make sure they cum in you... then in the AM, pop a morning-after-pill. That'll teach the fucking Trump supporters!

18626369? ago

They all scream “but what about the ones who were raped!?”

How many? They will never give a number because it is very tiny. Abortion actually allows those rapes to continue since most states are no questions asked. If there was no abortion, it would give the victims incentive to seek help faster or for a pattern of abuse to be visible.

18626343? ago

Abstinence, now brought to you by the Democratic, Liberal, bat shit crazy Progressive fuckers that nobody wants to screw anyway except out of sheer desperation for the unfortunates.

18632940? ago

Like the fat people saying they like being obese. No, you've just given up on trying and it's easier to say it's a choice.

18626258? ago

Adoption is an option. People that cannot have children are flying overseas trying to adopt a child. If you messed up and got pregnant at least give the child up for adoption.. That way something that is good can come from it. Abortion is not the solution. Abstinence and adoption are the solution.

18688186? ago

It’s so hard to adopt in the US. I’m convinced they make it near impossible so they can snatch the kids. 50 years ago, if you carried and didn’t want it, you’d quietly give it to your aunty. Not anymore.

18630422? ago

Based and Laura Silsby and John Podesta pilled.

18627588? ago

Especially for late term abortions. She's already dealt with the issues of pregnancy, why not just have the child and give for adoption?

18626201? ago

Back when I was young we had this invention called a condom. Interesting piece of history. In 1872 the Arabs invented the condom, using a goat's lower intestine. In 1873 the British somewhat refined the idea by taking the intestine out of the goat first.

18643993? ago

A lot of southern states are actually trying to make it harder to obtain contraceptives. How do you justify that?

18641885? ago

hahahah well done.

18634721? ago

Hahaha, nice!

Yet, pigsbladder was in use hundreds of years before that.

18631622? ago

Also we had a little attribute known as personal responsibility

18631279? ago

Lol. Good one!!!

18630802? ago

So you're promoting premarital sex and attempting to bypass G-d's law by using a terrorist's invention (that is only 99% effective)?

18631302? ago

And the name is GOD

18633590? ago

Real Jews, not the "taking over the world", or any other nazifag version of what "all Jews" are, do not write the name "G-d"...it is a symbol of humility. It is the same with the small round flat hats we wear on our heads; they are a sign of humility beneath G-d because we are imperfect creatures who sometimes make bad decisions; you'll notice it is a very different version of what being a Jew is according to a Nazifag Voat anon.

We also don't know or give a fuck what the Talmud is.

A normal, peaceful Muslim dude who delivers unsold bread from his bakery to the homeless shelter, rather than let it go bad doesn't know what the Jihadis handbook on terror is, and certainly doesn't follow it. He has no clue what CRAZY, INSANE, FANATICAL BULLSHIT is in there.

So before you get all triggered about why some people choose to utilize the spelling "G-d"...realize its ACTUALLY someone of a different faith than yours being humble beneath their one true G-d. Its respectful.

You don't seem to get it.

18630926? ago

You need to lighten up and recognize humor.

18627441? ago

Now that nearly made me spit out my Coke through my nose while laughing so hard.

18627335? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real anons of the following.



18627119? ago

...well, condoms are not 100% effective; there is however an even cheaper and easier method that is 100% effective, guaranteed: it’s called ‘keep your knickers on’ method.

18633034? ago

Fuck you. My dick needs to get wet.

Best contraception is pulling out. Works 99.9999%. Just jerk off on her tits.

18776992? ago

Its called coitus interruptus, I think you should check on some facts

18638174? ago

You sound like my Dad. "It's like takin' a shower while wearing a raincoat." Yeah, I have 4 brothers and 5 sisters.

18635396? ago

Don't lie, you know your boyfriends asshole can't get pregnant!

18635412? ago

it can

it did.



18632784? ago

condoms are not 100% effective;

They are if you have the basic intelligence to know how to use them. I don't know how so many people fuck up using a condom and reading the expiration date.

You don't see surgeons' gloves randomly tearing open in the operating room, "Woops, these things aren't always effective."

18632992? ago

surgeons’ gloves

Actually, it happens too; talk to an experienced surgeons and ask one of these days.

18628540? ago

Hijacking to point out OP is a SHILL. Honestly, if you can't tell that based on the language, you need to like... idk man wise up or something. They're pretty damn obvious at this point.

18630829? ago

You are correct.

OP is a goat fucking shill....just wait till he is begging to be allowed to abort his hybrid abomination interspecies goat baby.....

18629676? ago


the guy's a fucking comedian

18629670? ago

Are you stupid? You sound stupid. Why are you online? Your handler is highly irresponsible.

18631555? ago

My handler? Like CIA? But I'm stupid? What? Q?

18632762? ago


18633790? ago

Oh I'm a Queens representative

18634739? ago

Like the borough or of England?

18630430? ago

Quit being such a grumpy bastard.

18631208? ago


18630186? ago

Found the shill again

18631223? ago


18629540? ago

oh, point taken. Wising up.

18627535? ago

Even that might not be enough in some cases. https://invidio.us/watch?v=tDUQouPwgbo&t=3m3s

18626662? ago


18626610? ago

Oh man, I must admit, that was a GREAT one.

18626221? ago


18626194? ago

This. No one wants to take control of their sexual urges. Everybody wants sex without the consequences. Well in case you haven't figured out, when you have sex - the way God intended - women become pregnant and babies become adults. Abortion is the on-going blood sacrifice to satan and the total immorality of society makes him squeal with glee ...


18632894? ago

Our society needs to learn the value of "SACRIFICE" and "NO" and stop this insane culture that demands they get their way in every faucet of life because they keep listening to the liar salesmen telling them they deserve life to go their way, and that serving themselves and their own desires is the ultimate satisfaction.

18629904? ago

They cant hangle the truth of Fornication

18628990? ago

18640866? ago

Or gay sex, no chance of getting pregnant. Only aids

18626082? ago

No shit! Teach your children about consequences. Newtons 3rd Law. Yen and Yan. Karma.....

The earth is filled with balance, if you are irresponsible enough to shoot your load into an estrus'ing female, there will be a child produced to teach your responsibility.

18626698? ago

We have menses, not estrus. Stop fucking ponies and read a biology book, plx

18636601? ago

Estrus and menses are the same when discussing the perversions of Muslims.

18625704? ago

BUT HE WAS SO CHARMING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

that's how they think in (((certain))) situations. logic goes out the window. who needs logic when you have that many exclamation marks?


18625563? ago

Keep your dicks in your pants, you stupid assholes!

18627226? ago

...having a dick in the first place, whether in our pants or not, is a pretty good indication that we won’t get pregnant, you know, biology 101 (I realize this is no longer taught in schools these days, being politically incorrect and all that..)

18631413? ago

Men get women pregnant douchebag

18631490? ago

Nope. Men and women together get women pregnant, it takes two.

18632674? ago

Women are the gatekeepers of sex.

Men are the gatekeepers of commitment.

Women need to take charge and be responsible for their own wombs.

Is that really too much to ask? Society gives you everything for free, expects nothing of you, constantly praises your second-rate efforts in every field and doesn't ask you to be responsible for anything else.

Surely you can just take charge of your own wombs? No? Too hard?

18688239? ago

Society gives women everything for free? You’re clearly not seeing the basic facts:

  • one income can no longer afford a decent life unless you move to a shitshow state.

  • women are now expected to get educations and work.

  • women are still the mothers and are expected to carry babies and educate them.

But yes, they get everything for free.

18627536? ago

I think what the commenter meant was: don't get girls pregnant, unless she is your wife and you are ready to responsibly raise children .

18632617? ago

The usual assumption of modern society is that women do not have to be responsible or accept consequences for anything at all. Everything that happens is the fault of men and men need to pay and be made responsible. It is the kneejerk response. And abortion is part of that doctrine.

But in fact, women need to be responsible for their own wombs. They have no responsibilities for anything else in society.

So at least they could do that.

18629165? ago

Sad you had to explain that.

18625891? ago

You're talking to the rapists, right?

18625547? ago

I used to think it was really easy to accidentally get pregnant. Now I'm an adult and i realize it's not that easy, so it wasn't something I should have feared so much. I took time and learned made my own herbal medicines, studied reproductive biology and how to track my cycle to be in-tune with my body. Avoiding pregnancy was pretty easy. But then again, I have a brain.

18627487? ago

You did it all natural?

18775890? ago

Yes, I quit taking any pills and pharmesuticals for my period. And recently I learned there was surpressed negative findings on the birth control pill, so I'm glad I use it sparingly. It also messes with women's hormonal profile so you're less likely to attract a suitable mate, etc.

18781927? ago

Bonus points because you are giving the finger to Big Pharma as well as Big Abortion. Showing these people you don't need them to accomplish your goals. Best of luck to you.

18634877? ago

It's a bullshit shill account.

18775901? ago

No, YOU'RE a bullshit shill account.

18626364? ago

They even have phone apps where you can track your basal body temp to calculate when you are likely to ovulate. Or if not in a relationship/married just fucking abstain. Really easy to avoid pregnancy without pills that make you crazy.

18640822? ago

Whats the point in abstaining when you gotta nut regularly

18641280? ago

Only if you are a faggot with no self control. If you are really that hard up use your hand, stop enabling sluttiness in women.

18647079? ago

Its not me who enables 'sluttiness', however, some women are really horny sometimes and it'd be a shame to deny them some pleasure. If I wont give it someone else will

18775937? ago

Try being gay, you can bust a nut all you want.

18776955? ago

Nah it just wont nut then

18626599? ago

Its incredibly sad because none of this is taught to girls in schools, or homes for that matter. You literally have to ask the question yourself, and have the will to go find out the answers on your own. Ignorance keeps the sheep under control, I guess. Also, I had no idea how bad the pills were until some research I did recently. I'm glad I didn't take them constantly, even when I didn't need them, like most women do.

18639759? ago

What's scarier is that there are 650K abortions per year in the US alone. That was my red pill. No way there are that many 'accidental pregnancies'. That's roughly 1,850 abortions per day.. WTF??? I can't even comprehend that being possible. Can anyone reasonably explain how 1,850 abortions are performed daily?

Fewer U.S. women are having abortions than at any time since Roe v. Wade, according to new government figures released Wednesday. In 2015, the most recent year for which data is available, a total of 638,169 abortions were reported, a decrease of 2 percent from 652,639 abortions in 2014.Nov 21, 2018

18640843? ago

One reason to ensure you are doing it safely ^^

18627548? ago

You are so right! I did not realize how little I knew about my own body until my husband and I tried to get pregnant with IUI. I read a book (taking control of your fertility- I think was the title) and learned actual relevant things about my cycle I never knew! And I'm in my 30s! Simple things, like discharge, are huge clues whether you are fertile or not.

18626828? ago

Sex Ed should be actually teaching girls how their bodies and reproduction works (boys should be taught too). Knowing how your body works makes it easier for you to exert control over it and make the right choices. Something liberals DON'T want kids doing!

18625348? ago

With the passage of Roe v Wade in '73, the era of "not taking responsibility for your own actions" began. Look at where that's taken us.

18639792? ago

Not to mention the idea of the Women's Rights movement. I was recently red pilled by a woman who explained the movement wasn't about equal rights. It was about getting the woman out of the house so the govt. could take control of our kids. Now look, we're about 4 generations into it and look at our kids and their current views.

I hate to admit it...but 'they' did a good job with their plans.

18633778? ago


18625224? ago

But she poked holes in my condom

18625509? ago

Don't let them out of your site until you need them and NEVER put them in the trash..


18688482? ago

You clearly don’t live on a septic system. No fucking condoms in the toilets!

18629765? ago

Don't fuck women to whom you are not married.

18640722? ago

Its a bit of a stretch to marry all the women u want to fuck

18625181? ago

Family planning eludes the stupid.

18625012? ago

OR simply: Keep Your Legs Closed Ladies!