18696573? ago

Fugin A

18595320? ago

Just be aware that the 1787 Constitutional republic has been in limbo ever since the South seceded, and was gradually replaced with the corporation created by the Act of 1871.

The original 1787-91 Constitution still has the original 13 amendments, including the long lost Titles of Nobility Amendment. The 1871 corporate charter replaced the 13th with the one were all familiar with, And all the others.

Solution: End the uninformed, non-consentual, tacit procuration of the 14th amendment.

18597354? ago

Thank you patriot. This is a fascinating concept, but is currently being overlooked as a solution.

Can you expand on this, provide more background and or perhaps create a new thread regarding this?

Thank you.

18603154? ago

I wish I could point you to a specific source, but I have pieced this together from my own studying since the TSA began groping or irradiating travelers for the crime of flying commercial.

Here is a reading list, though:

The Real Lincoln by Thomas J. DiLorenzo This book will help you understand why ObaMao likes to compare himself to Lincoln. There are over 16,000 books written glorifying Lincoln. DiLorenzo cites their work, but draws common sense conclusions. My only dispute with DiLorenzo is his attack on Lincoln for being a protectionist. In my view, if Lincoln were alive today, he would be loyal to the money interests, and therefore, would be a free traitor.

Another excellent read is by a woman, Alex Christopher, and her book is Pandora's Box. She makes an excellent case that sheds new light on who actually murdered Lincoln, and why.

In my view, the rabbit hole ends at the Vatican, but the Vatican is not alone. Another excellent read by Eric Jon Phelps, titled, Vatican Assassins.

Phelps has a website, and Christopher's book has been suppressed. (I saw a copy listed on amazon for $1200, once.) You can find pdf's of their books online. DiLorenzo has many audios of his lectures that I have found online and listened to.

Here is something to get you started on tacit procuration

Another great resource is SovereignLiving on youtube

Focus on learning the difference between US citizens (who have no rights) and state citizens (who retain their unalienable rights) to better understand "tacit procuration."

18639786? ago

This is ground breaking stuff here Anon. I feel like this sort of revelatory insight and information and the implications of it to the past and our future, is a huge red pill and everyone should become more aware of this.

This sort of insight into our inherent sovereignty was hinted at by the Rothschild anon thread a few years back when he discussed how to view contracts and taxes.

Rothschild anon thread:


Anon, in your view, how does one go about becoming a state citizen (vs a US citizen)? Do you lose any “privileges” in the process? Can you still travel internationally?

18653918? ago

The State uses your ID, to frame you as the Cesta Que Vie trust that was created in YOUR NAME, at your birth, by your parents' unwitting signature.

Apparently, you are supposed to correct this fraud upon adulthood.

Your all caps name is the name of the trust; a legal fiction.

I'm in a rural area, so I have not obtained a passport as a State citizen, but that is the track I'm getting on. sovereignliving has many good videos, including one about passports.

As for giving up privileges, you'll have to determine what you can give up, what you can't, and whether claiming some privileges can cause you problems elsewhere.

I also believe Trump knows of this fraud and I believe ending the fraud is part of his plan to restore power to the people, and I look forward to it in his second term.

18593181? ago

Then they'll know how fake the news has been.

18592480? ago

SO grateful to see this thread. We need a new party. I vote for The Patriot Party.

18592421? ago

Left versus right. The game that was played to keep everyone guessing. What if they no longer need the game to keep going? What if they want to be made known? End game strategy. Lucifer rising... no matter what we do Revelations must happen.

18591986? ago

Small request. Where can I get a link to the latest/updated 'Plan to Save the World' video? It's not on Qmap.pub

18590735? ago

I used to think there were at least small percentage of politicians who were honest and were there to do the right thing. Then I learned about the Tom Marino Bill which tied the hands of the DEA regarding their investigative power when it comes to Opioids. EVERY politician voted for the Bill and I'm sure it is because they are all on the take from Big Pharma. Then, when they were busted by "60 Minutes", they said things like, "Well, if we made a mistake or overlooked something, we will need to correct our mistake". It was no mistake. They are there for the money.

18589163? ago

Due to some unforeseen events I had to move back in with my parents who are completely brainwashed it is disgusting and sad. They watch the Jewish media and believe whatever they are told.

18588650? ago

RNC is just controlled opposition. They are all the same, except PRESIDENT TRUMP. They never thought she would lose.

18587761? ago

drop a line fishing, throw out some randoms one liners, see how well you can stir the conversation, not outright, shit like dat ya gotsta let simmer. catch a few shit-talkers on caffeine and adrenaline rushes.

reasoning, says your full of shit, my apols if im wrong, but i dont think so.

18587740? ago

Finally some fucking sense! The only reason I'm even part of the RNC is because Trump ran in this party. The RNC is full of a bunch of cowards, idiots, and idiot-cowards. These aren't men of power and authority, most are men of being pushovers and submitting to the will of others. I can't wait to give these fuckheads a reckoning that they won't fucking believe. It upsets me that Adam Schitt and Ron Desantis and others can even get a paycheck at all!

18587645? ago

The old RNC is already destroyed. It is totally controlled by Trump now.

The remaining deep state operatives will be jailed with the DNC purge.

It would be stupid to attack the only remaining party and fragmenting all the interests into minority parties as you have in France or Germany. Let Trump reform the Executive Branch, the RNC and kill the cabal. After this is done - go back to politics.

18587640? ago

RNC thinks they're safe because they're making deals with trump.

Man are they in for a BIG fucking surprise.

18587488? ago

Andrew Jackson. ANDREW JACKSON introduced the spoils system. My very first day in Poli Sci class at LaSalle University I was told by my professor, "politics isn't what you know, it's who you know." The deep state is going to be harder to crack than Doyle Brunson with a 10-2 off suit at a texas hold'em table. We are closer than ever in recent history but we have a long way to go. DJT Jr. 2024 and 2028 may be able to do it. Then we have Ivanka as the first woman and Baron as the youngest ever. Words of warning, with power comes corruption, and with absolute power comes absolute corruption. Cheers!

18591687? ago

No more family dynasties thank you.

18586705? ago

Look at how many R's retired before 2018 mid terms. I believe that was part of the Plan. The RNC was saved by DJT

18584972? ago

trump party is not republican party. trump party is the conservative party the constitution party the legal american party.

they either back trump or they are traitors.

18584573? ago

Never Forget!!!!!

18584240? ago

Only way to destroy the dnc is to start the third party now

18586800? ago

DNC is doing a pretty damn good job of destroying themselves but I would like to see it hustled up a bit. They have become irrelevant.

18584239? ago

You are very insightful, Anon! I believe that's the plan. Both parties are corrupt beyond repair.

18586701? ago

I disagree. Look at how many R's retired before 2018 mid terms. I believe that was part of the Plan. The RNC was saved by DJT.

18584098? ago

Politicians are the problem all around the world!

18583831? ago

If you live in a swing state, vote Republican. If you live in a solid Red or Blue state, vote for a 3rd party. Your vote won't matter anyway, but by voting for a 3rd party, you will help break out of this petrified two-party duopoly.

18585442? ago

((( Trump ))) lost my vote

18588218? ago

He never had your vote you liar.

18588923? ago

Bullshit, no wall from that jew yet

18598171? ago

So, are you retarded by accident, or do you choose to be this way?

The wall is being built... did you expect it to be finished in one day?

18598570? ago

Fence is now just being repaired...a full 2 years after he took office.

18616164? ago

I take it you don't get to experience the world outside of your mother's basement very much? New wall has been built on the border and is continuing to be built as you flail your stubby little fingers on your keyboard. You can try to spread your false information as much as you want, but most of the people here are capable of research (unlike yourself) and can easily see that the wall is being built.

Please be retarded somewhere else.

18583805? ago

Dr Paul and intelligence agencies warned there was no real threat, but that we would create them with Bush/Clinton regime's aggression.

Has any family done more harm to the US in the last 50 years than the Bushs, and their associates?

The sabotage was intentional!

18590684? ago

Hijacking this comment with less replies than the above comments to let real anons know of the following.



18585837? ago

Now it’s time For war with IRAN.

18583833? ago

W tells Muzzies it's a 'Crusade', kills over a million of them...

then Obama opens the front door and lets them into the USA

18583671? ago

Two sides, same coin.

It must be reforged in fire to regain any value.

18583619? ago

Independents will be on the rise

18583616? ago

Trump needs to line up a principled, Patriotic, non-partisan, successor.

I know of only two who would get elected in an uncorrupted election, and one has retired from politics (but not from service!).

18586965? ago

Jim Jordan?

I would love to see Ron Paul being called up, but ideally, his best use would be as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.

18597405? ago

“Best use for Ron Paul is as Chairman of the Federal Reserve.”

Put him there in order to take it down and help the US efficiently shift to a less easily-manipulated form of currency

18584852? ago

Ron Paul?

18583612? ago

The Republican Party has a very good history of standing up for freedom. It's not perfect, though, especially after it was invaded. Still, I think that after a thorough house cleaning, and a set of rules to "help" prevent RINOs (whatever that could look like), the name Republican could still stand. After all, America is a Republic, and will continue to be so, "if we can keep it."

18583568? ago

And sucking major Kike dick.

18583564? ago

Music to my ears!

Empty that fucking swamp!

18583201? ago

We need to fundamentally change the way we vote to allow for additional parties/ideas to come to the forefront. The electoral college is perfect though and working as intended.

18583174? ago

hahaha its almost cute (in a naive sort of way) how you think there is more than 1 party.

18583163? ago

We need to get rid of these corrupt political parties. Candidates U.S. Elections should have to pass a reasonable background check and vetting process. No anti-American candidates should ever be allowed to run for office.

18583135? ago


18582801? ago

18582754? ago

You white idiots need to put your trust in Ben Shapiro and the republican party. Support israel and jews at all costs. Make sure to bring blacks into your movements.

18582702? ago

YES YES YES because there are no political parties in the SWAMP!

18582698? ago

When Julius Caesar was overthrown, the Conspirators neglected to fill the power vaccuum.

18582666? ago

would LOVE for him to announce during his 4th of july speech that he is leaving the repub-party and forming the PATRIOT party for his 2020 run!!!!!

18582783? ago

Patriot party = israel party. More of the same. The only way out is for each state to form a peoples militia and enforce the constitution

18597383? ago

Agree. Country is so cluster fucked the only way out is CW 2.0. Get rid of the moslems first.

18582704? ago

Holy Shit!! Now that's a brilliant idea!

18582780? ago

imagine the hundreds of thousands of PATRIOTS at the lincoln memorial cheering for THAT announcement! and of course the DS and MSM losing their shit again LOL!!!

18582580? ago

YES THANK YOU PLEASE. God how often I felt close to selling my libertarian soul with this movement . . .

18582478? ago

Yes, this must be the case. A traitor or a self-serving politician whose actions have led to the decline of America's power in the world and tarnished its 'shining city on the hill' image needs to be dealt with severely and quickly. What letter follows their name in parenthesis matters not. The establishment Republicans and RINOs like Burr and Mittens just need to be sent packing. The best way to do it is red-pill through public press conferences that can't be ignored and then public arrests to reinforce the idea that actions have consequences. Securing the voting process would be a close-to-first step to repairing the damage done by ALL parties over the last 200 years.

18582114? ago

Little do the RNC know that Trump is a Republican in name only. He needs them to destroy the DNC and by doing so they are digging their own grave. I love it. Get them to fight each other and when they are done destroying each other you declare victory. Divide and Conquer. Trump is defeating them with their own game and the NSA which both parties created.

18586058? ago

Little does the RNC know

Of course they fucking know! They tried just as hard to stop him.

18585133? ago

of course they know, they are the party of "never trump"

18588146? ago

"Never America". Thats what they really are.

18587616? ago

How is Trump any different? Please tell me. We have aircraft carriers headed to Iran, we have tax cuts for the rich, we have a porous border, he won’t say the words “white people” and we still suck Israel’s cock. How has he been any different than Jeb would have been?

Oh yeah, his twitter. I forgot.

18591882? ago

Let me tell you something about them tax cuts, boy. Did you know that the State And Local Tax(SALT) was capped at 10k cause of new Tax law? What that means is that all those rich folks across the United states that have more than $800k in fancy homes now have to actually pay federal tax on them? So those with more homes pay more tax, A LOT more in many cases... but it's the rich that pay. So fuck you

18589780? ago

Iran is a threat because Obama empowered and funded them. Trump is eliminating that threat. I enjoyed my tax cuts and I am not rich. To benefits from tax cuts. you have to be employed, not welfare recipients. Jeb Bush is Deep State, Trump is not. Israel is our ally in the middle east which is being attacked everyday. We need to help them. I am glad he uses twitter to communicate because the media is against him and would not publish anything good about him.

18592166? ago

Yeah, I agree with everything u said but "Israel is our Ally." When u look at history, who paid tribute to whom? The serfs paid tribute to the master. Now rethink about the $38 billion we just "gave" to Israel when we need that money here. See the point?

18591256? ago

Israel is using us to gain control of as much land as possible. They are not our ally.

18738358? ago

Have you seen the map of Arab countries compare to the size of Israel? They are just fighting for their land which the Muslims are trying to take away from them.

18588981? ago

Whoa! Iran was empowered by Obama with OUR money. Tax cuts "for the rich?" Wow, you've been blue picked with that statement alone. Porous border? Trump has fought tooth and nail to build a wall, keep illegals in Mexico so they can't claim asylum when they step into the US. Do you read a news paper? Do you explore Voat? Your sentiments on the whole "white people" thing is really odd. Trump us president for all. WTF would you want? I can guess, but fuck, it is really weird and just lousy that you think Trump is Jeb Bush. It's actually just not a coherent argument. But, I respect your right to have it. I just disagree with it so wholeheartedly.

18591186? ago

I like Trump and think he's doing what he can under the circumstances. One thing that is really bothering me is why he hasn't issued an executive order or whatever will work to stop birthright citizenship. The Constitution is clear but no one follows the rules. This one thing would make a big difference yet it hasn't happened. I

18592125? ago

Because the imperial courts still have too much ill-gotten authority over the executive branch. They just say the magic word and veto the prez. Once that's rectified I'm sure we'll see more exec orders

18588208? ago

Just from a combat arm's guy's perspective...

One difference is that Trump's ROEs are "kill them," while Hussein's put us in unnecessary danger. We don't mind fighting, that's part of what we joined for. Pound for pound, with the exception of a couple countries, we can shit pound just about anyone in a week...if we're cut loose.

Trump has aircraft carriers AND strategic bombing wings deploying to the area. If they launch, we own their sky and MOAB every launch site as a warning shot. Watch.

As for Israel....once upon a time, nobody gave two shits about Habib and Hadji blowing each other up, as long as they say ed in their sandbox. Some dumbass let them play with the other kids, now look what we've got.

Israel, corrupt as it may be (and pales in comparison to ours) was the only non Muslim country in the area that put Iran in range of our aircraft and troop deployment capabilities of the time when the treaty was signed. And since we sell them our best stuff, including shit we can't get to work, they're the most powerful ally in the area.

Jeb is establishment, Trump is the turd in the hot tub they can't fish out. Go, turd, go!

18591320? ago

Okay, so after all the strategic targets are taken our and we've neutralized the threat in Iran we will leave the Middle East to their own demise?

18589706? ago

Good goy

18588173? ago

Anyone who sees no difference between Jeb and Trump is the enemy.

18588120? ago

wtf would he say "white people" he isn't stupid. If you are serious in this line of qs idk what to tell you.

First of all it's not israel's cock we suck it is the british. You know the colonisers who gave israel their land, who have an actual military?

Aircraft carriers for show, bombs dropped in syria for show.

tax cuts and low unemployment and gdp and stockmarket all for show.

the wall is being built. the illegal immigration is a problem but its only lethal midterm. The real threat why we NEED the wall is an invasion. When the fake economy goes, we want all those desperate crazy people in So. America on the other side of that wall. There are many here, but not nearly as many as would come when things shift. That is what would be the elite wet dream, to have a real chaotic carnage in the usa, without any armies to protect you, the police protect their own family. Then big daddy government comes in to bring order and build the wall.

Jeb would have walked us right in to that hell. OK?

18587979? ago

Iran was always part of the plan Q stated it very clearly. After Iran is Israel, q stated very clearly, Everyone got tax cuts and the economy is booming as a result. The wall is being constructed. Concernfag somewhere else

18587940? ago

Saying that tax cuts for the rich is a bad thing is like saying that you want to pay MORE taxes. Go up and to any fucking American and tell them that you want them to pay more of their hard earned money in taxes. They'll either punch you or tell you go to fucking Hell. The idea that the rich don't deserve tax breaks is one that is rooted in stupidity and class warfare. It's a Democratic talking point that is designed to encourage frustration between the upper and lower classes, who, by the way, have no issues with each other. Read Saul Alinsky's plan to radicalize the US into a socialist state. He was very specific about this issue.

As for Iran, they are hostile to US interests. Why would we not stop them? The border is porous because the Democrats and Republicans on both sides are retarded fucks who believe they are doing "the right thing" by letting "families" cross the border with no supervision or plan to integrate themselves properly.

Not saying the words "white people" is just an optics move for Trump. They already tried to make him look as much like a white supremacist as possible despite him not talking any part about them at all. They pushed the David Duke story so much it became old after only a few days. "Trump did not disavow David Duke immediately," they said, when Trump had no idea who he even was!

And as for sucking Israel's cock, they have a lot of military arms and ammunition. What's he going to do? Declare war on them and assault them? For what? What do we gain? Another fight that would cost us American lives? More diplomatic headaches? Israel is full of assholes, I'm sure Trump is smart enough to know that. But I'd rather do business and forget the past than have a group of armed terrorists sitting right next to us.

Trump's twitter is crammed full of useful information too. Why do you think everyone and their Mom wants it shut down? He's telling the truth, and dropping massive stock market hints as well. A good thing for the informed who pay attention. I'd rather have it and not need it than need it and not have it. That simple.

Get out of your bubble sometime and see the other side of the argument that you make. You might learn something faster.

18584280? ago

Right! I doubt we need parties in the future. Philosophy King type of government is the best. Remember Socrates? He rather chose death then living under democracy. Our democracy is a sham anyways.

18584938? ago

Our democracy is a sham anyways.

That's because it's a democratic republic you twat.

18585696? ago

I used to look down at the States for having the electoral college, now I know better. Do we need to know more than the fact that Pelosi and democrats are going to attack it next.

18583624? ago

Hopefully, there will be a nationalist party that emerges

18587539? ago

An American Party... for America.

18583896? ago

You know why there wasn't a "Libertarian", or "Constitution", party very long ago?

Because it was a fucking given. A given that politics would be non-criminal, and pro-liberty.

It used to be called being "American".

18588685? ago

There IS a Constitution Party...constitutionparty.com

18588731? ago

Right. Why would that be necessary?

It is the supreme law of the land. All appropriate politics should be Constitutional.

Everything which contradicts it is criminal.

18588899? ago

You already know the answer. It's because both DNC and RNC policies are frequently in direct conflict with the Constitution.

18588875? ago

I get what you are saying. However, it is easy to see where the two party system has gone completely off the rails as far as supporting the constitution. I don't buy the POV that if congress passes and the president signs, it's automatically constitutional. That's what some think.

18588998? ago

it's automatically constitutional. That's what some think.

The Constitution only has meaning in as far as it restricts the state from violating the inalienable rights of the individual. When it is corrupted, it is meaningless.

Distributed security is the best security!

There is a reason why we require an oath to the Constitution.

18584276? ago

And all of the sudden it was cool to shit on libertarians.

18587158? ago

Its still cool. Want pot and whores and islamic migrants? Move to amsterdam you disgusting f-ck.

18649176? ago

I bet that strawman was real easy to take down. Oh and name calling? How will I ever recover, teach me your exceptional debate skills.

18680374? ago

Given your exceptionally banal and generic response I must say... bot bot bot.

18696004? ago


18696280? ago


18717718? ago


18724058? ago

Lique mye ballsacque.

18799210? ago

Juggle Bofa

18588837? ago

What's with the angst, here? What's your interest in the poster's sentiments?

18595873? ago

Lol figure it out

18585036? ago

Just never mistake actual libertarian for the anti-libertarian "Libertarian Party", which is coopted.

Organizations will always be corrupted.

18588818? ago

^^^^Exactly. I am very careful to state that while I vie Republican for the most part I an a bit more of a libertarian. But I don't support the whole Libertarian Party or Republican Party platform. Open boarders is stupid and just fucking wrong.

18588927? ago

There is absolutely a correct pro-freedom argument for open borders. There is also a way to poison a society in every other way so that they turn their backs on things that work.

If you allow for the sabotage and dysgenics that is welfare, it doesn't work.

If you have an imperial army conquering/policing the world, it doesn't work.

There are are countless ways that psuedo-freedom doesn't work.

Government is the disease posing as the cure.

They will fuck up everything around us to convince us we must forfeit more and more.

We have nothing to fear but fear itself.

There is only one solution; freedom.

18597327? ago

You are very naive if you believe people are inheritly good and can live in peace without a government of some type. True freedom can't be had by humans in our state of separation from our Creator.

18598340? ago

Ye of Statist faith.

They can't not. Especially when armed. Eventually, those who are left must figure out how to live together.

The smarter ones may have sense to figure out best business/life practices for themselves.. The dumber ones may need "God" to stay in line... but either way, the populace gets ever smarter, and more peaceful, absent of the greatest criminal possible; the systemic criminal that is "government".

18584790? ago

It is when they advocate for open boarders and free trade.

18587568? ago

And faggotry and decadence and all the rest.

18587478? ago

Eye roll

Your fucking currency is printed from nothing and has been used to enslave every fucking nation on the planet you fuckingmongol. We're already IN that fucking situation. It's high fucking time people paid fucking attention.

18597335? ago

Fuck you.

18587779? ago

Someone gets it right. The most worthwhile part of the American dollar isn't even the individual dollar's value, it's the security put into the process of making the dollar that is worth more. We spend more money on making sure the dollar can't be counterfeited than we do into the actual value of each dollar. Some old pennies and nickels are sometimes worth more in their current value than the valuation of an individual dollar.

18582656? ago

would LOVE for him to announce during his 4th of july speech that he is leaving the repub-party and forming the PATRIOT party for his 2020 run!!!!!

18581957? ago

How about arresting Hillary first?

18582712? ago

Have to arrest Hilliary and Bofamba LAST, because by then ALL the data is in and done.

18582724? ago

Bullshit. You could arrest them right fucking now. But, Trump lacks the resolve to do so.

18582847? ago

I can't do anything. Perhaps YOU can, but in this situation, I think not.
Let the BIG BOYS do their work methodically and certainly, while you sit in the peanut gallery and bitch about everything and everybody who's actually DOING something.
How's that working out for you, by the way? Is it making you happier or feel like you're actually accomplishing something, or do you find it satisfying to rant and rave about everything you might think of while accomplishing exactly nothing useful? Trump has more resolve than you can imagine, but he will not jeopardize the inevitable outcome with emotional hysterics.

His plan, his schedule, his responsibility. Go back to your game boy.

18586922? ago

"Trump has more resolve than you can imagine, but he will not jeopardize the inevitable outcome with emotional hysterics."

Well said anon!

18587787? ago

Thanks. Words have meaning, and when properly assembled, can convey ideas. Sound ideas are the only way out of this me first, mine, gimmee mentality we've been swept into by boomer's kids and politicians alike.

18581909? ago

Perhaps, but after all of the Jew-cock-sucking race-traitors have been goodified then what does it matter what President Trump's party is called?

18583633? ago


18581945? ago

The Palestinians are actively engaged in confronting Jews.

Why don't you join them?

Or you could just sit there on your fat ass and pretend you're making a difference by attacking TRUMP.

just like a SJW piece of shit

18591377? ago

I see what you're getting at but we just want to be left out of it. The fight is not America's.

18584095? ago

Palestinians are being used as tools by the bankers....spread a little anti Semitism in there and watch the banking families and the old aristocracy of Europe rob the world blind as we blame the scapegoats they created you fools.

18584303? ago

All sides are being used by the bankers....even Trump! They are trying at the least!

18582762? ago

Jews are Neo-Palestinians

18582703? ago

Fuck the whole middle east, glass it all including isntreal.

Then we can cleanse all western countries of foreign invaders, the traitorous jews and good goys that opened the gates.

18582753? ago

shouldn't they be sent back before it's turned into glass?

just trying to be pragmatic...

18582048? ago

I'd rather encourage the Palestinians and the Israelis to fight among themselves because the only thing better than a dead sandnigger is a dead kike.

18582667? ago

' I'd rather encourage the Palestinians and the Israelis to fight among themselves '

wow… that's incredible plan to break down ZOG LOL

You're just a fat piece of shit with hair brained ideas.