18575119? ago

Every time bad news for the Democrats occurs, there is "Divide them by race" shills crawling out from their rocks to vomit on QRV.

Book week ahead.

Comey tick tock.

This is what the shills want to distract from.

Attention all patriotic Blacks: The Q movement welcomes you and loves you

Attention all new visitors:

The above account is a verified "Divide_the_people_by_race.exe" shill trying to deceive you into falsely believing the Q movement is even a race-based/ethnicity-based movement at all.

The shills always always always speak in tribal warfare narrative and rhetoric, this tribe of people are enemies with that tribe, based on ethnicity or race or gender or religion or age.

Never do the shills use exclusively the reality of individual choice and values.

They want you and everyone else divided into allegedly economically and socially incompatible and antagonistic...Appearances.

They are psychotic.

Why do they shill like this, which their evil rhetoric is guaranteed to cast guilt against an innocent individual because of what they look like?

To turn you away from the accelerating great awakening taking place worldwide that they are deathly afraid of continuing to accelerate.

And why is that?

Because these shill's puppet masters are the very enemy Q is taking down and the world is learning about!

Any time you see any poster submit or make a comment like this one, which makes sweeping judgments of an entire ethnicity as guilty, while refusing to focus exclusively on individual choices and values, are 100% guaranteed shills who are trying to divide the movement that scares the living daylights out of the cockroach shills.

The real Q:


"They want you divided by race" - Q

"They want race wars" - Q

"They want you divided by religion" - Q

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

These "Divide_the_people_by_race.exe" shills do not represent the Q movement, they are enemies of the great awakening.

Everyone who loves america and loves Americans are welcome here, regardless of appearance!

The shills are panicking.

How to identify these sick fucking shill pieces of shit with 100% accuracy:


18575985? ago

^Jew who is pro violence against women. Sick.

18576016? ago

^ Satanist defending, 'muhjoo' deflecting Bolshevik puppet who is trying, but failing spectacularly, to divide the Q movement into smaller factions [today = by race]


/thread neutralized

18576036? ago

Tell that to the woman you think should be violently assaulted you creep.

18576062? ago

No no you don't care about women, you only want to divide the Q movement through race baiting.

18576080? ago

I care about woman thats why I don't want to see them beaten. Just because a jew tells me she deserves to beaten because she's white doesn't mean its right.

18576096? ago

Nah, you don't give a flying fuck about women, especially white women, which is why you and OP care more about your goal of trying to divide the Q movement by race.


You Bolshevik puppets are just PANICKING

18572061? ago

Niggers gonna nig.

18571715? ago

That would not have happened in my house.

18570665? ago

This is the world Q wants. A dystopic hell and you aren't allowed to protest otherwise, lest you be called racist (see comments in thread for proof.)

18568723? ago

Call the orkin man.

18568465? ago

Buy a shotgun

18589940? ago

Fire 2 blasts....

18568261? ago

Looks like the rest of the fags from voat have taken over QRV.

18567832? ago

A then one day we stopped wondering what was up with Hitler.

18567740? ago

This has nothing to do with the Q movement.

Keep your racism at home where it belongs.

18574226? ago

LOL, show me a pack of Whites doing this.

And then keep calling Whites the racists.

Some of you are so incredibly dense that it defies belief.

18567858? ago

You are willfully ignorant of the facts of black violence and crime. Fuck off libertard.

18568187? ago

Bot. You have no soul

18568327? ago

You have no ability to use logic and reason.

18568750? ago

Prove that to me please.

18568779? ago

You think people who are not okay with being beaten by savages are "racist" a made up word invented by Trotsky. You are a cuck, I hope you are a woman or else you are truly pathetic.

18573291? ago

USA pride. Made in America!


18574236? ago

He is right.

You are stupid.

18567820? ago

The Q movement is a larp faggot. Grow up, niggers gonna nig

18568233? ago

Bot #2. Thank you for your deep insight. You really know how to rally the troops.

18567733? ago


  • https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCOp-_-lVkj9MO1VPLAyHvYQ

  • Acknowledging the differences in the races is not racism.

  • Acknowledging that mixed race communities are divided is not racism.

  • Acknowledging that ethnostate nations are unified is not racism.

  • Letting other races live in peace amongst themselves united is not racism.

  • Seeking to preserve your own race and future is not racism.

Biological fact: Whites and Blacks are two entirely separate species of hominid.

Blacks males aged 14-49 represent only 3% of the US population yet they commit over 43% of its murders.

Race and IQ is real and the founding fathers knew it.

Its not fair for them to live in a culture superior to their own and not fair to those on the lower end of the curve of the native population. Many of you are marxists without realizing it. You suppose the government makes the man. Thats marxism. Western civilization is WHITE civilization and thinking you can inject it anywhere and have it work is exactly what marxism is.

Blacks and whites are more genetically distant from each other than chimpanzees are to bonobos. Hominids that derived from convergent evolution. Blacks lack the MCPH1 gene on the 8th chromosome while whites have it, this directly results in lowered frontal lobe development and lowered IQ. Blacks share no common DNA with neanderthals. We are factually two entirely separate species.

The real division? Being tricked into a living in a fantasy land. Mixed populations leads to division.





























* https://files.catbox.moe/gedabg.jpg

18567717? ago

Those animals should be shipped back to the jungle or just put down like a rabbid dogs.

18567349? ago

Imagine the media frenzy if the racial dynamic was reversed.

18569266? ago

Black/Yellow/Brown conservatives aren't Black/Yellow/Brown. They are white supremacists. Full stop.

Remember that group of white antifas screaming racists against a bunch of black and hispanic cops? Well duh, you still get the same KKK yelling to Rosa Parks that she's a white supremacist nazi racist blahblahblah and the MSM applauds.

18569353? ago

Was that fucking English?

18567399? ago

Exactly. This shit is just normal now.

18567278? ago


18566874? ago

This is horrible, yes. But the thing that bothers me is why do you have to say "they were black"? White people commit violent crimes all day and no one on this board mentions the crime. But if they are black then every one wants to make a big deal out of it.

18578333? ago

Your downvoats are proof you are over the target.

You just triggered many "Divide them by race" shills on QRV.

I'll view your downvoats as a badge of honor.

18584937? ago

You want the french divided from their homeland. White genocide shill.

18587175? ago

Straw man.

I reject your definition of French = Race.

You're a Bolshevik puppet shillbot trying to divide humanity by race.

18588245? ago

But you don't reject it when its about Ashkenazis in Israel do you Jew?

18589325? ago

...says the Bolshevik puppet.

For a low IQ hater of Jews, you sure do follow the ideological "divide the people into tribes" narrative of a criminal syndicate that was comprised of 80% Jews.

Dumb fuck. You don't even know where you got your shit from, you 'useful idiot'.


18574252? ago

Yeah? How often are White girls in pacms doing this shit?

Damn, some of you people are so fucking stupid and in denial.

18578346? ago

says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik 'useful idiot'.

Translation of shillspeak: How often are certain races kept poor and in need, all for a specific purpose?

18578589? ago

Another subject change.

As Q says, use logic and reason.

The cabal wants to destroy the west, we are not allowed to notice these patterns.

The MSM doesn't allow it, and the jews here fight your awareness as well.

18587323? ago

Deflection again.

Just because fake news PRACTISES "They want you divided by race", doesn't mean you have to do the same thing here.

Two wrongs don't make a right.

Else you're just a 'useful idiot' of the cabal you just mentioned

18588079? ago

They want Whites destroyed you fucking idiot.

We can either submit to that destruction or we can recognize, ackowledge and openly state what they are doing.

Recognizing and stating what they are doing is "dividing by race" to you????

18589439? ago

"They" are Satanists you stupid low IQ dumb fuck 'useful idiot'.

And you're typing exactly what they want you to type.

100 years ago your sorry ass would have been rabble rousing a worldview of "capitalists vs. proletariats".


18589574? ago

So by recognizing the satanic plot to genocide White nations, and trying to stop them.....I am doing exactly what they want!

Makes perfect sense!!! OMG how could I have miss it?!?!?


18591872? ago

LOL, no you idiot, they want you to think blacks and asians are "coming to get you", and they push narratives in predominantly black nations that whites are "coming to get you", etc, all so that you morons will fight each other and ignore the Satanists who originate that garbage.

Blacks and Asians and Jews and Whites are each told the other races are enemies, you stupid dumbass.

So yes, by rabble rousing "white genocide", you are precisely doing EXACTLY what the Satanists want.

They'll finance the killing of Blacks and Jews and Asians and Browns just as much as they welcome killing Whites, depending on the current world affairs and which races should be targeted and where and when, it's not a constant. They'll kill you in an instant once you think "your tribe" has "won", and you don't like what they do afterwords. You are what's called a 'useful idiot'. You'll think you're "on the right side", but you're just being used like a sheep, sending yourself to your pwn slaughter.

18596087? ago

Ohhhh, I see.

So all those black on white crimes are fake news.

All of those other ethnic tribes invasions aren't happening.

Those misceganation propagmanda commercials, those are only my imagination.

All those "refugees" raping every chance they get, that's not happening.

Those massive indistrial paki child rape gangs across Europe? Totally fake!

Those policies which prefer minority and womem hires (anyone but White men) , they don't exist at all.

This has all been my imagination, amd it is just ludicrous to educate others or to fight back so that my children have a place in this world.

How silly of me to not realize the best thing for me to do is to shut up and sit down.

Great logic you have there. And I bet that is exactly what you want us to do, to keep quiet and submissive.

18596903? ago

Still flailing around, "but muh divide by race" "but muh divide by race"

Fuck you're pathetic.

Get a real job you useless waste of resources. Do the world a favor.


18597438? ago

Accept genocide or be accused of "dividing by race"!

Typical jew, angry at the woke goyim but will NEVER call put the badjew for their role in all of this.

18588292? ago

He's a jew who has already admitted he wants the french to become african and muslim. Just ignore his mental illness, he can't help it.

18568306? ago

You’re fucking a nigger, aren’t you snowbunny?

18578325? ago

says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik 'useful idiot' for the 978th time

18567930? ago

Are you a woman?

18567972? ago

Yes. What does that have to do with anything?

18568085? ago

Because women have a nasty habit of putting their feelings over real suffering and violence done to people. This is why we must repeal the 19th amendment.

18578328? ago

says the increasingly nervous panicking Bolshevik 'useful idiot'.

18584931? ago

Caps lock kike demonstrating his mental illness

18587181? ago


18567199? ago

Because the news won’t. Get the fuck outta here with your bullshit.

18578322? ago

In other words fake news plays the race card of division on the television and newspapers, while you Bolshevik puppets spew the race card of division on social media.

They rabble rouse racism, you rabble rouse racism.



18566857? ago

ya but its still racist to say that blacks commit the overwhelming majority of crimes and there's nothing that can be done about it apparently. This country has collapsed and there's only one way to have hope again IMO.

18567686? ago

33% of the population, they commit over 50% of violent crime. It’s not racist, it’s facts. Fuck you, and your muh diversity.

18566779? ago


18566740? ago

Niggers are the downfall of this nation.

18575798? ago

Says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik puppet.....

18588189? ago

Why do they sterilize blacks in Israel? Do you support that?

18589335? ago

"They" are Satanists

18574510? ago

Of any nation.

18567847? ago

....and my kids wonder why we live far away from diversity.

18568625? ago

a hard thing to do after the previous administration moved low income housing into so many low crime neighborhoods.

18568190? ago

You are a good parent. It’s our job, as parents, to keep our children out of harms way.

18567840? ago

Outdated farming equipment

18566327? ago

Animals. This won't stop until they know what happens to animals who attack our people.

18569795? ago

Hollow point ammo

18566311? ago

"DARK place" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

18568837? ago

dog whistle.

18589897? ago

She means "niggers". No obfuscation needed.

18566025? ago

https://www.invidio.us/watch?v=ZywXwOZhn7I :

Police investigate video showing girls attacking teen, her mother - YouTube

This has been an automated message.

18565953? ago

Niggers are animals. The question is: why didn't the mom empty a few mags onto these chimps?

18578361? ago

says the increasingly nervous "hope for another shooting" panicking Bolshevik shillbotz to stop QRV.

"They read hateful posts on QRV about black people, shut QRV down."


You fucks lost.

/thread neutralized

18580671? ago

Nope. I'm here every day. I'll post many more threads and replies. You haven't neutralized shit.

18587191? ago

Nah, this thread is definitely neutralized. Sufficient refutation exists on the thread and you can't delete it, bitch

18588164? ago

Tell us how the French don't deserve a homeland but the Jews do.

18589364? ago

Why would I tell you something I don't believe?

18575792? ago

says the increasingly nervous Bolshevik puppet

18575848? ago

^^^ The Capslock Kike

18575926? ago

^ ^ ^ Bolshevik puppet "muhjoo" shillbot #239

18570134? ago

You take away the father figure - this is what you get. Jesse Lee Peterson does a great job relating social degradation with the castration of the spiritual patriarch (dad).

They’re trying to do the same with whites with sexual confusion, which is also predominantly related to a caring father figure.

Point being, be a good dad if you have that blessing- even though it can be tough at times, you’re country is literally depending you to propagate universal ideals of love and liberty.


18569694? ago

Niggers are animals.

Probably being mind controlled. Possible because a lot of them do drugs.

Reminder for real anons (read not (((Q))) team members) -



18568593? ago

They rely on whites to have impotent rage, what are they going to do when whites learn that their ancestors were slaves to Islam which causes the white guilt narrative fall apart — and then whites decide to fight with everything they have for their survival?

18578363? ago

says the increasingly nervous "hope for another shooting" panicking Bolshevik shillbot to stop QRV.

"They read hateful posts on QRV about [race] people, shut QRV down."


You fucks lost.

/thread neutralized

18581912? ago

Somebody's triggered by the thought that Whites discover their own history as slaves and rise up and kill all you motherfuckers who believe you've won but will be swinging from ropes over bridges you can't fix yourselves (because you know the endgame of your master is to kill anyone with an IQ over 95) if you succeed.

Because we all know the endgame of your master is to reduce earth's IQ average to 85 or less, meaning you'll be fabricating excuses to hate and kill the smart Asians next.

18587188? ago

^ Triggered "divide_them_by_race.exe" anti-Q Bolshevik puppet shillbot is PANICKING.

The real Q:

"Patriots have no skin color" - Q

18590206? ago

Why did Q tell us to compare old and new history books? What changed other than the holohoax? How is the holohoax related to today's environment where "the biggest victim gets to be the biggest bully?"

Why is it the dual citizens in congress and media behind the coup attempt? Who's trying to crash the economy to sabotage President Trump and his supporters?

Come on man, wake up. Of course individuals are to be judged on the content of their individual character, but that doesn't mean that this isn't one big Mossad operation to take down the West after spending decades of careful planning that was derailed by DJT.

18591708? ago

Satanism, that's why.

18587225? ago

True, patriots have no skin color but a basic level of cognition is necessary for virtue, which is a requirement of liberty.

"Patriots have no skin color" doesn't translate to mean the Bolsheviks weren't Jews, nor to mean that truth is somehow racist.

Whites need to learn real history, hardly anyone knows about the White Gold slave trade, nor even that the women in the "harems" were White Christian slaves from Spain and other places in Europe.

18587632? ago

All human brains have the exact same logical constraints that the ancient Greeks like Aristotle already wrote about.

Such logical constraints of knowing one has to act (move/think) in order to bring about a more satisfactory state of affairs, and that everything that exists can only be what it is and cannot be at the same time something it is not, these bedrock realities are universal to every human that has ever lived and ever will live.

Satanists, such as your masters, seek power over all else, murder mayhem doesn't matter, power over all else. The way they have done this up until Nov 2016 was by dividing the rest of humanity up into warring 'tribes' on the FALSE IDEOLOGY that humans are irreconcilably divided according to CHANGING criteria every time the false ideology is empirically falsified.

In the late 19th and early 20th century your masters were spewing a false ideology that humans were divided by how they earned income, wages vs. profits, where wage earners would become progressively impoverished until they were veritable beasts, scratching nail and claw to survive.

Then when the false ideology was refuted, with American wage earners becoming more wealthy than Kings of old, the Satanic fucks shifted to trying to divide humanity up into races.

The entire behavior of the 'race_bait.exe' shills on QRV and 8ch are nothing but fooled morons, 'useful idiots', who were supposed to do the grunt work of rabble rousing the population at the behest of the Satanists so they focus on extortion/blackmail and self-aggrandizement.

Bolsheviks were 80% Jews.

20% were non-Jewish 1917, and most Jews were not and are not Bolsheviks today.

By blaming 'joos' instead of the Satanists, you just do the Satanist's bidding.

18590120? ago

The Gu serve Lucifer, sorry if I got the devil mixed up with the other devil.

18567814? ago

I was going to ask this very question. If said mom did pull a gun, is it justified with 4 v 1 even if they don’t have weapons ? I know it is clearly a life and death situation, but with current poitical climate, not sure mom wins, even with video ...

18580893? ago

Mom wins by surviving. Backlash be damned. This is where WE as patriots need to do more to support people when moms kill feral niggers. We need to create award shows, HONOR them, and then no one will care about useless trannies flinging shit from the other side of the aisle

18582693? ago

Bahahaha ... Create award shows !!! Brilliant ... and this years “best defense against a yardape” goes to ....

18568928? ago

It would be framed as a racist slaughter. That's the problem with not having control of media.

18568614? ago

but with current poitical climate, not sure mom wins, even with video ...

Who's to say the faceberg live wasn't someone stupid enough to be proud of what the girls were doing?

18568539? ago

Body parts are deadly weapons as far as I am concerned, way too many one punch/kick deaths out there.

18568629? ago


18567877? ago

Dead niggers? Win-win for everyone.

18565875? ago

Charge with full letter of the law with extreme prejudice is what these vicious girls need. There has to be a stop to this crap. This shows they have no respect for anyone.

18566580? ago

There has to be a stop to this crap.

We can't fix a problem if we can't talk honestly about it. Probably a big reason we've been trained to see racism as the gold standard of evil. People are terrified of race realism, they want desperately to see everyone as exactly the same so they can rest assured that they are decent people.

18566793? ago

Correct. Society can't even define the problem.