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18543231? ago

The slow walk has been difficult to wait out, but the Q team plan employs complex game theory and extensive knowledge of the laws of our constitutional republic. The unexpected election of POTUS' administration has allowed Q team to turn the tables on the corrupt deep state methodically, and they manuever the enemy into having only bad choices at every opportunity. The noose is tightening on all traitors. As a patriot I want to see them all prosecuted publicly to the fullest extent of the law. Everyone must recognize these dangers, even the most brainwashed of the sleeping sheep. No mercy, no deals. We can clearly see the malicious insanity the enemy has been instituting to undermine all aspects of our society. They have actively commited crimes of treason, and undoubtedly far worse. Q team, show the enemies crimes to the whole world in ways that cannot be denied.

18549676? ago

Hijacking top comment to remind real anons of the following.

18552507? ago

Your time is coming you DS cunt, all this crap post will catch up with you when all is said and done.

18549761? ago

676 = vtusr = schmuck links to crap